My condolences.Somewhat on that note, my wife's uncle just had a heart attack and wound up in the hospital for 2 weeks as his body slowly shut down. He passed away last night. He was only in his late 50's...! Take care of yourselves. It can certainly catch up to you
Then again I must add that no matter how good condition you are in, shit happens. My mother died at the age of 42 to cancer.
Yay! Congratulations! Hitting your goals feels always awesome.A small weight for Fit-GAF, a huge weight to me, I finally today made my high school dream come true, benching 100kg!!
Wasn't the prettiest of reps, but touched the chest and came up on it's own, one of the happiest moments of my life as you can tell from the video!
Damn! You are a beast!FUCK YES!!!!!!! JUST GOT 405 1x3 flat bench FUCK YES!!!!!
Oh come on! I promise to be extra gentle.Definitely never posting pics now. lol
My calves are certainly bigger than my arms... Also their circumference is douple the one of my ankle.Don't know what you mean.
Edit - Related... my calves are bigger than my arms. I'm assuming that's probably not the norm. lol
*pat pat*Lol no but lets says she treats it like a lolipop
That was all I needed to hear.
Brilliant work!Struggled for years with regular pull-ups, and had no delusions of ever being able to do even one single wide-grip one. Been going beastmode in my training these last 4 months and just found out yesterday I can now do 4 consecutive wide-grip ones. Feels so good.
muscle-ups by next summer.