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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Well I wasn't able to get below 170 like I wanted, even with a pretty strict couple weeks. In exchange, lifts are progressing a bit:

Bench - 160 lbs x 3, 180x3, 200x3


Sadetar, I am glad you are doing well. I remember you from like a year (or 2??) ago that you had a serious health problem and stopped posting here, I was worried that something worse had happened, glad you're ok

as for goals, I will try to get back to my 100 pull-up achievement, will try doing pyramids again. will probably start from 5 max -_- oh well, no use oeverthinking, gotta start somewhere.
That was last year. I had the herniated disc and it has nearly fully healed by now. I didn't at any point stop going to the gym though, I just stopped posting for a reason or another. Now I have modic 1 changes at the spine. It feels like pokemon, that I just gotta catch 'em all. :p But yeah, I am generally fine and still enjoy working out.

I hope you will manage to find time to achieve your goals. :)

Thank you sadetar! You're too kind!
Awww, maybe not particularly kind, but at least honest. :p What can I say, you look damn good!

What is it with people taking off their shirts when fighting?
Well, if you are going to be beaten up you don't want any nasty blood to your fancy shirt. Totally understandable.

exclusive footage of me vs szu



This post totally killed me. :D

I got an appointment on Thursday for the pain in my groin on the left side. Happy about that. I'm really disappointed I could basically not work out my legs as efficiently as I wanted this summer because of that shitty pain.

edit: Honestly a little anxious of the physician. I really hate examinations.
I feel you there, but it is better to get it checked out so you know you aren't at least damaging yourself more. Also if there is something wrong it is good that you know how to heal it. Trust me on this one, I have been running to see different doctors and physiotherapist for years now.


Everyone else that works outside where it's blazing stay hydrated and fed. Keep the coffee/caffeine to a minimum. Got mine icing for tomorrow and I'll just sip a bit here and there throughout the day.

Stay safe in the heat, buds.

You too, dude. It's going to be a SCORCHER today.
In fact I had been following the traditional squats, bench press, deadlift, overhead press and bentover row 3 series of 5 reps each, (following SS) the problem was that I was stuck at ridiculous weights (as low as 20-30ks in bench press, even less for overhead press) for ridiculous amounts of time (>6 months). I was eating in deficit at the time and I was told that was the reason: I'm skinny and without much muscle and not eating enough was not going to help me, so that's when I decided to start eating above my TDEE (around 300-400 cals more/day) and since then I have improved somewhat, but now I read that I shouldn't be eating above maintenance if I have 17% bodyfat.

My intention was to keep eating above TDEE and I set as a goal being able to lift 50kg by the end of the year, but if I change to cutting (which all these specialised blogs said I should) I don't think I'll be able to do it, unless I can somehow improve my strength while at deficit.

My TDEE is around 1700kcals and I'm eating 2000-2100 daily by the way.

I have used the 1percentedge ifcalc calculator to predict how things would go either way, and I've come to this conclusion:

  • If I keep bulking as I am now by January I would be 61kg (58kg now) and 21% fat, then I would do an aggresive cut and according to ifcalc I could be 55kg, 10% fat, 48 lean body mass by the end of May.
  • If instead I change to an aggresive cut now, according to ifcalc I would be 55kg and 10% fat by the end of October, I could bulk then instead of now and by April 2017 I would be 61kg but just 14% body fat (instead of 21% the other way), so then I could cut and by this time next year I would be 58kg, my same weight as now, but around 11% body fat and 51kg lean body mass

Just looking at those estimates the second option seems better in the long run, but as I have problems lifting I don't know if it's a good idea to go into deficit again.

I did an "aggresive cut" two years ago (perhaps too aggresive, sometimes eating only 900 cals per day, that also didn't help with my lifts), and I managed to go from 59kg to 54kg in about six months, so I'm not afraid of those and I know what it entails.

