Finally we have been able to drag these things out of them, even if there is still time for the kind of victory I am thinking of, Moggi told Tuttosport.
Considering what they did to me and to Juventus, itll take a lot more than this.
As the incidents occurred in 2006, the matter is beyond the statute of limitations, so Inter will not have that Scudetto revoked.
I can finally enjoy the fact that someone listened to me. Its only a shame this is coming out now, as I was already saying these things in 2006.
If I were in Massimo Morattis shoes, I wouldve avoided going around telling everyone I was clean and honest for all these years. Now those phrases are even more jarring in light of the recent revelations.
Besides, if he thinks hes really all that honest, then let Moratti and Inter forego the statute of limitations! Let them have a trial.
I think back to the footage of the Inter players who were singing: We win without stealing. I expect theyll have to dream up a new chant, now...
The recent report only emerged because Moggis lawyers played the Inter wiretaps during the civil Calciopoli trial in Naples earlier this year.
They made a big mistake in giving me up for dead, continued the ex-Juventus director general.
They thought Id go to sleep after the 2006 trial, but Im still wide awake. They wanted Calciopoli? Fine, now have the whole thing. Some will cry, some have explaining to do, but everyone has to be on alert.