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Football Thread 13/14 |OT15| smoking Top of the League cigars may cause Liver failure

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That's salary? So he gets more money than Lahm, Ribéry, Robben, Schweinsteiger, Thiago, etc? :lol

milch what are you doing, just get a ps4 asap

No that's what they bought him for... and most say 12 mil. Not to say that isn't a hilarious price for a 25 year old unproven outside of Greece.


il capo silenzioso
The worst two accounts on Twitter*


*after this one.


That's salary? So he gets more money than Lahm, Ribéry, Robben, Schweinsteiger, Thiago, etc? :lol

milch what are you doing, just get a ps4 asap

Nope that's how much Fulham brought him for. Salery is apparently 2.5 million per year.
Edit: Rooney on form is one of the best players around, United would be stupid to let him go. He'd just end up signing for Chelsea and scoring a hat trick against us.

If United want to keep him they should wait til the summer to give him a new contract. Say Cavani does indeed go to Chelsea. Rooney's bargaining chip goes out the window. He can't fuck off to Chelsea or City and be guaranteed a starting position and the wages he's currently on. Finally, in the summer if United sign some players, the importance of Rooney is not the same as it is now. The leverage goes in United's favor once again. He can also suffer a huge injury during the world cup which will weaken his leverage too.

Timing is the key.
Why would he leave a CL side for Fulham for so little money? dumb

Gotta do what you gotta do to get out of Greece.

Also lets face it, CL is only 4 more matches for Olympiacos, in Premier League and even in the championship he will have better competition each week than in the Greek one.


Pellegrini on the balance of power in Manchester: "The biggest team is City now, but we can't forget the last few years"



il capo silenzioso
Conte and Capello two months ago. Dat body language :lol


Did you see a while back, someone went all the way back to FourFourTom's very first tweets, and he was pretending to be a bikini model?


Oh my hahahahahah


Junior Member
Afternoon, cunts.

I wonder if we're going to get a thread for every time a multiplatform game is worse on Xbone. Cause GAF might need new server.

I tip my hat off to Konami. Kojima, you glorious cunt. Now GamingGAF has moved from, "Fuck off. I'm not paying ful price for a demo!" to, "Trorlroloolololo. Xboned! Can wait for the PS4 version to turn up!"

199€ for a WiiU + Wind Waker is pretty good, right?

Should I pull the trigger?

Won't get much cheaper than this that soon I guess?

Go for it. You can pick a few other great games along the way. Then get a gaming PC or a PS4 at a later date to compliment it.

In an exclusive interview with Inside United, young defender Saidy Janko talks about his progression and explains how he has settled into life in Manchester…

Your move only went through on deadline day last September – were you aware of it happening much before then?
No. I didn’t know because, after my trial, United said they would send an offer to FC Zurich but I was obviously never involved in that part of it. So I had to wait until the last week before it was confirmed.

When was the trial and how did it go?
It was in the summer. The first few days for me were difficult, as everything was new and United are a big club. But, after the first two training sessions, I managed to get to the same level and became used to it.

You first caught the eye in the Blue Stars tournament last year, playing for FC Zurich…
Yes, Zurich won it. It was the first time I’d played in front of a big crowd. Adnan Januzaj was voted best player in the tournament – he was outstanding.

Did United’s interest come as a surprise?
A lot of people came up to me and said I’d played well but I never expected something like that happening. I’d never heard anything about United being interested or impressed with me. Of course, I knew all about United because I followed the Premier League and everything around it – even if I confess I used to be an Arsenal fan!

Were there any players you particularly admired?
I always enjoyed watching Thierry Henry and also Didier Drogba at Chelsea. However, I didn’t really want to play up front myself. I knew I was not that type of player with those finishing skills.

Have you always been such a quick and powerful player?
No. I was usually one of the smallest players in the team and the thinnest as well. I only started to grow when I was about 15 or 16. It just happened quickly. When I was small I had speed but, after around under-13 level, I lost it a little for a couple of years or so. I was still small and had to be clever with it. Once I started to grow I became a bit quicker again and everything came together.