So if you've been following SS for more than six months, then it's not unusual to hit a plateau and start stalling.

Don't worry so much about how strong you are compared to how strong you think you should be. Strength takes time to build, and the most important thing is to focus on improving.

3 modifications to SS that should help get you out of this plateau:

  • Deload: taking the weights you've been using and reduce them by 90%. So for instance instead of doing 30kg for bench, go in and do 27.5kg or 25kg.
  • Ramping: Instead of doing the same weight for each set. Increase the weight each set by intervals of 5kg for upper body exercises, and 10kg for lowerbody exercises. So to build on the first example instead of doing 27.5kg for all three sets. Do 17.5kg for the first set, 22.5kg for the second set, and 27.5kg for your final set.
  • Final Set: Instead of doing 5 reps for your final set. Do a rep range of 4-7 reps. How this works would be. On your final set, aim to do 7 reps instead of the usual 5. Even if you fall short of 7 reps however, as long as you get 4 or more reps, you're good to increase the weight for your next session. Also, if failed to do even that (say you managed only 2 reps) then on your next session you can use the same weight but aim to do only 3 reps, and then maybe 4 or 5 reps the session after that. Once you can hit 4 reps, it's time once again to up the weight.
As for your dieting question. Yes, it's generally recommended to cut first, since your body is more efficient at building muscle at low body fat levels.

However your also right that your strength is unlikely to improve on a cut, and might even go down.

A third option you can try is sticking to eating close to maintenance (just making sure to keep your fat and protein intake up), and then focusing on working out and building muscle that way.

Once you've hit your strength goals, then go on a cut. Most of the strength you lose on the cut will come back after training at maintenance for a while. That way, when you're finally ready to start bulking again, you'll be at a low bodyfat%, but with comparable strength/muscle to what you had before your cut.
Probably asked already, but just spent almost a full day reading the guides at http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/ and http://www.acaloriecounter.com/.

Is this Jay guy reputable? He seems like he knows his stuff, but there's almost no reference to what he claims, so I'm cautiously optimistic in following his advises.

I followed a lot of the principles from his website when i was first starting out.

In my opinion, they're pretty sound.

Didn't realize he was integrated with Facebook and stuff now. But it looks like he has a lot of favourable reviews/feedback from people who have tried his programs.


I followed a lot of the principles from his website when i was first starting out.

In my opinion, they're pretty sound.

Didn't realize he was integrated with Facebook and stuff now. But it looks like he has a lot of favourable reviews/feedback from people who have tried his programs.

Good to know, thanks :)

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Watched a motivational speech and then did some motivational lifts.

Trap bar Deadlifts - 260 lbs x 3, 290x3, 305x5 (PR)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's hot in northern Nevada! Got some sun and my diet is on point. Getting ready Mrs. M.


the piano man
today I had my first Back day in like a month, probably longer and it went surprisingly well,

Pull-up Pyramid up to 8 reps, that makes 64 reps right there, not bad for how I'e neglected that excercise.

afterwards I did Bend over rows, hyperextensions, cable front rows, shrugs and bicep curls

Getting ready Mrs. M.

who's that? Mkenyon's wife?
Had a major scare earlier this week, caught the right side of the bar in the teeth of the power rack on the way up doing squats. Holy crap that hurt. Felt super dumb afterwards too. Felt something pop, was like "uh oh."

Fortunately the doc says it's just a pulled muscle. Back in the gym for arms and chest today.


I'm in the middle of nowhere in Michigan on a lake surrounded by food and booze for 11 days. I am so coming back with a few extra pounds lol. To my credit, I did check out a local Anytime Fitness today, but it was a joke the size of a closet. So... A week off perhaps? Can't remember the last time I did that! THIS IS MADNESS!!

Edit: they have 2 squat racks and a bunch of cardio machines so I signed up lol



Fitness gaf, you're my last hope.

For as long as I can remember I've been underweight. Made worse by the fact I'm pretty tall. Which makes it even more obvious.

