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Football Thread 13/14 |OT15| smoking Top of the League cigars may cause Liver failure

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Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
DUDE! Watch GoT then!

Good enough with our B team! Should've ended the first half 3-0, at least.

2nd half was a train wreck :lol

I kid you not Sky makes a point of ruining every season when promoting the next one, I know more about this god damn show than people who have read the books, I got a thing about knowing what happens in shows like this, feels like im wasting my time when there is no tension. Now, granted, I could be wrong and the journey is good, but its a hurdle to get over.


Yeah including American Hustle in my all time favorites seems weird but I have to be honest and admit it's just one of the best movies I've seen. I'm surprised you like the King of Comedy but not AH. I think they're pretty similar in a lot of ways.

American Hustle just felt like O. Russell trying to ape Scorsese at every turn without understanding the importance of actual characters behind it. There was no energy or well written characters outside of surface level. I thought the acting was great, technically it was fine, and I enjoyed it well enough while it was on... but it's really about a bunch of dickheads fucking each other over for a scam that only other rich dickheads got involved in. I don't subscribe to the Jennifer Lawrence hype, I'm not a fan of O. Russell's last two or three movies really. It was a fun ride, but just empty.

Think I had it around 20th best of the year or so.


il capo silenzioso
Mr.Cola: It's still worth watching. And at least you have S4 to look forward to! The best is yet to come according to the book readers.

And pls

Jaqen H'ghar

this is about OITNB right?

It has it's moments but is up it's own ass too much for me, and just like Weeds I despise the main character.

It's still is worth watching. Entertaining for sure.
I think I despise every single character except for that tiny driver :lol


My top ten films in a rough order (bearing in mind it's almost all american and i haven't seen 870000000 films I still want to see

The Shining
The Assassination Of Jesse James
The Godfather
Once Upon A Time In The West
Dog Day Afternoon
Apocalypse Now
The King Of Comedy
The Truman Show
Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring

Best Tarantino is Reservoir Dogs, best Fincher is Seven.

I've seen two of those. Alien and Truman Show.


It's the least Tarantino film of all the Tarantino films. And I love as much Tarantino as I can get.

Django's really grown on me; I loved it on first viewing anyway but it might be my second favourite QT now. It's just so much fun.

heh I have the opposite feeling on Django. really liked it on the first viewing, more than IB, but hasn't really held up for me on re-watches. his worst edited film, I feel; very indulgent (even for Tarantino, and that's saying something) and the pieces don't really come together the way they do in his other films. maybe that's just being reactionary to Menkes' death but idk


il capo silenzioso
I still don't know whether I should read GoT or watch the show. :(
Would you rather watch your favourite character die in front of your eyes or in text form?

Personally I'd go for the former :p and the acting and production values are TOP notch too.


I still don't know whether I should read GoT or watch the show. :(

I'm not gonna bother with the books I think. Read around 50 pages of the first book, wasn't that interested and there was already too many character names for me to track.

I watched around six episodes of the show and couldn't really get into it either. I'll watch it all again at some point, maybe when it's finished and I can binge watch.


American Hustle just felt like O. Russell trying to ape Scorsese at every turn without understanding the importance of actual characters behind it. There was no energy or well written characters outside of surface level. I thought the acting was great, technically it was fine, and I enjoyed it well enough while it was on... but it's really about a bunch of dickheads fucking each other over for a scam that only other rich dickheads got involved in. I don't subscribe to the Jennifer Lawrence hype, I'm not a fan of O. Russell's last two or three movies really. It was a fun ride, but just empty.

Think I had it around 20th best of the year or so.

Wilbur pls. It was so good. Pot bellied Christian Bale and his relationships with his wife and his mistress was like the most enjoyable dynamic to ever happen in a movie. It was fast paced, never dropped a note and yet still allowed you to breathe in some deep and moving moments. It was both goofy and sincere. The perfect combo for me.


Anyone seen that rhino thread in OT? My heart sank reading the title. Clicked on the video, closed it after one second after seeing the rhino. I'm genuinely on the verge of tears. Fuck, wish that hadn't been posted.

heh I have the opposite feeling on Django. really liked it on the first viewing, more than IB, but hasn't really held up for me on re-watches. his worst edited film, I feel; very indulgent (even for Tarantino, and that's saying something) and the pieces don't really come together the way they do in his other films. maybe that's just being reactionary to Menkes' death but idk

It's definitely his sloppiest film, editing wise, and it doesn't have a tight narrative like RD, JB and IB do, but I'm a sucker for Westerns, everyone's having the time of their life, Leo/Waltz/Sam Jackson are a hoot... just a real entertaining way to spend two and a half hours. I can see why people would dislike it though, fair enough.

