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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

Took me three months of three days on average a week. Started with a muffin top but now I've got a six pack. Hoping to get to 300 lb deadlifts (my fave) but may be pushing it. I had a big butt before, but glute activation now gets me attention everywhere I go. Thankfully I take Jiu Jitsu so I can break arms just in case. I lifted weights before but I don't think I did them properly. Getting trained helped me have great gains and toning.

I've always wanted a physique like this.


And this year just decided to go for it.

I say just go for it. Look for a gym with a good free weight section and a trainer who knows wtf he or she is talking about. Go tour different gyms. Avoid Planet Fitness and any place that has an over emphasis on machines.

Wow. 3 months??

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I feel so overwhelmed on the topic. I guess I just have a ton of research to do. Someone else in this thread suggested the book Strating Strengh and I just got the e-book. I really need to get fit. Will lifting slow down my weight loss?
Wow. 3 months??

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I feel so overwhelmed on the topic. I guess I just have a ton of research to do. Someone else in this thread suggested the book Strating Strengh and I just got the e-book. I really need to get fit. Will lifting slow down my weight loss?

For the record, 150 lb deadlift isn't particular great because it's my body weight. When I start doing half my body weight we'll be talking.

Lifting will increase your weight loss.

I'll get you links later. I'm finishing up at the gym.


Um wow, haven't been active here in a bit due to life keeping gains at bay, but damn shit got real today. Nice contribution Cindi.
Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

Me 1 month before my 19th birthday (at this point I had just started going to the gym, but was still doing a lot of 5k runs etc), obviously can't see my body but I am very very skinny. I really hate how I look here, it looks unhealithily skinny. I wanted that six-pack but had no knowledge of nutrition, macros etc and so I was basically starving myself with little to no protein with lots of cardio, no lifting ~65-70kg.

Fast forward to a month or 2 after my 20th birthday (so 14/15 months on) after over a year of consistent healthy bulking and lifting 6 times a week. (inb4bulge)

Proceeded to maintain/cut for a few months, became kinda skinny, guessing I was ~80kg.

Fianlly, a year and a half later shortly after my 22nd birthday after non-consistent training due to final year university and then post-graduate university, and some injuries, here I am now weighing in at ~90kg.

(I am not wearing that `necklace`, it is hung on my girlfriends mirror). But yeah, I want to become more active here, and also hope this inspires some people perhaps! Peace.
Wow. You guys are hot.

Wow. 3 months??

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I feel so overwhelmed on the topic. I guess I just have a ton of research to do. Someone else in this thread suggested the book Strating Strengh and I just got the e-book. I really need to get fit. Will lifting slow down my weight loss?


That's not me. That's my goal and the exercises I do help me get closer to that goal. I've only been dead lifting for three months, and been lifting weights on and off for a year now. I've been really into it since starting BJJ, though.

Lifting will not slow down weight loss. With the right diet, you will lose weight more rapidly while growing muscle. The problem with losing weight via cardio is that you are basically losing muscle in the process. Being overweight builds muscle in specific areas (especially lower body). Often, when people lose weight, they are not working those muscles and they lose them, so they are losing both fat and muscle.

Nerd Fitness has a very good pieces on this subject.

7 Strength Training Myths Every Woman Should Know

What Burns More Calories: Cardio, Intervals, or Weight Training?

IMO a mix of weights and HIIT is the best medium.

It's not that overwhelming when you simplify it. Pick a diet (preferably one that's low card), and head to the gym!
Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

That's pretty amazing, I think you did the bulking part really well. Doesn't look like you got fat at all.

Looks like everyone will be disappointed that you're not showing your bulge though.
Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

Me 1 month before my 19th birthday (at this point I had just started going to the gym, but was still doing a lot of 5k runs etc), obviously can't see my body but I am very very skinny. I really hate how I look here, it looks unhealithily skinny. I wanted that six-pack but had no knowledge of nutrition, macros etc and so I was basically starving myself with little to no protein with lots of cardio, no lifting ~65-70kg.

Fast forward to a month or 2 after my 20th birthday (so 14/15 months on) after over a year of consistent healthy bulking and lifting 6 times a week. (inb4bulge)

Proceeded to maintain/cut for a few months, became kinda skinny, guessing I was ~80kg.

Fianlly, a year and a half later shortly after my 22nd birthday after non-consistent training due to final year university and then post-graduate university, and some injuries, here I am now weighing in at ~90kg.

