Broder Salsa
Requiem is better... and maybe Pi too.
but USA can't even be relevant in mens football.
Never cried watching a film or drama.
Yurt, you soft. Conte wouldn't be pleased![]()
Never cried watching a film or drama.
Have you seen grave of the fireflies?
I dare you motherfucker
I have and was bored all the way through really, only tears was for my lost time.
Black swan is oodles better than The Wrestler
I have a feeling many haven't seen Aronofsky's first major film Pi.
You see that before Requiem and you almost feel prepared for Requiem.
Requiem is better... and maybe Pi too.
But yes, more need to watch Pi.
The Wrestler's ending had me in tears
I was laughing so hard at the pretentiousness
Omg Hogan is back on RAW...for the billionth time.
He is trying to sell his new sex tape.
The music alone makes Requiem the better movie.
Will probably not have the same effect nowadays as it's used in everything from shampoo commercials to giraffes gurgling urine on youtube videos, but man, it fit the movie so well.
mansell's magnificent. "death is the road to awe" is one of the greatest pieces of music i've ever heard.
great film, but wrestler is his best work.
the wrestler > the fountain > pi > black swan > requiem
Omg Hogan is back on RAW...for the billionth time.
He is trying to sell his new sex tape.
The last half hour of Black Swan is magnificent; the whole film just builds to a crescendo. The direction alone in the last half hour makes Black Swan better than The Wrestler.
The last half hour of Black Swan is magnificent; the whole film just builds to a crescendo. The direction alone in the last half hour makes Black Swan better than The Wrestler.
yurt, you take that back right now.
this is the first time anyone's called the ending pretentious.
wes please where are you
Again I will disagree. Besides the self-pleasure scene, there was nothing worthwhile in there.
Again I will disagree. Besides the self-pleasure scene, there was nothing worthwhile in there.
The last half hour of Black Swan is magnificent; the whole film just builds to a crescendo. The direction alone in the last half hour makes Black Swan better than The Wrestler.
hahaha I'm just messing with you <3
I loved the movie! And this scene....that song.......OH BABY.
But I don't like Darren's movies, or rather, I don't enjoy watching them.
and I can't be the only one who liked The Fountain? Everyone I know fucking hated it. :lol
Black Swan was shit.
Black swan is oodles better than The Wrestler
Fantastic movie. I rarely rewatch movies but that is one of the few that I do.
i quite like bruce springsteen's song:
marisa tomei's tits are something else. so fucking perky. at that age. she's a goddess.
i want her tits between my cock
I liked the story and Rourke was fucking magnificent!I honestly thought The Wrestler was just a well acted biopic. Maybe I should watch it again, couldn't remember anything remarkable about it aside from Rourke.
AKA the song about Valencia
Marisa? Still would.
I liked the story and Rourke was fucking magnificent!
I honestly thought The Wrestler was just a well acted biopic. Maybe I should watch it again, couldn't remember anything remarkable about it aside from Rourke.
Not his best, but not his worst.
I liked The Fountain, but then again I loooooooved Cloud Atlas so maybe that genre (if it could called such) is just my cuppa. a sinking feeling about Noah
Jesus christ this essay is going to be the end of me. Who gives a fuck about medieval heresies. Nobody.
Red Bull O'clock.
Nope and no anime would get me close to tears lolHave you seen grave of the fireflies?
I dare you motherfucker
I have and was bored all the way through really, only tears was for my lost time.
Who is the one that fucked all those women
why did they go for Noah? He's like the most boring Bible superhero.
pretty sure all of them
Wilbs forget the band, let's start our own religion!
Nope and no anime would get me close to tears lol
is it good?