I've got to a point now where I can't be bothered to argue with people about films :lol. I'll state why I like or dislike a film, and then fuck it, no one's gonna change their mind

football is the battleground to which i belong

Wilbur pls. It was so good. Pot bellied Christian Bale and his relationships with his wife and his mistress was like the most enjoyable dynamic to ever happen in a movie. It was fast paced, never dropped a note and yet still allowed you to breathe in some deep and moving moments. It was both goofy and sincere. The perfect combo for me.

Eh, just wasn't for me. It was all craft and showmanship, no heart.






Mr.Cola: It's still worth watching. And at least you have S4 to look forward to! The best is yet to come according to the book readers.

And pls

Jaqen H'ghar

I think I despise every single character except for that tiny driver :lol

Not sure where the show is in relation to the books by the end of season 3, but if it's tackling book 4 material in season 4, that's the beginning of the downturn. His editor really needed to rein him in for books 4 and 5, but unfortunately didn't. Still, I suppose the TV show could fix some of those issues.


I've got to a point now where I can't be bothered to argue with people about films :lol. I'll state why I like or dislike a film, and then fuck it, no one's gonna change their mind

I generally agree with the sentiment. I'm not really bothered when someone doesn't like a movie or game I do and vice versa, I mostly argue because I think it's important to be able to articulate my reasoning so I don't sound dismissive or base when I'm talking about taste. Like I'm not offended you didn't really like American Hustle, but I still want to be able to say why I like it, even if it's not going to change your mind.


il capo silenzioso
Not sure where the show is in relation to the books by the end of season 3, but if it's tackling book 4 material in season 4, that's the beginning of the downturn. His editor really needed to rein him in for books 4 and 5, but unfortunately didn't. Still, I suppose the TV show could fix some of those issues.
S4 is the final half of book three, supposedly.
Not sure where the show is in relation to the books by the end of season 3, but if it's tackling book 4 material in season 4, that's the beginning of the downturn. His editor really needed to rein him in for books 4 and 5, but unfortunately didn't. Still, I suppose the TV show could fix some of those issues.

There is some amazing book 3 stuff that is still coming up in the show.

Also I think the book 4 hate is way overblown.


Bale was really good in AH though, as was Adams and Louis CK. Still eighth or ninth out of the best picture nominees for me though.


1q84 is a great book. The best thing I have read in a longtime.

Yes, it really is. I find my self enjoying Murakami's body of work, especially some of his shorter stories, quite a bit. I thought releasing all three volumes of this book at once in the West would make it a time consuming endeavor but I'm really starting to wish there was another volume left.

The music in Space Battleship Yamato is so good. The intro tune always gets me so pumped.

I need to get on that. Sci-fi is pretty rare in the medium and I'm really curious as to why it ranked first.


S4 is the final half of book three, supposedly.

Ah, okay. Then there's stuff to look forward to.

There is some amazing book 3 stuff that is still coming up in the show.

Also I think the book 4 hate is way overblown.

Haven't re-read it in ages but for me it was a big letdown after the 5-year wait from the end of book 3. Same with book 5 really. I almost wish he'd gone with a timeskip and left us to fill in the blanks. Rather than read through him laboriously moving the pieces into place for whatever it is he's got in mind for the final two books.


I've been reading the Book of the New Sun novels. They are great.

Never heard of this, just looked it up. Good premise.

I just find it so hard to find a writing style I like; GoT's isn't really doing it for me. Tolkien is the driest writer of all fucking time. Most novels pre-Modernism (in the English language at least) aren't for me... I just stick to reading Bob Dylan books and reading Viz annuals.
Bale was really good in AH though, as was Adams and Louis CK. Still eighth or ninth out of the best picture nominees for me though.

AH just opened in SK, I am gonna give it a watch this weekend. Although, I didn't realise Louis CK was in it. Might shoot myself everytime I see him.


I can't stand GRRM's writing. Like I actively hate it when I read ASOIAF. Yet still I find myself addicted. Have yet to start book 4 though.
Yes, it really is. I find my self enjoying Murakami's body of work, especially some of his shorter stories, quite a bit. I thought releasing all three volumes of this book at once in the West would make it a time consuming endeavor but I'm really starting to wish there was another volume left.

I need to get on that. Sci-fi is pretty rare in the medium and I'm really curious as to why it ranked first.

Do you have any recommendations of his other work???


AH just opened in SK, I am gonna give it a watch this weekend. Although, I didn't realise Louis CK was in it. Might shoot myself everytime I see him.

Louis CK is jokessssssss. The stand ups on Netflix make me laugh more than any comedian has in a while.

I can't stand GRRM's writing. Like I actively hate it when I read ASOIAF. Yet still I find myself addicted. Have yet to start book 4 though.