I'm around 1m90 and 70kgs. I cycle and run a lot so my legs actually look pretty good. But my upper body is a mess. My arms look like twigs. I've always felt like that, no matter how much I eat, I don't actually gain any weight. I'm 24 btw.

Honestly, I've never been to a gym. Never felt the need since I'm so slim. But as the years went by, I started to feel that being underweight can be just as depressing as being overweight.

The truth is that I am not happy with my current body. I look and feel weak, even whej people complement me on my height. I feel like I want to both gain weight and muscles. I just don't know where to start. All this lifting talk sounds complex and the same goes for changing your diet.

I do feel like I should change my diet. Rifht now, all I dois drink soda, eat a sandwich at work and some warm food later in the evening. I feel like just changing to a more stable diet would already help.

But where should I start exactly, fit GAF? I really want to git gud.
Fitness gaf, you're my last hope.

For as long as I can remember I've been underweight. Made worse by the fact I'm pretty tall. Which makes it even more obvious.

I'm around 1m90 and 70kgs. I cycle and run a lot so my legs actually look pretty good. But my upper body is a mess. My arms look like twigs. I've always felt like that, no matter how much I eat, I don't actually gain any weight. I'm 24 btw.

Honestly, I've never been to a gym. Never felt the need since I'm so slim. But as the years went by, I started to feel that being underweight can be just as depressing as being overweight.

The truth is that I am not happy with my current body. I look and feel weak, even whej people complement me on my height. I feel like I want to both gain weight and muscles. I just don't know where to start. All this lifting talk sounds complex and the same goes for changing your diet.

I do feel like I should change my diet. Rifht now, all I dois drink soda, eat a sandwich at work and some warm food later in the evening. I feel like just changing to a more stable diet would already help.

But where should I start exactly, fit GAF? I really want to git gud.

Other people will respond with more information I'm sure, but essentially you need to eat more and lift a few times a week. Start tracking your calories, figure out how much you're eating now and start aiming for ~500 more per day. Pick a barbell training program like Starting Strength (I think there's a list of them in the OP) and go to the gym for about an hour a day however many times are needed for the program.

You will gain weight if you eat enough, that's a fact. Put in the work in the gym and you'll gain muscle.


Does anyone here drag a sled regularly? I have one but the yard is so uneven and I always see videos of people dragging it on side-roads or streets, or parking lots.

Anyone do anything like that? Do you throw a bunch of plates in the car and drive to a parking lot?


Brian Burke punched my mom
Managed top sets of 355 and 365x2 front squirts and 415/435 paused squats. I was feeling like complete shit today too so I'm surprised I even got those numbers. On the last rep of a 335x2 FS set I got light headed and lost my vision while racking the bar...


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Managed top sets of 355 and 365x2 front squirts and 415/435 paused squats. I was feeling like complete shit today too so I'm surprised I even got those numbers. On the last rep of a 335x2 FS set I got light headed and lost my vision while racking the bar...
hmmmm maybe get that seen to.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Does anyone here drag a sled regularly? I have one but the yard is so uneven and I always see videos of people dragging it on side-roads or streets, or parking lots.

Anyone do anything like that? Do you throw a bunch of plates in the car and drive to a parking lot?

I live on a culdesac, so I use my neighborhood road.


This place has a pretty awesome squat rack! yassssss

Edit: 45 min of legs, 45-minute run, took the kayak out for a swim in the middle of the lake, all before 7am. Sipping coffee on the dock. Life is good

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
How do you guys deal with commitments getting in the way of training, I'm on a 16 week (9 weeks in) bulk right now and seeing some good gains but I'm camping mon-fri for the next two weeks for work.

Anybody got a good body weight routine floating around?


How do you guys deal with commitments getting in the way of training, I'm on a 16 week (9 weeks in) bulk right now and seeing some good gains but I'm camping mon-fri for the next two weeks for work.

