Fitness-GAF, its been a damn long time. I hope to participate for more than 3 posts this go around. Been working out for awhile and wanted to share some shit! Progress post time to introduce myself. I wish I had more pics, like from when I started, but I dont.
31 years old, 510, in 4 months 172lbs -> 200lbs -> 180lbs (Had to be a lot of water weight variations in here too)
My own silly routine (needs more squats)
Monday: Lunchtime hit shoulder accessories and biceps on the dual cable machine at work
After dinner hit Push at home on the power rack, typically starting with incline bench 5x5, flat bench 5x5, incline db, incline db fly, skullcrushers, sometimes mixing in land mines too. When I was bulking throw in deadlifts at the end.
Wednesday: Lunchtime hit shoulder accessories and triceps on the dual cable machine at work
After dinner hit Pull at home on the power rack, typically starting with pull-ups, t-bar rows, bent over rows, Romanian deadlifts, curls.
Friday: Full body workout at the fitness center for my neighborhood, starting with squats at home on the rack.
Main lifts at bulking peak: Incline bench 205x8, flat bench 245x1, ohp 145x3, squat 225x8, deadlift 285x5
February, 2017. 30 year old me isnt in very good shape. Not a whole lot of muscle and no definition, although I generally have a bigger upper body build than the average person I guess. Probably 20% body fat at least. Weighed about 172 pounds. Decided to clean up my garage enough to get to my weight equipment and start working out 2-3 times a week and take it seriously when my cousins gym got shut down, he joined me. At first I just wanted to get in a little better shape but about 3 weeks in I decided I needed to become a big bruising monster, because of course I do.
*no pics
March, 2017. I increase my calorie intake dramatically, stop intermittent fasting (Id always went without food between dinner and lunch since my teens, not for any particular reason except Id get hungrier if I ate breakfast), start taking creatine and citrulline daily, and lift really hard 3 days a week. Got way stronger from here.
*no pics
May, 2017. After dinner before a workout, I weighed in at 200 pounds with my clothes and shoes on. Luckily, most of the fat gain is on my gut and midsection so I feel pretty yoked when Im wearing clothes compared to where I was. Arms, back, shoulders, chest all got bigger. Legs got bigger too but nothing too drastic there as they werent as much of a focus. Anyways, hitting 200 kinda freaked me out and it was time to cut back down to a lower body fat before bulking again. Starting my bulk at 20% body fat and doing it so quickly wasnt the best strategy, obviously. Time to Keto cut.
Me at 200. Im definitely sucking in
June, 2017. 4 weeks on a keto cut, weigh about 180 clothed after dinner. Definitely lost some muscle but still have way more than when I started. Feel a bit deflated though, and motivation to work out isnt as great. Routine has suffered a bit. Even lost motivation to keep taking supplements on a daily basis, although Im sure theyd help more on a cut. I got some glutamine, bcaa and beta alanine to add to the mix but I havent figured out a good dosing on that. I wrapped up the cut after I took this pic even though I still had a decent way to go, it was pretty aggressive. I'm going to try some light body recomposition from here and see where it takes me.
Me at 180. Still sucking in
Now I want to incorporate more squat, deadlifts and cardio into the routine while ending the cut and eating more responsibly.