I wanted Schweine's celebration from yesterday haha
Aww, don't take it personally AA! He just wanted to move to a top club and we both know that Villa isn't quite there at the moment. Would have been pretty much a lateral move from Fulham.
Clint noooo
Terrible decision
I'm absolutely taking it personally
I reckon we'd struggle greatly if we were to play Juventus.
Their midfield would shit on ours from a great height.
I reckon we'd struggle greatly if we were to play Juventus.
Their midfield would shit on ours from a great height.
Yo, I downloaded the video off of yt and cut out the said part. Quote to see the link. Let me know when you're done so I can delete it.[/EMAIL]
Nazio should've scored.
lololol uefalona amirite
I'm not going to like a player who doesn't want to play for the team I support. I don't care what country he plays for.
Nazio making racist chants towards JD. Charming as always.
Multitask harder. Tv +
That's just Football bro. Players tend to go for the most lucrative clubs. Can't really do anything about it
That thought depresses me but then I remember that Citys defence is almost as bad as our midfield.Not a precise poop from height either. It would be a proper pebble dashing.
That doesn't mean I can't wish he would die in a fire.
I guess. Dempsey seems like a JT anyway.
Plus, you can't argue you wouldn't feel the exact same way if Aston Villa was replaced with Newcastle. Supporting a team isn't an act of rationality.
Plus, you can't argue you wouldn't feel the exact same way if Aston Villa was replaced with Newcastle. Supporting a team isn't an act of rationality.
I guess. Dempsey seems like a JT anyway.
That thought depresses me but then I remember that Citys defence is almost as bad as our midfield.
Then I laugh.