Anybody got a good body weight routine floating around?

Two weeks isn't really that bad.

Camping is actually a great opportunity. Try farmers walk with a heavy weighed down back pack, air squats, pushups, planks.

Body weight stuff is not that taxing, so you can do it everyday.

Think in terms of years and months, not weeks. Two weeks out of one year, ain't a big deal. Heck I take 2 months off lol--November and December since the holiday season is so damn hectic.

But I was also pretty aggressive about bulking since I never took any PEDs. I would bulk for 8 to 12 months. That worked best for me.

My bulking days are over, though.
How do you guys deal with commitments getting in the way of training, I'm on a 16 week (9 weeks in) bulk right now and seeing some good gains but I'm camping mon-fri for the next two weeks for work.

Anybody got a good body weight routine floating around?

2 weeks is nothing. Do sets of push-up variations to failure, core work and hike plenty and you'll be fine. If you want to be sadistic bring a weighted vest and do some hikes with that, maybe do some farmer walks too.

If you're looking for some quick routines cheap, run by a thrift store and look for workout videos, then run through them and see what looks right for your goals and just write it down.
Does anyone know of any resources for basic lifting routines for women (for a clueless beginner)? I'm looking to improve my strength training and overall results. Thanks!


Does anyone know of any resources for basic lifting routines for women (for a clueless beginner)? I'm looking to improve my strength training and overall results. Thanks!

Men and women are not that different biomechanically for their to be separate training programs for each. A lot of women's weight training programs are poorly written sadly. They're under the terrible assumption that women will bulk up and look like female bodybuilders--who are almost always taking PEDs. So they're almost always written without good progression principles, thinking and insulting women into believing they will get bulky and muscular.

Starting Strength is a fantastic beginner program for men and women. All the info is in the OP. You'll learn some of the best lifts for overall strength and body composition.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How do you guys deal with commitments getting in the way of training, I'm on a 16 week (9 weeks in) bulk right now and seeing some good gains but I'm camping mon-fri for the next two weeks for work.

Anybody got a good body weight routine floating around?

Take the two weeks off. Life gets in the way. It happens, don't ruin a good time because of training. It will be there when you get back.

Same goes for when bad life events happen. Deal with the stress and come back. Pushing while under huge stress will only hurt you.


Ok, I supposedly have somewhere between 21-22% of body fat. Idea was to reduce it to 17-18% to actually start taking a caloric surplus everyday AND using progressive overload, since doing both right now would just fuck up the little muscle I currently have. Is that a good plan?

Also, OP's calculator is estimating that I'll reach this fat loss (3 workouts a week + 20% caloric deficit) by November?! Geez, way to bring me down. Thought it would be faster.


Ok, I supposedly have somewhere between 21-22% of body fat. Idea was to reduce it to 17-18% to actually start taking a caloric surplus everyday AND using progressive overload, since doing both right now would just fuck up the little muscle I currently have. Is that a good plan?

Also, OP's calculator is estimating that I'll reach this fat loss (3 workouts a week + 20% caloric deficit) by November?! Geez, way to bring me down. Thought it would be faster.

Your muscle won't disappear overnight like that. Don't buy in that broscience.

If you're looking to recomping, keep the protein moderately high due to the caloric deficit and focus on activity on top of training--walks, bike rides, elliptical, whatever. Do those on an empty stomach in the morning.

But I would not focus on progressive overload if you wanna recomp. Focus on fat loss or strength/hypertrophy. It's really hard to do both naturally.


Why it seems I'm unable to lose weight?

I'm 32 years old, 175cm (5 feet 9 inches)

4 months ago, when I was on a fast food and snacks diet and maxed out my weight at 225lbs I decided to cut the shit and eat healthy.

After three months of a low calorie diet without cheat days I managed to lose 20 pounds. So I decided to hit the gym.

I was feeling better than ever, clothes started to feel looser.

