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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Thanks for the feedback, bro. But, the reason I was on a hiatus was due to a herniated disc. I got hesitant on returning to lifting even though I wanted to. Each time I tried to my lower back would give in at some point.

I can see the point in stretching/warming up, but will push-ups really help avoiding a hernia again?

Well, that should be one of the few exercises that won't actively hurt with lower back issues. And you will build a ton of stability through your midsection.
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Hey folks, long time no workie. My son is still in the hospital and I had a mini breakdown. It’s been one of those years. I’ve always lived by the philosophy that experience is the most important thing we can individually pursue in life since that is all we really get while we’re here. I try to remember this when I’m feeling sorry for myself or my son or my family.

Hang in there y’all whatever you’re going through. Like all things, this too shall pass.

My son is getting discharged today and he is coming back home with us. The group home decided they can’t continue care because he had a G tube placed while he was there. I’m scared about caring for him myself. He was placed in a group home because it became too much to manage. Now after almost a month in the hospital and a G tube placement we are bribing him home. I hope none of you ever have to experience a situation like this. It’s so hard to explain that I am terrified of my son coming home. I feel like a terrible father for these feelings and then I beat myself up and eat away my emotions. Phew!!

What a long strange trip it’s been.

EDIT: I did run today too, uploaded the wrong pic but here’s the deets. It was short but sweet. One of the best ways to begin the day.

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Anyone here ever done regular full day fasting? I was thinking about doing one day fast per week. Science seems to be pretty clear on the health benefits.

Was thinking About doing it like this...

Monday+Tuesday (no Training): High Protein, Low Carb
Wednesday (no Training): Fast
Thursday-Sunday (Training Days): Carb cycling

Seems legit, no?

Anyway, if anyone wondered… I fixed my digestion issues. The problem was with carb cycling. I used to do a pretty strict 4 day Training (high carb), 3 days off (low carb) regiment for quite some time and only switched one day training (high carb), one day off (low carb) regiment two months ago. Reversing back to my old cycle fixed the problem completely. It appears that my intestines just need more time to process the carbs from my training days. Only one day off on low carb is not enough. Well, it was worth a try. Learned something new about my body.


I need to get in shape, both for health reasons and also I hate the way my body looks.

I managed to get into “normal weight” for my height a couple of years ago but ended up slipping a disk in my back while on the cross trainer.

My back is ok again but I’m not going back to long periods of cardio because I’m too scared it will happen again.

I have 10kg weights (I’m weak they are pretty heavy for me) and a bunch of heavy plastic weapons I swing around.

No unhealthily food and no beer for a while. Lift weights, get strong.

I’m going to pretend I’m Tesseract Tesseract and try to channel some of that energy.


Anyone here ever done regular full day fasting? I was thinking about doing one day fast per week. Science seems to be pretty clear on the health benefits.

Was thinking About doing it like this...

Monday+Tuesday (no Training): High Protein, Low Carb
Wednesday (no Training): Fast
Thursday-Sunday (Training Days): Carb cycling

Seems legit, no?

Anyway, if anyone wondered… I fixed my digestion issues. The problem was with carb cycling. I used to do a pretty strict 4 day Training (high carb), 3 days off (low carb) regiment for quite some time and only switched one day training (high carb), one day off (low carb) regiment two months ago. Reversing back to my old cycle fixed the problem completely. It appears that my intestines just need more time to process the carbs from my training days. Only one day off on low carb is not enough. Well, it was worth a try. Learned something new about my body.

I usually do something like this:

Mon-Wed (Crossfit): Keto
Thu (Rest Day): Fast, every other week, otherwise Keto
Fri (Crossfit): Cheat day
Sat (Cardio): Keto
Sun (Rest Day): Keto

I need to be in deep ketosis if I want to fast, otherwise I get some really bad food cravings, making fasting difficult, so usually do my cheat day the day after fast.


Anyone here ever done regular full day fasting? I was thinking about doing one day fast per week. Science seems to be pretty clear on the health benefits.

Was thinking About doing it like this...

Monday+Tuesday (no Training): High Protein, Low Carb
Wednesday (no Training): Fast
Thursday-Sunday (Training Days): Carb cycling

Seems legit, no?

Anyway, if anyone wondered… I fixed my digestion issues. The problem was with carb cycling. I used to do a pretty strict 4 day Training (high carb), 3 days off (low carb) regiment for quite some time and only switched one day training (high carb), one day off (low carb) regiment two months ago. Reversing back to my old cycle fixed the problem completely. It appears that my intestines just need more time to process the carbs from my training days. Only one day off on low carb is not enough. Well, it was worth a try. Learned something new about my body.