(I am not wearing that `necklace`, it is hung on my girlfriends mirror). But yeah, I want to become more active here, and also hope this inspires some people perhaps! Peace.

look fantastic brotherman, mirin your facial structure, bone game on point


I get disappointed when FE posts a selfie without bulge
You probably thought it was his thigh, but FE never does leg day.
Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

You look shredded af, amazing physique.
I've tried to get so many girls on the weight lifting train and this has so far been my one success.
Your reason for it is legit. Best sex my wife and I have had was after I got her into weightlifting. I got her started last year.

We weren't supposed to be able to get pregnant, doctor told us about 5 years ago that there was almost zero chance, and it was only gonna get worse.

Baby is due in December. :p
Does anyone know of any resources for basic lifting routines for women (for a clueless beginner)? I'm looking to improve my strength training and overall results. Thanks!
As others pointed out, it's basically going to be the same compound/barbell routine that everyone recommends for men as well. The only difference will be you'll likely want to prioritize other accessories than most men do.

My wife and I both do Overhead Press/Squats/Deadlifts/Bench as the core lifts. Her accessories focused on weak points, but also to hit her glutes and thighs a bit more than I did. The big accessories for that would be kickbacks, sidekicks, barbell glute bridge, and bulgarian lunges. Everything else is a weird play on those for specific purposes.

If that sounds like jibberish, let me know and I'll go into further detail.


Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

Me 1 month before my 19th birthday (at this point I had just started going to the gym, but was still doing a lot of 5k runs etc), obviously can't see my body but I am very very skinny. I really hate how I look here, it looks unhealithily skinny. I wanted that six-pack but had no knowledge of nutrition, macros etc and so I was basically starving myself with little to no protein with lots of cardio, no lifting ~65-70kg.

Fast forward to a month or 2 after my 20th birthday (so 14/15 months on) after over a year of consistent healthy bulking and lifting 6 times a week. (inb4bulge)

Proceeded to maintain/cut for a few months, became kinda skinny, guessing I was ~80kg.

Fianlly, a year and a half later shortly after my 22nd birthday after non-consistent training due to final year university and then post-graduate university, and some injuries, here I am now weighing in at ~90kg.

(I am not wearing that `necklace`, it is hung on my girlfriends mirror). But yeah, I want to become more active here, and also hope this inspires some people perhaps! Peace.

Your first pic is me. Even got the same height.

But I'm 24 already.

Pls teach me.
Yeah Melon, just do what the boys do. But depending on what you want you will want to isolate different body parts. So I do lots of hip flexors, side kicks;etc.

The most popular and important weight lifting types are squats, deadlifts, bench;etc. Mkenyon has it down right.

Don't buy into the idea that men and women should train differently. We might have different goals but we should mostly train the same way.
You probably thought it was his thigh, but FE never does leg day.


You look shredded af, amazing physique.

Your reason for it is legit. Best sex my wife and I have had was after I got her into weightlifting. I got her started last year.

We weren't supposed to be able to get pregnant, doctor told us about 5 years ago that there was almost zero chance, and it was only gonna get worse.

Baby is due in December. :p

As others pointed out, it's basically going to be the same compound/barbell routine that everyone recommends for men as well. The only difference will be you'll likely want to prioritize other accessories than most men do.

My wife and I both do Overhead Press/Squats/Deadlifts/Bench as the core lifts. Her accessories focused on weak points, but also to hit her glutes and thighs a bit more than I did. The big accessories for that would be kickbacks, sidekicks, barbell glute bridge, and bulgarian lunges. Everything else is a weird play on those for specific purposes.

If that sounds like jibberish, let me know and I'll go into further detail.


they call me mr legs
You probably thought it was his thigh, but FE never does leg day.


You look shredded af, amazing physique.

Your reason for it is legit. Best sex my wife and I have had was after I got her into weightlifting. I got her started last year.

We weren't supposed to be able to get pregnant, doctor told us about 5 years ago that there was almost zero chance, and it was only gonna get worse.

Baby is due in December. :p

As others pointed out, it's basically going to be the same compound/barbell routine that everyone recommends for men as well. The only difference will be you'll likely want to prioritize other accessories than most men do.

My wife and I both do Overhead Press/Squats/Deadlifts/Bench as the core lifts. Her accessories focused on weak points, but also to hit her glutes and thighs a bit more than I did. The big accessories for that would be kickbacks, sidekicks, barbell glute bridge, and bulgarian lunges. Everything else is a weird play on those for specific purposes.

