I don't remember seeing him tonight.Did Sky have Fergie cam today?
Probably didn't want to show up after the last home game in the league.
I don't remember seeing him tonight.Did Sky have Fergie cam today?
That's fucking true. Shit is crazy! I want none of that against Suarez and Sturridge. ��
who in the fuck is Benatia?
Best CB in Serie A this season
who the fuck is meghzi asglab, augsburg GOAT
Makes me wonder is Fergusano actually picked Moyes because he knew he sucked... And then he will be remembered like a total genius, God, ppl beging to return, etc etc.
who in the fuck is Benatia?
Oh god. His face at 0:50.
As expected from the guy who thinks VR is a gimmick.I love you, Jupp. Seriously though, Benatia is a fantastic CB.
Jupp plays FIFA.
I love that guy :lol
The ref from the Arsenal game wants shooting, blowing the final whistle when he did was criminal. If it had been Arsenal 1 v 1 in the last few seconds he wouldn't dare end the game, Swansea were about to win.
Another classic
Dat offside trap, innit. ¬_¬It really blows my mind. I can't sleep, but thinking about it. How on earth are you playing with a highline with Dawson and Kaboul/Chadli/Whoever is backed into playing a CB despite being them the slowest defenders in the League?
and Why is Sharewood playing the same exact tactics as AVB which made him gone in the first place?
Pls, Scum, help me understand this!
What was the technicaliteh though
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
but really that game is sh8
the lack of depth is problematic, but I think the bigger problem is a lot simpler: the reason we had a "no Fabregas, no win" mentality is because Fabregas was a world class player. similar thing with RVP. Wenger still has not replaced them. He hasn't even replaced Adebayor ffs. the depth is fine, I think, but the standard of the team is simply not high enough and has probably dropped since then.
Giroud is not good enough and it's safe to say he never will be. He's fucking shit and is the worst first choice striker amongst the top seven by a good country mile. Soldado, Adebayor, Lukaku, fucking Torres; I don't care, Giroud is shit.
Arteta was a good stopgap, he's played well for the club in a tough period, but he's not good enough either. Flamini is a stop gap. Wilshere has regressed and is not good enough. You can play one of those three in a midfield 3 alongside two world class players (I'll consider Ozil world class) but no more. Ox is not a central midfielder and never has been; one good performance against a moribund Milan midfield (a fucking terrible Milan side, outside of Ibra, at that) does not a world class central midfielder make.
Ozil was the right purchase, a long-term solution in a crucial area of the pitch, in the wrong position. Now Wenger or whoever needs to do that in midfield and again up front before he can even contemplate buying another flashy attacking midfielder. Wenger has spent too many seasons papering over the cracks instead of actually providing long term fixes to these problems and until someone makes those purchases, this squad simply isn't good enough to challenge for the title.
dear nathan
i could not find a google tutorial so just tried doing what i thought would fit
i have no idea what i am doing
Imadeahugemistake.gifGuardian and Telegraph both say Fergie was at the game and received abuse from fans over his appointment of Moyes.
Starting to get ugly now.
Something that Michael Cox pointed out on twitter.
Moyes got his a tactics so horribly wrong that he was forced to change things within ten minutes because were being dominated.
holy fuck
he really doesn't have any eyebrows! whatisthissorcery
dear nathan
i could not find a google tutorial so just tried doing what i thought would fit
i have no idea what i am doing