I lost 65 pounds doing this. There's a saying over on the fasting subreddit. Fasting is like fight club. The first rule is you don't talk about fasting. When you bring it up to "normal" people who have not done the research you tend to hear about starvation mode etc.

Longest fast I did was like 66 hours. I can't seem to make it a full 3 days, I was too starving. After hitting my goal weight I don't do full day fasts any more just 18-20 hour IF's, so my eating window is usually 4 to 6 hours everyday.

Also be careful after doing a multiple day fast. If you eat too much on that 1st day you will shit yourself/get explosive diarrhea.
I've been thinking about stopping using the treadmill for cardio. Not the only machine I use.

I do sprints on that shit. So I'm thinking it's fine now but over the long run how much banging am I putting on my joints? I wanna preserve my glorious cartilage as much as I can.

I think I'm gonna stick to cycling type cardio machines from now on.

Ive ditched upright bikes too because 5 mins sitting on that shit I feel the effects at the core of my ass. Motherfucker you're not taking nobody's fertility.


I've been thinking about stopping using the treadmill for cardio. Not the only machine I use.

I do sprints on that shit. So I'm thinking it's fine now but over the long run how much banging am I putting on my joints? I wanna preserve my glorious cartilage as much as I can.

I think I'm gonna stick to cycling type cardio machines from now on.

Ive ditched upright bikes too because 5 mins sitting on that shit I feel the effects at the core of my ass. Motherfucker you're not taking nobody's fertility.

Have you tried a rower?
Feels better on my old man joints.
it's said that training gloves are for people that like to have something to match their purse

but fuck that im gonna get me some gloves for them hammer strength seated rows because although i love that machine, it's the only machine that fucks my shit up

my calluses are scorched


King Snowflake
I'm fucking sick of being fat I was over 260 recently, 270 last year. I got fat not long after getting out of grad school and continued to get fatter and fatter in the years since. I was in great shape in grad school. I lifted all the time and ran for ever so I am not in terrible physical shape, just fat. A lot of it was alcohol and associated drunchies in the jobs that sucked and working too hard in the ones that didn't. What seems to be working for me in the last 3 weeks is the following:

  • Weigh in every day - First thing in the morning after crapping and pissing, sometimes after exercising
  • Log calories every meal. No target just sane meal totals and the logging helps and opting for lower calorie density foods. I tend to be well below 2500 calories a day.
  • Monday - No planned exercise
  • Elliptical at home before work for 30 minutes on days I work the next day. Make sure to get my steps in at work on those days.
  • On Days where I am off or don't work the next day -> Gym after work: 30 minutes elliptical on max then doing whatever the App the gym has tells me to do for lifting. I get every other Friday off so this gives me 3-4 gym days per week.
  • Keeping Track in a Spreadsheet:
    • Make it like work because I am good at work.
    • Monday Morning Weight
    • Loss in week vs loss needed to meet goal weight
      • Target weight is 175 and planned for next August.
    • cumulative lbs lost
    • Setting milestones - The weight I need to hit so I can run again (225)
    • Weekly steps
  • I am also going to put together a physical record of my loss. For each 7.5 lbs of fat I lose I am going to fill an empty gallon container with 7.5lbs of water. A gallon of fat is roughly 7.5lbs. ( water is ~8.3lbs / gal and fat is 90% as dense) I am then going to make myself carry all those gallons around the neighborhood to remind me not to get so fucking fat again. With any luck I will have 10-11 gallons next summer and 3 by Xmas.

Last year I did something similar and lost close to 20 lbs. I fucked up over the holidays and went back to the daily drinking. I didn't collect the data, nor did I log all my meals. I hope that added discipline will help me keep it up when I get back home post Xmas.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So I recently decided to get shredded out of my mind.

Here is the plan:
Bored? Work out.
Anxiety? Work out.
Sad? Work out.
Thinking about work too much? Work out.
Thinking about women too much? Work out.
Thinking about existential whatever too much? Work out.

As you see, this will result in much less mind and much more shredded out of mind. We can call it the “mind out to matter” plan.


So I recently decided to get shredded out of my mind.

Here is the plan:
Bored? Work out.
Anxiety? Work out.
Sad? Work out.
Thinking about work too much? Work out.
Thinking about women too much? Work out.
Thinking about existential whatever too much? Work out.

As you see, this will result in much less mind and much more shredded out of mind. We can call it the “mind out to matter” plan.


whenever i'm down i do hardcore cardio and the high i feel after lifts me up for the remainder of the day

i usually read my bible a bit after too (you might appreciate this)
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So I recently decided to get shredded out of my mind.

