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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

Refeed this Saturday. Gots the fam treating me to leveling up! I need it, too, throw a little refresh on.

Generally? Because they're so fucking insecure that they feel to project their own negativity onto others. It's desperately pathetic. I genuinely feel for them.

Unrelated... man, I forgot how much I could achieve on the bike when I wasn't wrecked from weights the day before. Despite having to be careful because of my back injury, I just set new 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minute power records on the turbo trainer. Only 1 watt off my 60 minute record.

Fucking pumped. Injury aside I'm peaking at pretty much the right time for my first major event of the year. o/
Nicely done! How's the pain been?
Last night was awful after the physio roughed me up, but this afternoon hasn't been so bad. Have another treatment tomorrow so I'm guessing sleep will be a bit iffy after that, but hopefully on my way to mending now.


Last night was awful after the physio roughed me up, but this afternoon hasn't been so bad. Have another treatment tomorrow so I'm guessing sleep will be a bit iffy after that, but hopefully on my way to mending now.

Any idea what it is, officially? Sorry if you already posted.
No, I'd need a scan for that and there didn't really seem much point. Physio said something about thoracic spine and joints, but I wasn't really paying much attention as it felt like she was trying to murder me at the time.


No, I'd need a scan for that and there didn't really seem much point. Physio said something about thoracic spine and joints, but I wasn't really paying much attention as it felt like she was trying to murder me at the time.

hahahaha feeling any better as time goes by?


So I have been wondering why my Adonis belt has not been popping out of my pants like you see on those dudes on the cover of Men's Health. I'm not super cut yet, but the muscle is definitely there. However, if my underwear is in its normal place it looks like fat sticking out. So I'm thinking maybe I just need to keep working my abs and cut more.

But then I look closer at these pictures and I realize that these guys are wearing their pants Iike 5+ inches below their belly button. If I was to put my pants there you would see my ass crack.

So I am coming to the realization that I might not be a Men's Health cover model guys. I might need a hug.
hahahaha feeling any better as time goes by?

Other than this, not really much to report:

Last night was awful after the physio roughed me up, but this afternoon hasn't been so bad. Have another treatment tomorrow so I'm guessing sleep will be a bit iffy after that, but hopefully on my way to mending now.

That said, I was definitely improving until last Sunday, when I made it a shitload worse on a bike ride.


By the way, psycho, I feel your Home Buying pain.

We accepted an offer on our house only to have the buyer walk away last minute. Sucks.


You're awesome Sean. Impressive!


Couple people in NBAGaf trying to downplay Curry’s 400lb hex bar DL saying it isn't impressive. This place kills me sometimes. lol
Right. Glad you had my back in there but I just left.

That dude is probably eating Doritos and drinking 32 of slushie as he types "400lb is not impressive and do you even lift?" Like lol that dude came off like an ass for no reason


Right. Glad you had my back in there but I just left.

That dude is probably eating Doritos and drinking 32 of slushie as he types "400lb is not impressive and do you even lift?" Like lol that dude came off like an ass for no reason

It's the nature of the internet. Anonymity leads to people saying some dumb ass shit because they can. I'll never understand why putting others down makes some people feel better, but, alas, it does.


Today was my last workout before going on vacation and deloading. Benched 300 for a 2x2 and then an amrap of 4. Was expecting 3 so 4 was a surprise and calculates to a 339 bench. My previous 1 rep max was 305. Gonna do a 3 week peak and test my maxes when I come back.

Amrap set: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFm-K9gDi1T/

Edit: this probably isn't impressive to NBA gaf but it's the best I could do :/
Gonna take the plunge this weekend and try out Beachbody on demand.

I'm down to 207, trying to reach a fit/lean muscular 190ish if I can help it. It'll be one year in October for this journey and I want to get below 200 before then. Did a couple free P90X workouts on youtube and it made me a believer. Combination of body weight and cardio workouts that really get the blood pumping and a good sweat when I'm finished. Just as long as they don't try to sell me on shakes and other crap I have zero interest in. Just want the workouts so I can try to stream them off the PS4 browser.

On the more plus side, I'm wearing medium shirts now. Still have a pooch, but it ain't much of a gut anymore. And I'm wearing size 38 pants. Don't even remember the last time I was able to wear a 38... maybe high school. But yeah, totally a game changer.

Still struggling with getting my chest muscle to start popping out, need to find something inexpensive to do dips off of or maybe a weighted vest for pushups.


So I've taken video of my bench form and corrected few things, I had to deload by 10% or so to be able to do it correctly but it's k.

Was squatting heavy and this guy saw me struggling (finally got lowbar correct but have wrist pain, looking into that right now, also not really struggling more like sweating and setting up properly for longer time) and gave me foam thing, I'm kinda nice and since it's 4 am and we're only ones there I took it. Well that set sucked and next one fucking thing moved and I almost sprained my delts and fell over lol.

Also seems like I either have triceps tendonitis or tennis elbow, I tried doing cable rope pushdown and at very low weight it doesnt hurt but when you increase it yeah I feel it. It's not sharp pain more like dull aching there that gets worse if I keep at it. Not sure what to do with this. From what I've read it's either gonna be there forever so I should switch to exercises that don't trigger it or quit anything involving elbow/triceps for long ass time and see if that helps...


So I've taken video of my bench form and corrected few things, I had to deload by 10% or so to be able to do it correctly but it's k.

