shooting blanks
Do you support a team in the PL yet?
please don't say Stoke, or Chelsea!
lol nope I like a lot of players but of course I enjoy seeing the big squads like united, chelsea, and city get beat. I'm waiting to see what Colombian players go over there. I like Giroud and Cazorla though!
You know what if I was to pick an EPL team to support I'd probably pick Stoke just so I could troll the rest of footy-gaf.
I always liked Napoli but the hate they get here makes me like them more. Also this Baller:

LOL I think he wears his collar up just to troll people.
qindarka said:Nah, he dislikes Chelsea and what he perceives to be anti-football.
I cheered for Drogba in the Champions league final! Besides you guys are playing kind of nice right now. If you buy Falcao I'm yours lol
WAR recon zero said:Miñia, Guarin and Falcagod. Good choices
I had James starting but they nerfed all of the Colombian players in the game. James with 83 pace? Lol