It's necessary when Clegg has been repeatedly contrasting Leinster rugby team, who play in the Aviva stadium which has pretty swish facilities like your prawn sandwich outlets, with LoI grounds which are a tad more basic in comparison.
No LoI team is ever going to have those kind of facilities so long as the vast majority of Irish 'football fans' choose to follow English teams instead.
One wonders if Clegg himself would follow an English rugby team like Harlequins if Leinster's facilities weren't up to scratch?
Well Clegg?
Look at it this way Wlibury, the vast, VAST majority of Irish 'football fans' care not a jot for the LoI. They have zero interest in the LoI, zip, nilch, nada. I would wager that Ireland is unique in Europe, if not the world in that case.
Case in point my home county of Cork, pop. 500,000. Who do you think is the most popular team? Cork City, my own team? goodness no! There are far, far more EPL fans here then the home team. And I'm not talking about people who foloow both their local team AND an English team. Most have an active disinterest in the loI.
And that to me is a sad state of affairs.
In Ireland its always amusing to see how cyclical UK team support is, hence over the past 20 years or so everyone's who's 30 or under tend to be die-hard Man Utd fans, whereas those over 30 or so appear to be die-hard Liverpool fans.
Funny that?