Some people will always create excuses for not supporting their local league. You can't do anything about it juanpablo.
Spot on sazabirules, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to support your local team, but when mental gymnastics are used to justify NOT supporting your local team in favour of following a foreign team, then well....
No, I don't watch League of Ireland football anymore. The league is ignored because it isn't marketed. The FAI don't care about it. If they did they'd put more effort in developing the game at grassroots level and investing in facilities.
There was a massive marketing push a few years ago when all the big teams went pro. Nothing changed. It's culture that has to change, most Irish 'football fans' don't care about their local team, they don't know what it's like to follow their team home and away and through thick and thin. That's what supporting a team is about, watching some foreign team on TV will never be the same.
Most Irishpeople watch the Premier League because it's more enjoyable than going to a delapidated stadium to watch sub standard football.
Like I said, these are just excuse's used by Irish people. Some LoI stadiums are dumps, others aren't but I doubt the addition of a few corporate seats would change much (although they're being introduced at Cork City next year I hear).
Funnily enough my UK relative's LOVE coming over to LoI game's, they like the old skool vibes LoI games have in comparison to the rather sanitised all-seater stadia stadia in England have become.
And TV coverage for Irish football is a joke. A couple of matches a week if you're lucky and a highlights show on a Monday night.
Seems alright to me, sounds like you've just watched too much Sky sports tbh. Y'know you could just GO to a game right? rather then watching it on TV?
I do support my local team. They're called Leinster and I go to as many matches as I can. So do many more people as the games are actually advertised.
Ah yes, Leinster, an artificial entity created to compete with club teams from other countries. No doubt you'd want to do something equally hideous to Irish club football. No thanks!