Anyone seen that rhino thread in OT? My heart sank reading the title. Clicked on the video, closed it after one second after seeing the rhino. I'm genuinely on the verge of tears. Fuck, wish that hadn't been posted.
heh I have the opposite feeling on Django. really liked it on the first viewing, more than IB, but hasn't really held up for me on re-watches. his worst edited film, I feel; very indulgent (even for Tarantino, and that's saying something) and the pieces don't really come together the way they do in his other films. maybe that's just being reactionary to Menkes' death but idk
It's definitely his sloppiest film, editing wise, and it doesn't have a tight narrative like RD, JB and IB do, but I'm a sucker for Westerns, everyone's having the time of their life, Leo/Waltz/Sam Jackson are a hoot... just a real entertaining way to spend two and a half hours. I can see why people would dislike it though, fair enough.
I've got to a point now where I can't be bothered to argue with people about films :lol. I'll state why I like or dislike a film, and then fuck it, no one's gonna change their mind
football is the battleground to which i belong
Wilbur pls. It was so good. Pot bellied Christian Bale and his relationships with his wife and his mistress was like the most enjoyable dynamic to ever happen in a movie. It was fast paced, never dropped a note and yet still allowed you to breathe in some deep and moving moments. It was both goofy and sincere. The perfect combo for me.
Eh, just wasn't for me. It was all craft and showmanship, no heart.