If that sounds like jibberish, let me know and I'll go into further detail.

Congratulations on the baby! Is she still lifting while pregnant? And yes the sex is very hot.


Still the best thread/community on GAF.
Indeed. ^_^

It's hot in northern Nevada! Got some sun and my diet is on point. Getting ready Mrs. M.
Hahah, I don't know which one of us is more eager to see the result Mrs. M or me. ;)

This is what I'm doing. I eat in a 4-hour window most days. I'm far more attractive than I've ever been. The dude in the mirror is a genuine cutie as of a couple weeks ago.
Oooh, any pics just laying around? :p

I... uhhh...

I mean I was already in trouble at the thighs, but. Yeah.
I like her already. ;D

I can't stand how mindless cardio has become the default exercise promoted to women thanks to Self and all those brainless (in terms of exercise science) women's mags.

In my experience, women's body composition respond better to resistance training even more so than men!
I agree. At least when I started I gained muscles relatively easily while also losing fat. I am sure the results were way better than if I would have only been doing cardio.

Inspiring post. Great to hear from another woman. I definitely need to get over my gym phobia and get lifting.

If I may, how long has it taken you to reach your current progress?
There is no need for gym phobia of any kind. People go there to lift and better themselves not to critique other people. You can do it. :)

Wait till you meet Cooper and Sadetar.
Hahahah, thank you for the kind words. :p

Mindless cardio is my bane. I've always hated it. Also to be fair, I think mindless cardio is the default for most people, male or female. It was so bad I likened cardio as the only form of exercise so I just stayed away from exercising. I know just as many men who think they'll look like Brad Pitt from Fight Club by running on a treadmill like a hamster. I hated cardio until I picked up martial arts. I was obese and out of shape. Now I'm making up for lost time. Hate cardio that isn't jumping ropes or something, always will. I know people who love and live for it, but treadmills and stuff bore me to death.
I have always loved comparison pics. Is it possible to have like before/after shots just for inspiration? :D

And I already envy your body. I had extremely pitiful ass to begin with and nothing goes there naturally so all roundness and volume I want in there is hard go gain. I do think it looks now way better than it did before I went to gym.

Got my doctor's appointment tomorrow for the pain in my groin. Hope I don't have to endure any MRI crap or anything and he simply tells me "aw yeah I know what you got, rest 3 weeks and try again kthxbye".
Good luck! Hopefully everything went well.

Very rarely post here but almost religiously check this thread... I want to become active in this community but I'm finding it very hard with post-graduate stress right now. Anyways I thought I'd share a few progress pictures, possibly to encourage those `lanky` structured people that they can change! (I am 6ft4 throughout these).

Me 1 month before my 19th birthday (at this point I had just started going to the gym, but was still doing a lot of 5k runs etc), obviously can't see my body but I am very very skinny. I really hate how I look here, it looks unhealithily skinny. I wanted that six-pack but had no knowledge of nutrition, macros etc and so I was basically starving myself with little to no protein with lots of cardio, no lifting ~65-70kg.

Fast forward to a month or 2 after my 20th birthday (so 14/15 months on) after over a year of consistent healthy bulking and lifting 6 times a week. (inb4bulge)

Proceeded to maintain/cut for a few months, became kinda skinny, guessing I was ~80kg.

Fianlly, a year and a half later shortly after my 22nd birthday after non-consistent training due to final year university and then post-graduate university, and some injuries, here I am now weighing in at ~90kg.
Wow! I love posts like this. You look like a beast and absolutely splendid progress!

I get disappointed when FE posts a selfie without bulge
I feel you there.

best i can do

just grabbed the first pic on my imgur account, im sorry
You always look so very yammy. :p


Congratulations on the baby! Is she still lifting while pregnant? And yes the sex is very hot.
Thanks :p

Yep, she's still lifting. Some nights she's just straight out of energy or not feeling good, so she's doing what she can when she can.
Is she lifting? Her child is going to be born holding a barbell.

And that's actually quite plausible, since Mrs. M is bionic.
How else am I gonna get my kid to out-lift Cooter's daughter?


Oh and as a sidenote I started the absolutely horrid medication and I have basicly been sleeping the last two days not leaving the house and I don't want to eat anything since I have no appetite. Hopefully this gets easier once my body gets used to it. Luckily I will take the pills max two months. This better work and stop the continuous tics on my left asscheek.

