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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

Nelo Ice

Aside from making chalk where do you guys buy your chalk?. There was chalk at my gym today so tried it since I was dead lifting and wow. My grip strength instantly shot up. Can't not have chalk for next week's deadlifts.


Aside from making chalk where do you guys buy your chalk?. There was chalk at my gym today so tried it since I was dead lifting and wow. My grip strength instantly shot up. Can't not have chalk for next week's deadlifts.
Amazon. You can go to a sporting goods store but expect to pay for 4oz for the same price as 16oz online.


So I strength train 3x a week and add 10 minutes of cardio after each session.

I am thinking about adding a cardio day. Does anyone else do this? How long is your cardio session + what machine do you use?

Nelo Ice

Amazon. You can go to a sporting goods store but expect to pay for 4oz for the same price as 16oz online.

Ebay / Amazon / MyProtein / Climbing sites.
Amazon it is. Will order this week. I don't know why I waited so long to get chalk. Well I was kinda paranoid I wouldn't be able to use it at my gym but I've seen people using it enough times that 24s I go to are cool with it.

Also do you guys get a chalk ball and or just a zip loc to hold it in?.
Like a quick look on Amazon and this seems reasonable.


Just a bit of my journey. As of August 2016, I used to weigh 215 pounds. I am 5 11. So quite obese, and without any significant muscle mass. I kind of let my body go downhill. I am 34 years old, married with 2 children.

I decided that I had to change , since I was having some issues with my weight, like snoring at night and feeling tired. I used to lift on my 20s, but with life I just had "no time". However, you have to find time to get healthier for yourself and your family.

I started going to the gym in August 2016. I changed my diet, and I was lifting 5 to 6 days a week. My sessions usually last 60 min, and when I am working out, I do it the right away, focused with no chit chatting​.
This is how I look 10 months later. My weight is down to 185 pounds , and I put on a decent amount of muscle. I did no cardio, just changed the diet and lift heavy. I still drink alcohol once or twice a week, have one cheat day a week where I eat burgers, ice cream. I am feeling great , and now I enjoy working out.

In the beginning is hard guys, buy you can do it
Once you start seeing results , you​ keep going. No need for crazy diets ,just try to eat more protein, less sugar and candy, and do some activity.

Let's lift guys

PS: I am not looking for a 6 pack. It is so much work guys, not in the gym but in the kitchen lol. I like to eat and drink too much, so I accepted the fact that I might never have a decent 6 pack , and I ok with that.i am lifting more because I enjoy and to stay healthy. Do exercise for whatever reason, health, looks, etc, but do something . You only have one body, keep it healthy


Looking great! Can you share your diet/supplements


Gold Member
Amazon it is. Will order this week. I don't know why I waited so long to get chalk. Well I was kinda paranoid I wouldn't be able to use it at my gym but I've seen people using it enough times that 24s I go to are cool with it.

Also do you guys get a chalk ball and or just a zip loc to hold it in?.
Like a quick look on Amazon and this seems reasonable.

Zip-loc or even a Tupperware tub is fine.
Shoulders coming in. Permission to buzz the tower.



So I strength train 3x a week and add 10 minutes of cardio after each session.

I am thinking about adding a cardio day. Does anyone else do this? How long is your cardio session + what machine do you use?

I strength train lunchtimes and do cardio most days in the evening - a mix between HIIT (treadmill or bike) and low intensity cardio (treadmill). Can take anywhere between 10-20mins for interval training and 30min-60min for low intensity.
Looking great! Can you share your diet/supplements


In terms of supplements, until recently the only thing I was doing was Whey protein shake 1-2 a day and protein bar once a day when I am at work.
Then I noticed some issues with fatigue in the past few weeks, just feeling tired overall, a lot of stress at work. I kind of wanted to get an extra kick to make sure I go to the gym and work out 100%, so I bought a pre-workout supplementation.

I use this new brand called gnosis. Really great, the best bang for you buck. This is from a guy called Omar Isuf, great natural bodybuilder, awesome content on youtube

I don't use the preworkout supplement everyday, only on the days I don't feel like working out.

