No, this only affects friendlies. An attempt to make them meaningful.
As an aside, I'm not sure where I stand on countries like San Marino being in the qualifiers. Its good for romantic and fairness reasons, but they really are completely pointless games, which do nothing but interrupt the flow of domestic football. Perhaps there could be a system where there's a sub league with, say the 12 (or whatever makes it mathematically sound) worst teams in Europe fighting for spots in the main qualifiers. Then you'd have the problems of:
-Those teams not bothering with the games against eachother, as the only reward would be getting twatted against the good teams
-Those teams would struggle to get a game aside from the games in the sub-league, aside from friendlies against other rubbish teams. And their football teams will not be able to improve if they're stuck playing against eachother. Even though its very unlikely that any of the nation I'm talking about will ever be of a decent quality, they should be given the chance to improve ito such a state, surely?