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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

So good/bad story time, I just need to vent.

That sucks. Dogs are awesome.

One of my biggest downers about renting is that I can't have a dog. Eventually I think I'm going to say fuck it and get one anyway (been looking to buy a house for over a year with no luck).


Using IIFYM calculator it gives me a total carb number I should hit for my lean bulk.

If the carbs suggested is 400g I should assume that the 400 is my carb intake without fiber because of how the US labels carbs and fiber.

So in reality at the end of the day if I based my macros off of the nutrition labels on food my carbs should be something like 440 because of 40g additional fiber.
Oh, yes you are correct for the second half.

The number IIFYM calculator gives is your net carbs, after you take your fiber into account, not total carbs.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Did chin-ups 3x9 last night at 178 pounds. I'm excited to see how far I can get when I discipline up and lose the rest of the weight I'm trying to.
Thanks for the congrats and whatnot!

Found some sit and be fit-esque/floor routine workouts. We have some light weights at the house. Pool as soon as she can get the feeties wet.


Jason, I could be way off, but Im getting the sense you have a lot of insecurities. No matter how big your arms get, it won't help that.

Accept/be happy with yourself, then it's way easier to improve on that base.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Failed 375 front squat, did 355/365x1 just wasn't feeling them tonight and I may be jumping up in weight too fast. 445 paused back squat was fast and easy.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Failed 375 front squat, did 355/365x1 just wasn't feeling them tonight and I may be jumping up in weight too fast. 445 paused back squat was fast and easy.
You throw your disappointing numbers around so casually like they're not out of this world. lol Nice work man.
Speaking of squats, did 345 5X5 the other day and it felt pretty easy, I wondered why it was so easy, then I realized I didn't do my usual 20 min cardio/HIIT before hand. Still counts though


Speaking of squats, did 345 5X5 the other day and it felt pretty easy, I wondered why it was so easy, then I realized I didn't do my usual 20 min cardio/HIIT before hand. Still counts though

HIIT takes a lot of effort. Why not do it afterwards so it doesn't impact your lifts?


Attempted 315 on Back Squats. Made it out of the hole, but couldn't finish it. Tried again couldn't make it out of the hole. Decided to try and salvage it by hitting 300, barely made it. I guess I expected way too much. Ah well I will get it next time I do a max effort week.


A week and a half to go before i do my 20k Tough Mudder obstacle course, anyone have any tips for day before/ morning of the event prep? i.e food intake, stretching, exercise?


A week and a half to go before i do my 20k Tough Mudder obstacle course, anyone have any tips for day before/ morning of the event prep? i.e food intake, stretching, exercise?
A lot of it is arm strength, so practice your pull ups and chin ups. Also practice your jumping. You'll have time to stretch beforehand. They have bottles of C4 at the beginning and spots where they offer water, bananas and protein bars.

Have fun! I popped my back when I did it!! :
In terms of searching for a proper facility what machines/equipment are an absolute must for these awesome gains you speak of?

Depends what you're looking to do...

In general I would say a plethora of free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells) and benches/squat racks are essential - oh and some structure for pullups/dips. As for as resistance machine goes, I would say having a set of cables with various attacments is really useful.

For cardio machines, eh, who needs them.


Got up to 70lb dumbbells x10 today on incline bench. That surprised me for some reason. It's actually much easier on my rotator cuff than flat barbell bench. No pain at all actually! Might stick with this until it heals.

For cardio machines, eh, who needs them.

I do!!

Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you :(


Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you :(

That's sad to hear. My father had a heart attack when he was 59. He had triple bypass surgery, but he got through it. My father was actually pretty fit when he was younger, but he was a heavy smoker.

Silver lining, the heart attack forced him to quit smoking.
Got up to 70lb dumbbells x10 today on incline bench. That surprised me for some reason. It's actually much easier on my rotator cuff than flat barbell bench. No pain at all actually! Might stick with this until it heals.
There are some pretty good arguments as to why you should be using DBs instead of barbells for bench. Hell, maybe I should pay attention to them and go that way too.
Depends what you're looking to do...

In general I would say a plethora of free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells) and benches/squat racks are essential - oh and some structure for pullups/dips. As for as resistance machine goes, I would say having a set of cables with various attacments is really useful.

For cardio machines, eh, who needs them.

OK. Thanks.

I only have a PF near me but am hoping to find a better place in the future.

I really enjoy cardio also. But I prefer running outside.
Got up to 70lb dumbbells x10 today on incline bench. That surprised me for some reason. It's actually much easier on my rotator cuff than flat barbell bench. No pain at all actually! Might stick with this until it heals.

I do!!

Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you :(

I started doing incline BB bench in January, and my bench started stalling.
Took a few weeks off in May and Bench even regressed a bit.

Last week started doing incline DB bench again, and in this week's bench workout my strength shot back up to my January strength levels.

I think dumbbells just hit your chest through a more complete range of motion.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Got up to 70lb dumbbells x10 today on incline bench. That surprised me for some reason. It's actually much easier on my rotator cuff than flat barbell bench. No pain at all actually! Might stick with this until it heals.

I do!!

Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you :(
I will be heading into my 50's when my kids are becoming teenagers, one of the big reasons that made me make some healthy changes to my lifestyle. My obsession with getting a six pack is probably taking it past the point of 'health' but whatever.


Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you :(

Sorry to hear that, bud.

My dad had a heart attack when he was 49. He smoked cigarettes his whole life and his dad was a butcher (who passed from a heart attack before 50) so everything was cooked in pure fat. He's great now, stopped smoking long ago and runs 1,000 miles a year, but he's one of the absolute biggest reasons I do this whole fitness thing in the first place. I can't imagine life without him and I don't want my daughter to ever have to think about that with me.


Can anyone suggest a way to train myself to do pull ups? I've just started out training and I'm not strong enough to do them at all, might get one in but then it's failure. How do I build up strength for these?


Can anyone suggest a way to train myself to do pull ups? I've just started out training and I'm not strong enough to do them at all, might get one in but then it's failure. How do I build up strength for these?

What I did is 5 negative pullups 3 times a week for 2 weeks and exaggerated it as much as I could. Basically get a box or stool of some kind and get yourself to what would normally be the top of the movement, drop off the box and exaggerate the descent.

After that I just do pullups (and chinups) 3 times a week doing as many as possible for 3 sets. Chinups are progressing well, pullups give and take.

Can also do pulldowns on a machine with whatever grip you want to improve on to build up the muscles, more boring imo.


Gold Member
A small weight for Fit-GAF, a huge weight to me, I finally today made my high school dream come true, benching 100kg!!


Wasn't the prettiest of reps, but touched the chest and came up on it's own, one of the happiest moments of my life as you can tell from the video!


What I did is 5 negative pullups 3 times a week for 2 weeks and exaggerated it as much as I could. Basically get a box or stool of some kind and get yourself to what would normally be the top of the movement, drop off the box and exaggerate the descent.

After that I just do pullups (and chinups) 3 times a week doing as many as possible for 3 sets. Chinups are progressing well, pullups give and take.

Can also do pulldowns on a machine with whatever grip you want to improve on to build up the muscles, more boring imo.

OK cool thanks I'll try that. With squats and the likes I can build up weight but I've found pull ups frustrating because I simply cannot do them. Negative ones sound like a good call, thanks.
So.. Maybe this sounds kinda childish but some advice. Since half a year now im not training anymore but the past 1.5 year I did 3 times a week shakes etc lost weight.

When I finished the training I had sometimes my muscles where kinda sore/hurting. We call that muscle pain in netherland. Now since sunday I decided to pick up again cause I was kinda bored, some weights some pullups etc. But now I cant stretch my arms fully without it hurting for like 3/4 days already. Is that just my body needing to adjust to the sudden 'tough' workout again after taking a break for so long from such workouts? Or is it maybe safe to say to see our local doctor, never had it this long lol and this sure wasnt as tough as I used to...

Kinda miss fitness, lost really allot of weight and couldnt feel better :p the best part about it was doing pushups and mid air clapping... losing weight once has benefetid me in so many ways for the rest of my life :)


A small weight for Fit-GAF, a huge weight to me, I finally today made my high school dream come true, benching 100kg!!


Wasn't the prettiest of reps, but touched the chest and came up on it's own, one of the happiest moments of my life as you can tell from the video!
If it's a PR for you that's all that matters. Good job, keep it up and keep making progress. And thanks for sharing.


Gold Member
If it's a PR for you that's all that matters. Good job, keep it up and keep making progress. And thanks for sharing.


Yeah, having your elbows all the way out like that is going to mess up your shoulders real quickly.

Uh oh, what's that? I know I'm compensating with shoulders too much, as you can tell with me banging the rack on the way up. But what's that about elbows out? Serious question, as this is how I've ever benched.



Uh oh, what's that? I know I'm compensating with shoulders too much, as you can tell with me banging the rack on the way up. But what's that about elbows out? Serious question, as this is how I've ever benched.

Elbows flared out like that puts excessive strain on the shoulders. You won't feel it overnight, but after years it can do damage.

That's a 1RPM, so I'm not sure how bad that is. Your regular benching form would be more important.

Try a 45 degree angle in terms of elbow flare or even lower.


Gold Member
Maybe he's referring to what happens at 0:17 - your elbows flare out as you're pushing back up on the bar. Looks uncomfortable.

That's where I thought I'd fail. I was pretty surprised I didn't!

Elbows flared out like that puts excessive strain on the shoulders. You won't feel it overnight, but after years it can do damage.

That's a 1RPM, so I'm not sure how bad that is. Your regular benching form would be more important.

Try a 45 degree angle in terms of elbow flare or even lower.

Thanks! Is that 45 degrees seen from the above? I will need to relearn bench as I've always gone nearly 90 degrees :O

It's a good point to reset anyway as I will restart the pyramid now.


Gold Member

holy crap I've always done it wrong, I thought the left pic is the norm, that's what I've been told:


Thanks for sharing. I had no idea bench can be done wrong.

Can I lift more right...?!
If I recall, Jason is the one who initiated my joining of FitGaf.

Ironically, the conversation started about my arms. :p

Damn really!? Awwww.

Speaking of incline presses, I actually like doing incline bench on the smith machine. I feel it helps isolate the chest more.

DBs eh not so sure. I do use them for flat presses.
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