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Football Thread 2011/2012 | OT12 | All the clowns were offside...

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So you have no worthy reply because there is no argument. You call a black person what JT said and yeah, good luck.

Who's the nonsense poster now?
John Terry wasn't found guilty of calling anybody "a fucking black cunt". There is not enough evidence to say he didn't mean it in the manner he admitted to. So, if I were to do the same, to call somebody such a thing in the context he allegedly did, then I should a imagine things would be pretty hairy already.

Now, if your point is if I were just to call somebody that for abuse sake, see what happens. Well what does that prove? I think we all know what would happen. But then that's not context in which JT was supposed to have used it.

Your an idiot Kyoufu, and you have been since the day you graced this thread. Dry up.

Drive safe! Meanwhile I will post Chelsea gifs and laugh at Kyoufu.

Cheers. Good luck, his ignorance knows no bounds.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
You know this has been a slow transfer window when we are almost midway through July and Manchester City hasn't bought a single player. Economy, bad, recession something something.

Unless I'm mistaken...?


So you have no worthy reply because there is no argument. You call a black person what JT said and yeah, good luck.

Who's the nonsense poster now?

I have called a black person that, and then they proceeded to use a comeback involving my ethnicity. It was fine because we've been friends for years and exchanges like that are jokey andregular.

You can't generalise the reactions of someone to such an insult.
John Terry wasn't found guilty of calling anybody "a fucking black cunt". There is not enough evidence to say he didn't mean it in the manner he admitted to. So, if I were to do the same, to call somebody such a thing in the context he allegedly did, then I should a imagine things would be pretty hairy already.

Now, if your point is if I were just to call somebody that for abuse sake, see what happens. Well what does that prove? I think we all know what would happen. But then that's not context in which JT was supposed to have used it.

Your an idiot Kyoufu, and you have been since the day you graced this thread. Dry up.

Cheers. Good luck, his ignorance knows no bounds.

*huggles* Kyle, just want to say, I have no real problem with Terry being Not Guilty in court. The problem (as I said above) is I know the FA won't apply the standards they set with Suarez in this case now. Even you as a Chelsea fan must admit that Terry must be banned if the same standards are applied by the FA.

No media circus condemning him either I bet.

Yes I'm butthurt. Odd check your PMs if you haven't already mate.


*huggles* Kyle, just want to say, I have no real problem with Terry being Not Guilty in court. The problem (as I said above) is I know the FA won't apply the standards they set with Suarez in this case now. Even you as a Chelsea fan must admit that Terry must be banned if the same standards are applied by the FA.

No media circus condemning him either I bet.

Yes I'm butthurt. Odd check your PMs if you haven't already mate.

I replied.

And I agree. But nothing we can do now.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I think Terry probably did call racially insult Ferdinand (I will never forget the incident between him and Ledley King) but I also think the evidence provided by the prosecution was far too flimsy and easily dismissed and therefore not guilty is the correct verdict. There is not enough there to prove he's guilty.


It's like 12 Angry Men, I bet some dickskin Henry Fonda type stood up and pulled out te knickers of Ashley Cole's mum from Terry's coat pocket. Reasonable doubt.


Well congratulations. You can all celebrate me not posting in here ever again.

I apologise for being against racism.

Goodbye. I regret that this incident has resulted in your decision and I apologise if I have ever caused offence to you in my short time here. May life lead you to more productive endeavors.
I'll give you five GAF-Gold dollars every time you whiz past black people and shout John Terry is a saint
:lol this give me a real legit chuckle.

I get the feeling that 90% of what Kyoufu posts in tongue in cheek and the other 10% is him trying to get a rise out of other people.

Don't get banned over that.
I honestly think his posts are the real deal.

*huggles* Kyle, just want to say, I have no real problem with Terry being Not Guilty in court. The problem (as I said above) is I know the FA won't apply the standards they set with Suarez in this case now. Even you as a Chelsea fan must admit that Terry must be banned if the same standards are applied by the FA.

No media circus condemning him either I bet.

Yes I'm butthurt. Odd check your PMs if you haven't already mate.
Well the FA found Suarez guilty of something (personally I don't know how). They can't rightly then give JT a ban because they feel he's guilty (if they even do) when the court don't.

Well congratulations. You can all celebrate me not posting in here ever again.

I apologise for being against racism.
Yeah, cause the rest of us who appreciate how the legal system works are all racists. Anybody for a cross burning? Idiot.
Well congratulations. You can all celebrate me not posting in here ever again.

I apologise for being against racism.

Yes that's exactly what is the problem here, not you coming off looking silly even to the people on here who hates JT and wants him banned/jailed/lynched for racism. Stop being a drama queen, you will be back.

This .gif makes me want to splurge 4 grand on a proper naughty suit (Arnie, am I doing it right?).

Doesn't make it incorrect.

You're right. I suppose with the way I phrased it that I was implying they were wrong, but I didn't intend for it to be that way. I didn't follow the case or the incident close enough to have a strong opinion either way. Those words don't belong on the football field, no matter what the context is in my opinion.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
according to the spanish press (yeh I know) Modric to RM is a done deal, 40 millions.


This .gif makes me want to splurge 4 grand on a proper naughty suit (Arnie, am I doing it right?).

That's the correct usage, and I feel the same, I'd love a fresh new suit.

If you're interested in the heritage of the phrase it originated from a video interview with Jordan Henderson when he described Jose Enrique as being the worst dressed player on the team, saying he owns some 'proper naughty gear'.


In other positive Chelsea news "informal" talks are underway between Malouda and Santos - and Kalas has signed a contract extension. Really excited about the upcoming season now; we've finally got some young exciting talent in the group. No doubt I'll end up subbing to Chelsea TV to watch pre-season matches again...


In other positive Chelsea news "informal" talks are underway between Malouda and Santos - and Kalas has signed a contract extension. Really excited about the upcoming season now; we've finally got some young exciting talent in the group. No doubt I'll end up subbing to Chelsea TV to watch pre-season matches again...

I really wanna see McEachran and Piazon (sp?) get a good run-out this season.
That's the correct usage, and I feel the same, I'd love a fresh new suit.

If you're interested in the heritage of the phrase it originated from a video interview with Jordan Henderson when he described Jose Enrique as being the worst dressed player on the team, saying he owns some 'proper naughty gear'.

Wait, so he was saying the worst dressed player has naughty gear?

In other positive Chelsea news "informal" talks are underway between Malouda and Santos - and Kalas has signed a contract extension. Really excited about the upcoming season now; we've finally got some young exciting talent in the group. No doubt I'll end up subbing to Chelsea TV to watch pre-season matches again...

Wow, Malouda at Santos would be crazy, although I guess Santos aren't keeping Ganso so it won't change the team much.
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