Was the UEFA Youth League easy to adapt to, given your continental background?
It was really good and I think I had more experience on the international side. We were unlucky, as we had never played as an Under-19 team before. It was a mixture of two squads but hopefully the younger lads will do better next year if we are involved in it again.

Was it a good experience travelling with the senior squad for the European trips?
You always see them and think: ‘One day, I want to be up the front with the first team on the plane’.

Paul Scholes helped with the coaching in that competition, and he told us he thinks you could be a future first-team player...
If a legend like Paul Scholes says something like that about you then you become very proud. It is not like you have made it at all, but it does gives your confidence a boost.

You have been used predominantly at right-back, but do you think your future role could be on the wing?
I don’t mind where I play. It’s nice to play in different positions. I think I prefer right-back a bit more, but Warren [Joyce] likes me to play in midfield or on the wing. There is more space at right-back.

Antonio Valencia has filled both roles this term in the senior side – as someone who also has power and speed, do you watch him closely?
He’s a really good player but I look at all the first-team players and watch them off the pitch as well as on it. Sometimes, they will do something extra for themselves in the gym or will stay out after training practising crosses or doing separate training with the defenders and attackers. It’s nice to watch them and learn from them.

Has the fact you speak good English helped you here in Manchester?
Other players couldn’t speak a word when they came over so it is much harder for them. Because my father always spoke German and English, a mix of those two languages, that is why it wasn’t that difficult to settle in when I came here. I spend time with the foreign boys and help them as well sometimes.

There is still plenty to look forward to this season, including some more Under-21 league games at Old Trafford…
I was looking forward to [my first game at Old Trafford so much] with the history and everything behind it. However, it’s not just about the stadium and the pitch. It is all like a dream, you know. I think it’s not just about the football – it is everything about the place with the history and the fact it is like a huge family.

What are your aims for the remainder of the campaign?
I want to be successful with the Under-21s because we haven’t had many games at that level. So I’m looking forward to that.


Don't know if this quotes are real, Uli Hoeness about Magath


Hoeness added: ‘I knew Felix would pop up again somewhere as manager. But not in Germany. Here there is no future for him. I thought his only chance would be abroad, where they don’t know him well.

But Bayern Munich president Uli Hoeness, who sacked Magath in 2007, says Fulham’s players will be shocked at how hard the 60-year-old will expect them to work.

‘He goes well beyond the limits of physical challenges with players,’ said Hoeness. ‘He is pushing players to a ridiculous stage. Well over the edge.

‘For him it is natural to squeeze the body of a professional player like a lemon to the final drop. It goes well beyond the stage where it gets unhealthy for the body of a player.

‘This can lead to a short revival but in the long term it leads to disaster. Felix Magath has proved that at every club he has been.

‘I would never want to treat human beings like he does. I would never want to hurt a player as much as he does.’

He also had once of those moments in his car with Magath of not speaking for like an hour :lol and then Magath said: "If you want to fire me, just say it" :lol

Looking up Mitroglou:

"Kostas Mitroglou will make his first-team debut at West Brom next Saturday"

I guess his moment of truth is near.

Surely he will have fun with Magath as coach


I've never seen the press in England go at a ref the way they have with Webb this morning.

It's rare you get a ref that is so shit for both sides.
The Breivik thread...

I know enough to know that 5% is a very significant demographic change and that your figures only account for legal immigrants. I've been to Sweden and Norway and the countries are being run amok by illegal immigrants from all kinds of middle eastern origins. The pizza businesses have been completely taken over by Kurds for example. Actually, these kinds of businesses have become dependent on this cheap, quasi-slave labour. But anyway, I don't know shit, whatever floats your boat.

This is kind of ironic considering why Breivik did what he did.. Right or wrong, whether he was one or not, he did it because of the immigrants.



Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Spurs U21s were 2 up at half time against Bolton today, Sandro and Rose came off in the second half and we immediately conceded a penalty and red card and went on to lose 5-2.

No but seriously Confuziz, not at a single point this season did I think we were going to win the title. Qualifying for EL (and fucking it up right away) is fine with me.
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