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Football Thread 13/14 |OT11| Schlong Days, Kipless Nights


Are Arsenal fans on about Suarez again?

Dudes, if it didn't happen in the summer, there is absolutely no way it's happening in the winter.
We're just mucking about, we all know there is next to no chance of us getting him be it this January or next summer.


Madrid wasn't interested in the summer and if they're interested now, too bad because it's not happening.

Jack, I just vomited. Don't do this.
You know this isn't how it works with Perez. He'd do everything to get a player, he would make Liverpool shit money if he wanted Suarez, just look at Spurs. Still no idea if we're really interested in him or not, besides I don't see him throwing an insane amount of cash for Suarez like he did for Bale. There are two reasons why we paid as much as we did for Bale:

1. We didn't get Neymar.
2. Barca got Neymar, this meant we had to get our own star and we weren't going to wait another season for that.

Who are Barca going to get in the January? Not a big signing for sure.

Finally AVB should go to Parma when Donadoni disappears.


that's what i love about the country, so diverse in it's landscapes and climates.

And our people as well!



Maybe you're right. Square Enix in its current state could only destroy what FF7 is, if they touch it again... But those AC models :/

Square would desecrate the game.

I love FF7 the way it is. I've never been a real big defender of the game, but I just played through it recently and it was as good as ever.

Replaying FF7 is the biggest reason I wanna snag a 3DS for Bravely Default. Need that old school FF !


Square would desecrate the game.

I love FF7 the way it is. I've never been a real big defender of the game, but I just played through it recently and it was as good as ever.

Replaying FF7 is the biggest reason I wanna snag a 3DS for Bravely Default. Need that old school FF !
I honestly can't comprehend why FF fans are so infatuated with the FF7.It was a half decent game when it came out and now folks put it on the pedestal as if it's a best thing since sliced bread.

FF9 is the better game anyway.


I honestly can't comprehend why FF fans are so infatuated with the FF7.It was a half decent game when it came out and now folks put it on the pedestal as if it's a best thing since sliced bread.

FF9 is the better game anyway.

You have some terrible opinions, but this definitely isn't one of them.

9 >>>> 7


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Tottenham ya negocia con dos técnicos para sustituir al portugués en cuanto se haga oficial su destitución. Los dos, sin embargo, tienen trabajo. Uno de ellos es Fabio Capello, actual seleccionador de Rusia, que también dirigió al combinado inglés pero que nunca ha entrenado en la Premier. El otro es Frank De Boer, que está haciendo un trabajo respetable en el Ajax.

AS saying Levy has opened talks with both Capello and De Boer. I'd be happy with either, we need a manager the players can respect.

Looks like Tim Sherwood will be in charge for the cup game this week.


I love FF9 but I consider FF7 better. They're both awesome games. My first FF was 4, and my favorites are 6, Tactics and 7. I like all of them though, except for 13. Never played 10 or 11.


You have some terrible opinions, but this definitely isn't one of them.

9 >>>> 7
My man, I always knew you had it in you. Still a shame that you have bad taste when it comes to your choice of football club, but we can work on that.

Stick with me kiddo, I'll make you a star.


il capo silenzioso
FF sucks

wait, which FF are we talking about again?

My man, I always knew you had it in you. Still a shame that you have bad taste when it comes to your choice of football club, but we can work on that.

Stick with me kiddo, I'll make you a star.

what's wrong with Sassuolo?


Sad news. Mirallas is a good cover.

Hopefully he comes back just as good.

Well, in the past 3 games or so, he did proved to be one to be rlied on, but hopefully he replicate the crazy season he had with us last season.
Since our depth is much better, this time around, I am only sad for him. He improved so much in the last few games and an injury will set back his potential to develop even further. Hopefully he comes back even stronger.


If bale cost 86 million how much will Suarez get

Suarez is a bit older, has a shitload of baggage and is far less marketable looks wise. He has a lot going against him comparatively speaking. Still will be an absolute arm and a leg if/when he is sold though.


I wouldn't mind any competent midfielder at this point. He's 28?

He have always been a very constant amazing player even back in the days. Fuck age man, if Distin can perform as good, you can have at least 4 years of quality service from him.

He is really good. Like properly good!


He have always been a very constant amazing player even back in the days. Fuck age man, if Distin can perform as good, you can have at least 4 years of quality service from him.

He is really good. Like properly good!
Moyes pls. As I said before, any competent midfielder would improve our midfield tremendously. Carrick pls.

(Valencia) Djukic sacked. Another sack day commence.
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