In terms of diet, nothing fancy. I don't do calorie counting or anything.
something like that:
1. breakfast: I whole grain toast, 1 egg and 3 egg whites, 2 slices of sliced turkey, coffee

2. lunch: broccoli, or another veggie (not a big fan), plus 1 can of tunna or chicken breast, or steak, some carbs like rice or pasta

3. before workout around 3pm: protein bar, some almonds, nuts

4.after work out (usually 6pm): a protein shake, sometimes I double scoop

5. dinner: usually 7-8pm: steak, fish, or chicke breast. I can eat rice, or past, or veggies.

before bed: sometimes I am hungry and I will eat some Halo top ice cream (awesome), or some nuts, or another protein bar

during weekends: I usually drink a bottle of wine with my wife saturday night, with steak, shrimp, cheese, chips, etc.. I don't regulate anything when I am drinking
Sundays I usually grill steaks and brats, with beer (sometimes a lot).

I don't do cardio, maybe 1-2 week, usually brisk walking with my children heading to a playgroun
Gaf, is one can of tuna (120g) safe to eat? I normally have it 4 or 5 days a week for lunch but I've been reading about mercury posioning blah recently and now I'm not so sure.
Shoulders coming in. Permission to buzz the tower.

Definitely jealous of your build, well done!

I might attempt a photo update soon, nearing the end of my "cut" I think. Started on 3/20 at 173lbs, down to 146lbs as of this morning. I don't think I've been below 150lbs for like, 6+ years. I honestly thought if I ever did get below 150 I'd be a bit more defined though... oh well.
Regarding dips and the two ways to do it. I know the wide grip is more for the chest but i fear for my shoulders this way. If I do the less wider grip is that still good enough for my chest if I also do bench press? Or is wide that much better?


Welp, I tried one of Fitness Blender's HIIT workouts with my boyfriend. My god, they killed us. The video was only 25 minutes long but it was brutal. I will try incorporating these into my off days.
PR made today on squat. 390lbs 3x3!!! Although I felt I probably could have done it in sets of 5 but my workouts are getting too long. 405 is so close.

Now if only my bench could get there :(


For some reason Hook Grip clicked with me tonight. Haven't even been 'trying to' get it, it just clicked. A little painful but not too bad.
Any recommendations for beginner workout routines? I prefer bodyweight exercises, since I don't have access to a gym. I basically have dumbells and pullup bar at my place.

I'm 5'9, 165 and looking to shapen up a bit (getting some semblance of abs would be awesome). I really don't know much about fitness strategy, so looking forward to hearing suggestions! Thanks!




Ugh, losing that last ~10 lbs is such a grind, especially since I travel often for work. The temptation to blow the cut lurks around nearly every corner and I have a nice per diem that's just begging to be spent each day. I'm going to get at that goal weight by at most the end of the summer though; if I slow and steady stair-step my weight down to my goal, so be it. I'm just ready to hit that target number so I can do my first ever dedicated bulk cycle!

Question: for all you guys who lift and run, what type of general routine are you doing? I'm going to more regularly incorporate weights into my routine, even while cutting, but I think I want to avoid a dedicated "leg day" so my running days aren't affected. I'm literally just starting to become a regular/semi-regular outdoor runner. Despite always being fit in my youth and playing multiple sports, I always avoided just running, but I'm sort of enjoying getting into it now and want to keep it up.

I was thinking of doing some upper-body type splits, but also incorporate a big, compound lift on those days (say, one day squat, another day deadlift, etc.), rather than just do a dedicated leg day. I'm all ears for feedback and recommendations though. I've been "blessed" genetically with big calves and legs, so I don't need a leg day just to add size.
I am also interested to the answers to GatorBait's question. I run three times a week as opposed to five times before, and I have quite good looking legs, so I don't do leg day but I do leg extensions. I read that they're bad though. Seriously though, almost every pair of legs I've seen on the gym are wiry, even the ones on Youtube are. If there's one thing my body looks better than other people's body, it's the legs.


I am also interested to the answers to GatorBait's question. I run three times a week as opposed to five times before, and I have quite good looking legs, so I don't do leg day but I do leg extensions. I read that they're bad though. Seriously though, almost every pair of legs I've seen on the gym are wiry, even the ones on Youtube are. If there's one thing my body looks better than other people's body, it's the legs.