On the positive note now when I have been more or less forced to do core muscle training and lower back training basicly daily, my ass dimples are getting more noticable. At least I think so. Is this even possible?


Link to Beard-Gaf? Feel like I might have to make an entrance.

Also, dude you're jacked. You've done a great job of gaining size and cutting up.

Thanks beardy bro, here is Beard gaf


Its a small community (its not even in the community section lol) but mostly people showing off their beard exchanging beard tips. Very slow moving thread.

Looking fantastic Seanny!

Majestic as fuck.

Thank you, its all in the thigh exposure
Sadetar: I have a no pics on GAF policy. I've learned not to post my pics online. I said this recently in the GirlGAF thread but I don't see me ever posting a pic of myself on this site because a lot of the people that read it creep me out. If I can get the courage to post pics, I will. And I wish I had it because it could help people who started out like me, but if I post pics on this site please know that it means Armageddon is coming.


Sadetar: I have a no pics on GAF policy. I've learned not to post my pics online. I said this recently in the GirlGAF thread but I don't see me ever posting a pic of myself on this site because a lot of the people that read it creep me out. If I can get the courage to post pics, I will. And I wish I had it because it could help people who started out like me, but if I post pics on this site please know that it means Armageddon is coming.
I'd say you're justified in this.

I've seen what happens when an instagram account isn't set to private :/


NSFW? More like not safe from these thighs!


Lolololol cross post from beard gaf
Love that shot! You look like a boss.

Also totally awesome shorts!

Sadetar: I have a no pics on GAF policy. I've learned not to post my pics online. I said this recently in the GirlGAF thread but I don't see me ever posting a pic of myself on this site because a lot of the people that read it creep me out. If I can get the courage to post pics, I will. And I wish I had it because it could help people who started out like me, but if I post pics on this site please know that it means Armageddon is coming.
I can easily see that. I have posted some pics of me in the past to this thread though and the feedback has been nothing more than positive and couraging.

I don't know, maybe I am not too freaked out about the creeps since I am relatively creepy myself. :p

And of course extremely adorable and reliable if you want to send me pics via pm. ;)

Back dimple surely? :p

But no, never seen those before.
Hahah, there might be a proper word for them, but I certainly don't know what it is. :p

I was just curious since like I said, I think they are slightly more prominent now than they used to be.
Nerd Fitness has a very good pieces on this subject.

7 Strength Training Myths Every Woman Should Know

What Burns More Calories: Cardio, Intervals, or Weight Training?

IMO a mix of weights and HIIT is the best medium.

It's not that overwhelming when you simplify it. Pick a diet (preferably one that's low card), and head to the gym!

Yeah Melon, just do what the boys do. .

Thank you, Cindi, for all of your help! I really, REALLY appreciate it. I drastically need a change in my life for the better and I think fitness can fill that void with positivity.

Indeed. ^_^

There is no need for gym phobia of any kind. People go there to lift and better themselves not to critique other people. You can do it. :)

Thank you, everyone for being so welcoming and helpful. I'm ready to go out there and kick ass.

My wife and I both do Overhead Press/Squats/Deadlifts/Bench as the core lifts. Her accessories focused on weak points, but also to hit her glutes and thighs a bit more than I did. The big accessories for that would be kickbacks, sidekicks, barbell glute bridge, and bulgarian lunges. Everything else is a weird play on those for specific purposes.

If that sounds like jibberish, let me know and I'll go into further detail.

If you are able to that would be really beneficial. Thanks.


Sadetar: I have a no pics on GAF policy. I've learned not to post my pics online. I said this recently in the GirlGAF thread but I don't see me ever posting a pic of myself on this site because a lot of the people that read it creep me out. If I can get the courage to post pics, I will. And I wish I had it because it could help people who started out like me, but if I post pics on this site please know that it means Armageddon is coming.

Note posting pics is never an issue here in this thread. There are plenty of people here make up for it.

Like FE and Cooter.

Plus, MTP practically posts porn whenever he shows us pictures of his food.


Plus, MTP practically posts porn whenever he shows us pictures of food.
Well, MTP is basicly porn himself too. I think he could win the best ass contest in here.

Not sure though, we could use more asses in here... Just saying.
Note posting pics is never an issue here in this thread. There are plenty of people here make up for it.

Like FE and Cooter.

Plus, MTP practically posts porn whenever he shows us pictures of food.

Do people stalk this thread on those gross subreddits?

No, I shouldn't be tempted.
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