It doesn't read much different than lots of fantasy novels I've flicked through, to be honest.


il capo silenzioso
Never heard of this, just looked it up. Good premise.

I just find it so hard to find a writing style I like; GoT's isn't really doing it for me. Tolkien is the driest writer of all fucking time. Most novels pre-Modernism (in the English language at least) aren't for me... I just stick to reading Bob Dylan books and reading Viz annuals.
I tried reading a few pages of GoT a few months ago

Some character spent two pages fucking his sister in his head. And he was on a boat with another woman*.

I can't do this Wilbs

I can't



Woke up in agony. Feel like I've been stabbed in stomach and want to be sick. Sitting on bog burping and farting it away.

Pls do a poo, dear bum bum

Fucking kebabs


Amazing, innit? Dude is a beast.

It's not as if his material is anything special either. Masturbation, really. But the quality of the joke and his delivery is just something else.

I tried reading a few pages of GoT a few months ago

Some character spent two pages fucking his sister in his head. And he was on a boat with another woman*.

I can't do this Wilbs

I can't



I'll just watch the show when it's finished and Dean buys it all on blu ray


I tried reading a few pages of GoT a few months ago

Some character spent two pages fucking his sister in his head. And he was on a boat with another woman*.

I can't do this Wilbs

I can't


Yurt pls embrace your erections

There is no need to be upset


Lost in Translation
The Assassination of Jesse James by .....
Dumb and Dumber
Jurassic Park

Seen these (and half of Blade Runner). 8, 10, 7, 9, 9, 7

Woke up in agony. Feel like I've been stabbed in stomach and want to be sick. Sitting on bog burping and farting it away.

Pls do a poo, dear bum bum

Fucking kebabs

record the sounds and put it on twitter


Do you have any recommendations of his other work???

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is a memoir on his dedication to running, an interesting look at a very private person.

Kafka on the Shore was the first book I read of his and is generally considered to be his best novel. It certainly is my favorite (Murakami novel). It's even better if you're familiar with the work of Franz Kafka.

After this I'd suggest you read his short stories as they contain some of his best work. I kid you not when I say Murakami is at his best when he does short stories. You should then conclude by reading his other novels in chronological order whenever you find the time.


I can't stand GRRM's writing. Like I actively hate it when I read ASOIAF. Yet still I find myself addicted. Have yet to start book 4 though.

Ugghhh A Feast for Crows. If you can be bothered, try to find that guide on how to read book 4 and 5 chapters in chronological order. Its a massive hassle to organise but it is worth it.

Feast may get hated upon, but rightfully so. That is not to say it is really bad, it isn't. But it suffers because it came after A Storm of Swords and because of insane decisions made by the editors, also because of the 80% shite chapters that involve

Jamie, Cersie save the book.

Dance is a massive improvement in comparison. It was worth it just for that
Davos and Wylla Manderly scene at White Harbour


il capo silenzioso
Lost in Translation
The Assassination of Jesse James by .....
Dumb and Dumber
Letters From Iwo Jima
Days of Being Wild
Blade Runner
Jurassic Park
The Fountain


Great list!

I'll just watch the show when it's finished
The story? That's at least a decade away :lol

But the author will die in a few years and they'll cancel the show anyway
Seen these (and half of Blade Runner). 8, 10, 7, 9, 9, 7

record the sounds and put it on twitter
Blade Runner is god tier ye cunt.
Yurt pls embrace your erections

There is no need to be upset
Ahahaha nooooooo :lol


Great list!

The story? That's at least a decade away :lol

But the author will die in a few years and they'll cancel the show anyway

Blade Runner is god tier ye cunt.

Ahahaha nooooooo :lol

I can wait half a decade. It's not high on my priority list

And I'm sure it is! I'll get round to it.


Woke up in agony. Feel like I've been stabbed in stomach and want to be sick. Sitting on bog burping and farting it away.

Pls do a poo, dear bum bum

Fucking kebabs

Shoulda had a parmo lad.

I just got back from the gym and am also dying.


I should go to the gym so I can murder people like 3sixty

But I went before and all the men were muscly and all the women were hot and I was there in my baggy Juventus shirt like a cunt


I should go to the gym so I can murder people like 3sixty

But I went before and all the men were muscly and all the women were hot and I was there in my baggy Juventus shirt like a cunt

That feeling of self-consciousness is what I can't stand about gyms. I made my own kettle bell at home by putting water bottles filled with tap water in a recyclable shopping bag. Just doing some kettle bell work outs at home, if I end up feeling the results and getting into the habit I'll buy a real one but they're fucking expensive here so I don't wanna invest if I'm just gonna stick it in the corner and never use it.

I have legs like toothpicks. Even my girlfriend has more beef on her thighs and she's tiny. It's too embarrassing to go to the gym with.
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