Honestly just squat ass to grass.


Ugh, my cut isn't going as well as planned. Yesterday was mom's bday and the family went out for AYCE sushi.

I ate so much fish that I expect Aquaman to come to my house to make me atone for my sins against the creatures of his domain.
Shoulder seems to have finally recovered. Going to continue with the rehab exercises though.

Going to be a long road back to full strength. No idea if I'll ever get it all back fully. =/


Shoulder seems to have finally recovered. Going to continue with the rehab exercises though.

Going to be a long road back to full strength. No idea if I'll ever get it all back fully. =/

Keep it positive or else you're always going to have a chip on your shoulder.
Keep it positive or else you're always going to have a chip on your shoulder.

Difficult to to be honest. Been a terrible year for strength. :(

Assuming 2015 was 100%, 2016 saw me drop to 90%, and now I'm down at 75%.

Really hard to see how I could ever get back to 2015 levels (especially as I weigh 10kg less).


Just started back at the gym after a rather long absence due to laziness and Ill health. I have Ulcerative Colitis, and when it flares I lose a lot of body mass. I just had a particularly nasty flare that required a week in hospital, but now I'm well and looking to put the weight and muscle back.

I've been doing this rotation:

30 minutes stretching and yoga.
30 minutes weights.
30 minutes running.

I'll increase as I get fitter.

What I need advice on is the weight reps. Anyone have a good set of all-round lifts I could fit into a 30 minute slot? My entire body needs work and this is the part I understand the least.

Anything else anyone would recommend?



I have a couple cartons of egg whites that are about 10 days from the bb date. Was going to use some tonight and its not the normal consistency. It pours out kinda clumpy and there is some clouding. Is this a sign they've gone bad?

They're Costco brand, I've had it happen once before and tossed them to be safe. Never had this issue with other brands so maybe Costco labels the dates too far out for the product.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I have a couple cartons of egg whites that are about 10 days from the bb date. Was going to use some tonight and its not the normal consistency. It pours out kinda clumpy and there is some clouding. Is this a sign they've gone bad?

They're Costco brand, I've had it happen once before and tossed them to be safe. Never had this issue with other brands so maybe Costco labels the dates too far out for the product.
See if they float in water. Floating = gone bad. Eggs are usually good for a few weeks after their best buy date.

Nelo Ice

So been meaning to try high bar squats and my adipowers should be here before squat day. How much should I lower the weight for 5/3/1 BBB with FSL and joker sets?. I've only ever done low bar. I did fail to hit the minimum 5 reps for 230lbs on my squats last week. So I was already going to deload for this week and right now according to the calc I'd attempt 3x215 for my last set on 3s week.

Also I did practice doing high bar during my deload week last week. Also as for the adipowers I'm guessing I should try using em with all the compounds save for deadlifts?.


See if they float in water. Floating = gone bad. Eggs are usually good for a few weeks after their best buy date.

that trick doesn't work with cartons of egg whites since there is some air in the container.

maybe someone else knows how to tell if they've gone bad or not.


any pics of those amazing legs? :D so jelly

mine are just thin, nothing to show there. my calves are kind of toned/shaped but my lower body is boring af.

I've given up on my calves - think they're the only thing that rarely/never changes when I go through bulking/cutting phases


I have a couple cartons of egg whites that are about 10 days from the bb date. Was going to use some tonight and its not the normal consistency. It pours out kinda clumpy and there is some clouding. Is this a sign they've gone bad?

They're Costco brand, I've had it happen once before and tossed them to be safe. Never had this issue with other brands so maybe Costco labels the dates too far out for the product.
Return that shit. I've had that with Costco brand egg whites before. I think they had a bad batch because as soon as I opened it the shit was all clumpy. Bought a second one and it was like that. Haven't had that issue since but I had to wait like a month before they got a new batch in.


I have a couple cartons of egg whites that are about 10 days from the bb date. Was going to use some tonight and its not the normal consistency. It pours out kinda clumpy and there is some clouding. Is this a sign they've gone bad?