Was squatting heavy and this guy saw me struggling (finally got lowbar correct but have wrist pain, looking into that right now, also not really struggling more like swearing and setting up properly for longer time) and gave me foam thing, I'm kinda nice and since it's 4 am and we're only ones there I took it. Well that set sucked and next one fucking thing moved and I almost sprained my delts and fell over lol.

Also seems like I either have triceps tendonitis or tennis elbow, I tried doing cable rope pushdown and at very low weight it doesnt hurt but when you increase it yeah I feel it. It's not sharp pain more like dull aching there that gets worse if I keep at it. Not sure what to do with this. From what I've read it's either gonna be there forever so I should switch to exercises that don't trigger it or quit anything involving elbow/triceps for long ass time and see if that helps...

I also got a wrist injury but I think I lifting every day is not helping it heal.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
It is. I'm seeing noticeable differences. Some shorts and pants i've had for years are becoming too tight.

Feeling the same way. It's fun to know another FitGAFer is at a similar improvement level.
Let's gooooooo!!

it's 11:45pm but I seriously feeling like going to the gym and lifting. closes in 15mins though. Tomorrow though!


Three shall be the number of days thou shalt work out, and the number of the workout days shall be three. Four shalt thou not work out, neither two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


I'm working on rebuilding my strength so it's just 3 days a week for me and not progressing as fast as I hoped plus this issue I mentioned :(
Probably would be better if I ate more but trying to avoid getting fat and my bulk has been spot on in terms of muscle gain and weight change.


Currently going 5 days a week. When I peak it'll probably be 3 days and when I do another volume block it'll be 4. When I was squatting and benching 3x per week I was going 6 days, giving each squat and bench day it's own focus, but I didn't like how much of my week it was taking up so I combined those workouts to fit in 4 days. This makes volume blocks fun with the days being:
1. Squat Bench
2. Squat Deadlift
3. Bench Military Press
4. Squat Bench Deadlift

Since those blocks of training are pretty sub maximal in the 60-75% range I don't feel like I'm losing any focus on individual lifts by combining them. I really liked the progress I saw with this volume and am thinking of upping it to squat and bench 4x week next time.


Strength is coming back nicely. Got good sleep, took yesterday off and after a long day at work and many things around the house, I finally started lifting at around 1230pm. Being it's my own house, I cranked up the trance and hit the weights.

Last time I did ohp I only got 135x3. I hit 135x5 easy, then 140x5, 145x4,150x2,155x2, 160x2 then 165x1. I am sure I had more in me, but it was getting late and have work in the morning so called it a night. Feeling damn good right now.
Can't get my calorie intake right whilst dealing with this injury. Every day so far I've lost weight... am starting to look horribly scrawny again.

Feel like I wasted six months on a bulk that I'm losing the gains from. :(


I've dropped from 5 days to 3 as i'm doing stronglifts 5x5 and can't see me squatting 3x a week AND doing something else in the 2 days between AND a 5k every saturday morning, i think i'd just stall surely?


Can't get my calorie intake right whilst dealing with this injury. Every day so far I've lost weight... am starting to look horribly scrawny again.

Feel like I wasted six months on a bulk that I'm losing the gains from. :(

I hate you, I only need to look at food and I gain :(


Right. Glad you had my back in there but I just left.

That dude is probably eating Doritos and drinking 32 of slushie as he types "400lb is not impressive and do you even lift?" Like lol that dude came off like an ass for no reason

I went and read the posts. Jesus. What a douche.

Today was my last workout before going on vacation and deloading. Benched 300 for a 2x2 and then an amrap of 4. Was expecting 3 so 4 was a surprise and calculates to a 339 bench. My previous 1 rep max was 305. Gonna do a 3 week peak and test my maxes when I come back.

Amrap set: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFm-K9gDi1T/

Edit: this probably isn't impressive to NBA gaf but it's the best I could do :/

Badass. And lol at the last line.

I try to go 6 days a week. Never less than 5 tho.

Staying strong and leanish.

I'm loving 6 days a week. I really look forward to going.



One (maybe ignorant) question: why doesn't a buff guy like you have a sixpack if you are at your goal weight?
Everyone's goals are different and everyone has a different build. Some people care more about being strong and healthy than just having a 6-pack for show.

A 6-pack is not indicative of being strong or healthy by itself, only a sign of lower body fat. See your local crackheads for example :p


I just wanted to say that after three years being stationary or losing some weight on my bench, i've finally started to climb back up a bit (doing 4x8 reps with 190 lbs again), so maybe it wasn't all about age (30 now), and i can still can go up again.

Also no matter how much i bench or eat, i still can't move from those 130 pounds at 5'7" Everyone was telling me that with age, my metabolism would slow down and i'd get some weight on, but i'm 30 now and still haven't moved a single lbs from 10 years ago. Can't complain though, i have the body of a greek god


Junior Member
Does anyone know how roughly many grams of carbs in 100g of cooked spaghetti?

Virtually everything in MFP is giving me a dry weight reading only.
Does anyone know how roughly many grams of carbs in 100g of cooked spaghetti?

Virtually everything in MFP is giving me a dry weight reading only.
From a carb perspective, I go by dry weight and it's always been dead on for me in terms of blood glucose/insulin use as compared to eating other dry carbs. Of course, sauce is additional so factor in what you need.

That's about all I got.


...and for mdsfx, his absolute max bulking weight has him at a 4 pack, and his cutting goal weight, a 12 pack.

Abs with abs!


Also, I almost forgot! Last night I dreamt that we all met up in Vegas. You showed up showing off your huge, veiny quads and kept trying to sell me a shitty bike lol. Everyone was pretty rowdy... and mostly faceless.
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