José Mourinho
Taxi!fiulls bloowds represnwt! patttys day! wooot woooorrt
Taxi!fiulls bloowds represnwt! patttys day! wooot woooorrt
Working 9am-6pm woooooooo!
Make me
Or a sexy combination of the two...OT8 | Drinking and GAF don't go along together
OT8| Orgy on bjaelke's bathroom
Cant take your posts seriously with your avatar.shut up cocknose
9I wanN`à flyy liek superaman somtimes, howq about u guya?
Messi must be on the spirits. He's cooked.9I wanN`à flyy liek superaman somtimes, howq about u guya?
Got to get the excuses ready for what looks like a possible slippery slope.I see 'Arry has pulled the "we're overachieving as it is" line out once more. Thought we'd miss that boat this season but sure enough it's come around right on time.
Messi must be on the spirits. He's cooked.
Read over the dream part and got excitedI had a dream before in which I discovered a new way of walking which used momentum and less steps to travel insanely fast. It almost felt like flying across the ground. I ended up falling over quite a few times in the process.
I hope that answers your question Messi.
It's too early for Paddys day Messi.
We should all buy crates of beer and have a party in Bjaelkes bathroom to celebrate the day.
Is that rum and sprite? That's my goto
It's too early for Paddys day Messi.
We should all buy crates of beer and have a party in Bjaelkes bathroom to celebrate the day.
I'm excited to celebrate my Irish heritage tomorrow. Early.
Being Irish is great.
We're all just a bunch of lads havin' the craic.
Spain's three 23+ players at the Olympics will be Javi Martinez, Mata and Adrian.
Agreed. Tastes like Vanilla Coke, which I'm still bitter about.Captain Morgan and Coke. Cream soda. Delicious.
Captain Morgan and Coke. Cream soda. Delicious.
Bollocks? Trying that!What about Torres? I assume it'll be those players who just missed out on the Euro squad.
Agreed. Tastes like Vanilla Coke, which I'm still bitter about.
Yet here we are. Friday night and on GAF :lolBeing Irish is great.
We're all just a bunch of lads havin' the craic.
Bollocks? Trying that!
Yet here we are. Friday night and on GAF :lol
What about Torres? I assume it'll be those players who just missed out on the Euro squad.
Agreed. Tastes like Vanilla Coke, which I'm still bitter about.
I can't drink vanilla coke anymore because I think about vanilla vodka and coke and some bad experiences.
Bollocks? Trying that!
Yet here we are. Friday night and on GAF :lol
Watching basketball and paying with my iPad. Pretty good Friday night IMO.
Hmmm... Im craving some really unhealthy food now. Hamburger's going to be a nice breakfastOvercast Saturday morning here. Going out, grabbing a burger for lunch, messing about on Fifa street, seeing if there's any interesting football on tonight.
Overcast Saturday morning here. Going out, grabbing a burger for lunch, messing about on Fifa street, seeing if there's any interesting football on tonight.
I HAVE AN EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!Bollocks? Trying that!
Yet here we are. Friday night and on GAF :lol
I love Vanilla Coke. If this is really is close it will be my go to drink.Can't wait for your revelatory reaction. It's close enough anyway.
My current excuse is my lack of money, fucking grim.I HAVE AN EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!
My Uni has been off for 2 weeks so our usual plans are all over the shop. Thats what I tell myself anyway
Thursday and Saturday nights are much better.
My Friday night consists of Ribena, Friday Night Lights and A Feast for Crows.
Might play some Mass Effect later but I'm really not enjoying it that much.
My Friday night consists of Ribena, Friday Night Lights and A Feast for Crows.
Might play some Mass Effect later but I'm really not enjoying it that much.