They're Costco brand, I've had it happen once before and tossed them to be safe. Never had this issue with other brands so maybe Costco labels the dates too far out for the product.

Once you open the carton the shelf life is only 2-3 days (some suggest 7 days). That said, since they are pasteurized egg product then they shouldn't be a food safety issue if you've kept them in the fridge and they have been contaminated by an outside source.

I would always err on the side of caution if you are really concerned, but unless there are foul odors, discoloration or obvious spoilage, then they are technically safe to eat.
Just started back at the gym after a rather long absence due to laziness and Ill health. I have Ulcerative Colitis, and when it flares I lose a lot of body mass. I just had a particularly nasty flare that required a week in hospital, but now I'm well and looking to put the weight and muscle back.

I've been doing this rotation:

30 minutes stretching and yoga.
30 minutes weights.
30 minutes running.

I'll increase as I get fitter.

What I need advice on is the weight reps. Anyone have a good set of all-round lifts I could fit into a 30 minute slot? My entire body needs work and this is the part I understand the least.

Anything else anyone would recommend?


Just stick to compound lifts if time is a factor. Try something like:

Squat 3 x 8
Bent - Over Row 3 x 8
Bench Press 3 x 8
Deadlift 3 x 8

Maybe Alternate heavy/light days for squat and DL as I know they can be too much for some to do in the same workout.


Just stick to compound lifts if time is a factor. Try something like:

Squat 3 x 8
Bent - Over Row 3 x 8
Bench Press 3 x 8
Deadlift 3 x 8

Maybe Alternate heavy/light days for squat and DL as I know they can be too much for some to do in the same workout.
Maybe add in Overhead Press too, or alternate OHP with bench like starting strength does.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
that trick doesn't work with cartons of egg whites since there is some air in the container.

maybe someone else knows how to tell if they've gone bad or not.
Somehow missed the egg white part. Yeah then fall back on the - if it looks bad it is bad - rule.

Nelo Ice

I should have gotten chalk years ago. Now that I won't worry as much about failing a set due to grip strength, I feel like a 4 plate deadlift will finally be in reach this year. And can't wait to see how it is to squat and OHP when my adipowers come in.
any pics of those amazing legs? :D so jelly

mine are just thin, nothing to show there. my calves are kind of toned/shaped but my lower body is boring af.
Have I been called to the podium? I don't think I can post mine right now. I'll post when I get more self-esteem. I'll definitely call your attention when I do, though.


Return that shit. I've had that with Costco brand egg whites before. I think they had a bad batch because as soon as I opened it the shit was all clumpy. Bought a second one and it was like that. Haven't had that issue since but I had to wait like a month before they got a new batch in.

Ya I ended up tossing them and will pick up new ones tonight. They smelled fine but the consistency is closer to curdled than liquid egg. The crap part is sometimes you won't find out its chunky until half way through the carton. I'd be interested to find out what causes it to happen. It's odd the Costco brand is the only one I've experienced this happen with.

Once you open the carton the shelf life is only 2-3 days (some suggest 7 days). That said, since they are pasteurized egg product then they shouldn't be a food safety issue if you've kept them in the fridge and they have been contaminated by an outside source.

I would always err on the side of caution if you are really concerned, but unless there are foul odors, discoloration or obvious spoilage, then they are technically safe to eat.

I always use the carton in 3 days after opening. Beyond that it starts to get white bits in it which isn't appetizing and I like my food tasting fresh lol.
The problem cartons in my case are freshly opened. It was so thick it wouldn't come out the hole without being reshaken. Thick like nickelodeon gak.

Nelo Ice

Adipowers came in today 😬. Next on the list is I guess a belt?. Will probably look to get one in the future when I get closer to a 4 plate deadlift and 3 plate squat. Doing some reading and it looks like I should eventually get an under belt?. If so which one and do they ever go on sale?.

Also for anyone looking to get adipowers I went a half size down from my usual 8.5 and they fit perfectly.


I can't get anything going today. Everything felt uncomfortable squatting today. My shoes felt uncomfortable, my belt felt uncomfortable, the bar felt uncomfortable. 💀 Agh
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