Here is the plan:
Bored? Work out.
Anxiety? Work out.
Sad? Work out.
Thinking about work too much? Work out.
Thinking about women too much? Work out.
Thinking about existential whatever too much? Work out.

As you see, this will result in much less mind and much more shredded out of mind. We can call it the “mind out to matter” plan.

That's what I used to do. 10-20 push ups and squats along with 1 minute plank variations. It's amazing how all that small work multiple times a day builds you up.

Time to get back to it! I do it in my cubicle at work like:



Gold Member
sorry to triple, hey DavidGzz DavidGzz since i see you're online, what do you use for grip strength?

I don't really focus on improving it, it's always been good since I used to deadlift pretty regularly. Now I keep it strong by doing rack pulls and weighted pullups. I practice hanging for a while with weight strapped to myself. I can hang for over 2 minutes, just started practicing that since I failed to on my last vacation lol. They had a station where you could try to hang for 2 min for $100. Failed at 1:38. Pissed me off.


I don't really focus on improving it, it's always been good since I used to deadlift pretty regularly. Now I keep it strong by doing rack pulls and weighted pullups. I practice hanging for a while with weight strapped to myself. I can hang for over 2 minutes, just started practicing that since I failed to on my last vacation lol. They had a station where you could try to hang for 2 min for $100. Failed at 1:38. Pissed me off.

rad, i'm doing the same with rack and weighted pulls

thanks bro!


So i think I injured myself doing ab exercises. if I had to guess the culprit was the ab wheel. The weird part is my abs themselves aren't sore it's the area below my belly button to the top of my dick/where the pubes start that is tender. Luckily I can only feel this when I try to do situps, or the ab wheel. Anyone ever experience that? A guy I work with told me to be careful because that's a possible hernia, but I don't see anything sticking out.


So i think I injured myself doing ab exercises. if I had to guess the culprit was the ab wheel. The weird part is my abs themselves aren't sore it's the area below my belly button to the top of my dick/where the pubes start that is tender. Luckily I can only feel this when I try to do situps, or the ab wheel. Anyone ever experience that? A guy I work with told me to be careful because that's a possible hernia, but I don't see anything sticking out.

you probably just pulled a muscle

rest, ice, it should be better soon

go to a doctor if there's still issues after 2 weeks
sorry to triple, hey DavidGzz DavidGzz since i see you're online, what do you use for grip strength?

Not that you asked but now that I’m your gafDAD I thought I’d share what I’m doing for grip strength along with the usual pull-ups.

I’ve got this little stress ball that I got as a work gift and I used to keep it as a decoration but lately I’ve started doing little arm workouts with it. I’ll squeeze it like I’m making a fist 100 times in each hand as fast as I can and then repeat another 50 times immediately afterwards changing my arm position 90 degrees from the first set. My arm is outstretched like a punch and my fist is horizontal to the ground fist and then I turn it so it’s perpendicular to the ground for the last 50. It really burns my forearms but I love how damn hard they are getting.

Here’s the awesome little ball:



Not that you asked but now that I’m your gafDAD I thought I’d share what I’m doing for grip strength along with the usual pull-ups.

I’ve got this little stress ball that I got as a work gift and I used to keep it as a decoration but lately I’ve started doing little arm workouts with it. I’ll squeeze it like I’m making a fist 100 times in each hand as fast as I can and then repeat another 50 times immediately afterwards changing my arm position 90 degrees from the first set. My arm is outstretched like a punch and my fist is horizontal to the ground fist and then I turn it so it’s perpendicular to the ground for the last 50. It really burns my forearms but I love how damn hard they are getting.

Here’s the awesome little ball:


awesome dude, gonna have to nab one of these off amazon and replicate
awesome dude, gonna have to nab one of these off amazon and replicate

It was something I adapted after watching some martial arts training videos. They were working on their fast twitch muscles and basically making fists as fast as they could for a minute straight. I added the ball because I had it and extra resistance is always good it seems.

I might be talking out of my ass but it makes sense and more importantly works for me. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

man i like to get a couple light weight dumbbells right

between 12.5 - 15 lbs

standing up i hold the dumbbells like i'm about to do hammer curls, so my inner wrists are facing my thighs

and i just curl my wrists until that motherfucker burns good

i do a couple sets of those

your forearms gonna turn into a goddamn baseball bat doing these



you healing well?

They seem ok although I've been taking it very easy on my ab workouts recently. I only did exercise ball crunches and seated Russian twists both of which don't really hit my lower abs, but that was kinda the point. I'll probably hit them a little harder later in the week and see where I'm at.

I think how I ended up injuring myself is that I got REALLY good at the ab wheel and was basically going fully horizontal with the floor. I think I went too deep and pulled something.
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