For the first three weeks I did cardiovascular workouts only (30 minutes average, 4 days a week), and obviously kept on eating healthy.

No weight loss. But an evident fat loss occurred, I feel great and more in shape than in, say, 10 years.

But I'm still way overweight, ran my first 5k a couple weeks ago, I did great but my lower legs always seem to hurt after running, not after elliptical or weight training, just running.

205 pounds is still a lot for my height, I recently started to use a fat burner and man I sweat a river now in the workouts, but still, and again, no weight loss.

I obviously have to pay a visit to the doctor, but wanted to ask here if anyone has experienced a similar thing, what was it and how did you dealt with it.

Firstly, don't bother with fat burners... they're total bollocks. You'll lose water weight but not fat.

Second... sadly the answer is that as you lose weight you'll need to keep reducing your calories whenever you stall in weight loss. If you find yourself going a couple of weeks without weight loss (ideally measuring a rolling average) then you need to drop your daily calorie intake by another chunk (say, 250kcal).

The other thing is the more exercise you do, the hungrier you'll get, so it's quite easy to offset your hard work by eating more. You'll still be healthier for sure, but you wont lose the weight you're after.


Hidden calories may be the culprit here.

For me that usually means oils, so if you eat out a lot, even healthy stuff may have a lot of it.

A tablespoon of oil has 119 calories. That stuff adds up.
Men and women are not that different biomechanically for their to be separate training programs for each. A lot of women's weight training programs are poorly written sadly. They're under the terrible assumption that women will bulk up and look like female bodybuilders--who are almost always taking PEDs. So they're almost always written without good progression principles, thinking and insulting women into believing they will get bulky and muscular.

Starting Strength is a fantastic beginner program for men and women. All the info is in the OP. You'll learn some of the best lifts for overall strength and body composition.

Oh, really?

Thanks for your help :)
Why it seems I'm unable to lose weight?

I'm 32 years old, 175cm (5 feet 9 inches)

4 months ago, when I was on a fast food and snacks diet and maxed out my weight at 225lbs I decided to cut the shit and eat healthy.

After three months of a low calorie diet without cheat days I managed to lose 20 pounds. So I decided to hit the gym.

I was feeling better than ever, clothes started to feel looser.

For the first three weeks I did cardiovascular workouts only (30 minutes average, 4 days a week), and obviously kept on eating healthy.

No weight loss. But an evident fat loss occurred, I feel great and more in shape than in, say, 10 years.

But I'm still way overweight, ran my first 5k a couple weeks ago, I did great but my lower legs always seem to hurt after running, not after elliptical or weight training, just running.

205 pounds is still a lot for my height, I recently started to use a fat burner and man I sweat a river now in the workouts, but still, and again, no weight loss.

I obviously have to pay a visit to the doctor, but wanted to ask here if anyone has experienced a similar thing, what was it and how did you dealt with it.


I'm in your same situation (204 from 257lb since October), and after some searching I've found that many people take to intermittent fasting on top of a caloric deficit. Best way to put it, pick a meal (breakfast or dinner) and skip it, but consume your calories in an eight-ten hour window. It's actually harder than it sounds, especially when hunger pangs start. I tend to skip dinner, and stick to a 7-5 schedule since work tends to take up most of my day. Though I've found myself snacking on nuts, banana, or a cheesestick well into the p.m.

I've cut out artificial sugar, breads, (Lets be frank, even "healthy" foods still contain the bad sugar and salts) and salt but as far as losing weight it's the last few that are stubborn to burn. I've been fat for over 20 years so I came to terms that it's going to take a while, but keep at it and you will see results. I have much noticeable muscle definition, so that spurs me on keeping this up.
I remember someone trashing rice cakes in one of these threads. YOU ARE WRONG. They are cheap, need no cooking, can go with a lot of things and you have absolute control of the amount of carbs you want to ingest. Yes, I will use them while bulking too
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