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Football Thread 13/14 |OT19| It's a good sign when its boring

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il capo silenzioso
tariq panja @tariqpanja
More than half of PSG's annual income of about €400m is once again listed as coming from undefined 'other products' #FFP

tariq panja @tariqpanja
PSG's €234m in 'other product' income dwarfs that of TV rights, gate receipts and sponsorship listed in filing by French licensing body DNCG

well technically human trafficking is other products

yes I'm posting during the meeting

Jack cw

History apparently repeats...
If we win agianst Kaiserlautern today, we will have DFB Cup final against Dortmund. Making it against Real in CL will lead us probably against Chelsea. Its like 2012 is going to repeat itself. Another fail and I might die.
well technically human trafficking is other products

yes I'm posting during the meeting

Have you seen the redesigned La Masia complex?




Yurt, pull out your peins and slap it down on the table, go full #YOLO. Do it for Footy-GAF.

Installing Metalu Gearu Risingu. YES YURT.
All of the questions have been leading to this, the ultimate, the zenith, the peak, the end of the road:

Do turds ever actually steam?

edit: Coffee & TV is such a good song


il capo silenzioso
LOOOOOOOOOOL guys pls I don't want to laugh

the guy next to me is furiously shaking his #big#black#legs

I genuinely want to staple his nuts to the chair. STOP MOVING

Jack cw

Still tempted to get XB1 for 350.

For the games? I would wait until after E3 to see what Microsoft has for the next year. I mean they have the weakest first party output and there is actually nothing besides Halo or Gears and Quantum Break might be more a Heavy Rain clone with severe graphical downgrades. And they are losing more and more third party exclusives. If you havent got a decent gaming PC the PS4 is the better choice as multiplats will look and perform considerably better on it. And there is PS+....
just me or is this the most underwhelming console generation in the history of gaming?

Why is that?
just me or is this the most underwhelming console generation in the history of gaming?

Been shite so far.

2 PS4 games worth playing for me, one of them is cross-gen and clearly restricted by being on PS3/360 as well.

Kind of relying on Destiny and The Order blowing my mind, and Uncharted looking great when they show it at E3


The main reason this gen has been so underwhelming so far has been because there's nothing new going on. They're just steam boxes with proprietary operating systems instead of Steam, and as a trade off for Steam's established social network and library, they have some exclusives and curated game collections.

This is also the first gen where PC consumer hardware is already able to perform as well as/better than the consoles at release.

Consoles just aren't exciting anymore. They will be helped by some really stellar games, though. They just haven't come out yet. I think the Vita is the best system to come out in a while :3


Aye, it's been pretty crap so far.

Only games of real quality I've played have been Resogun and Titanfall. Forza 5 and Infamous are nice too, but nothing that special. I've got both consoles, but only because trade-in deals have come up at the right time.

If I wasn't such an Apple wanker a mega PC would probably have suited me better.


The main reason this gen has been so underwhelming so far has been because there's nothing new going on. They're just steam boxes with proprietary operating systems instead of Steam, and as a trade off for Steam's established social network and library, they have some exclusives and curated game collections.

This is also the first gen where PC consumer hardware is already able to perform as well as/better than the consoles at release.

Consoles just aren't exciting anymore. They will be helped by some really stellar games, though. They just haven't come out yet. I think the Vita is the best system to come out in a while :3
The Wii U is pretty revolutionary and from this generation.


Wii U is a big piece of shit. I probably would have purchased it eventually if they didn't include that horrible and primitive gamepad.

a Wii U with normal control for like 99-149$ would have been a great Mario Kart machine


just me or is this the most underwhelming console generation in the history of gaming?

I'm so glad I talked myself out of buying a PS4. Partly because I've no time to play games any more but there is just nothing exciting happening. I'm surprised despite usually favouring the PlayStation brand the Xbox One has my attention most at the minute.

Wii U 4 lyf
I consistently have the same dream of my teeth falling out. Not just falling out but the teeth become flaky like bad finger nails until they just peel out bit by bit to the gums.


Why do you play FF14 on Vita?

It's convenient when I'm in bed or the front room. High level stuff can be awkward on it, but it's mostly ok.

Infamous and BF4 Were both borderline unplayable. On the Wii U gamepad I was just as competitive as I was with the pro controller and a HD TV.


I'm so glad I talked myself out of buying a PS4. Partly because I've no time to play games any more but there is just nothing exciting happening. I'm surprised despite usually favouring the PlayStation brand the Xbox One has my attention most at the minute.

Wii U 4 lyf

Why? I'm holding off buying a PS4 primarily because it doesn't support DNLA yet, which is frankly insulting, but I'll eventually get one, since I do need a blu-ray player. And, well, the games will come.

XB1? There's ... nothing.


just me or is this the most underwhelming console generation in the history of gaming?
I don't know about that, beginning of the last console generation was even less interesting.. PS3 was the only interesting console but it was also way too expensive so I ended up getting Wii and basically playing Wii Sports until Super Mario Galaxy was released..

PS2 was the peak of consoles anyway, everything feels underwhelming after that.
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