According to OPTA, ENG passing rates: Milner (81%), Oxlade-Chamberlain (80%), Cleverly (79%), Rooney (69%). Overall: 548

According to OPTA, ENG passing rates: Milner (81%), Oxlade-Chamberlain (80%), Cleverly (79%), Rooney (69%). Overall: 548
Bale will go soon. Probably to Real. Wonder if Ronnie to City will happen sooner than we think.
So, basically, its his fault for provoking the crowd and players by showing his skin colour?
I'm glas you asked.
Isco (Malaga), Strootman (PSV), Fer (FC Twente), Verratti (PSG), Coutinho (Inter), Xhaka (Gladbach), Gotze (Dortmund), Holtby (Schalke), Kroos (Bayern Munchen), Labyad (Sporting).
And then I haven't even listed the ones from the PL..
According to OPTA, ENG passing rates: Milner (81%), Oxlade-Chamberlain (80%), Cleverly (79%), Rooney (69%). Overall: 548
According to OPTA, ENG passing rates: Milner (81%), Oxlade-Chamberlain (80%), Cleverly (79%), Rooney (69%). Overall: 548
According to OPTA, ENG passing rates: Milner (81%), Oxlade-Chamberlain (80%), Cleverly (79%), Rooney (69%). Overall: 548
doamcry. , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger
That guy's not from FourFourTwo btw.I know folks in here loathe him, but dc retweeted the fella from Four Four Two saying that Jimmy was probably the best player on the pitch today for England.
Yeah but he is kinda the scapegoat of the team these days. People moan about him even when there are worse players who "get away with it".Milner did nothing of note today. He was the least bad and the least good. He was just there.
To Bundesliga Gaf or anyone that regularly watches German football:
Who is the better player, Lars or Sven Bender?
Just read this whilst dropping a sizeable log.Arnie is going to be swimming in naughty gilets.
Oh dear where to start....Hahaha doicare coming in here with his nonsense 100% ManUtd goggles.
You really think doicare knows ANY of those players? lol
Wtf? That can't be real, according to doicare Cleverly gets 90%+ every game.
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
Yeah but he is kinda the scapegoat of the team these days. People moan about him even when there are worse players who "get away with it".
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
2. It's the same old pathetic story on this forum with Manchester United and England haters bashing both teams nearly every single time they play.
3. Yes i knew of most of those players before they were even mentioned and i've already proved Cleverley is better than most of them.
4. I never said Cleverly gets 90%+ passing accuracy every single game, but he does it the vast majority of the time. And in case you didn't notice the pitch was shit and made trying to pass consistently a joke.
This would be a bit over the top even if it had happened in an Arsenal shirt. But it happened for this makes no sense to me!I am still pissed at the stupid penalty Kos gave away against Spain. It was a really stupid challenge in a non threatening situation. Just unbelievable.
The bench for you this weekend Kos.
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
2. It's the same old pathetic story on this forum with Manchester United and England haters bashing both teams nearly every single time they play.
3. Yes i knew of most of those players before they were even mentioned and i've already proved Cleverley is better than most of them.
4. I never said Cleverly gets 90%+ passing accuracy every single game, but he does it the vast majority of the time. And in case you didn't notice the pitch was shit and made trying to pass consistently a joke.
I am still pissed at the stupid penalty Kos gave away against Spain. It was a really stupid challenge in a non threatening situation. Just unbelievable.
The bench for you this weekend Kos.
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
2. It's the same old pathetic story on this forum with Manchester United and England haters bashing both teams nearly every single time they play.
3. Yes i knew of most of those players before they were even mentioned and i've already proved Cleverley is better than most of them.
4. I never said Cleverly gets 90%+ passing accuracy every single game, but he does it the vast majority of the time. And in case you didn't notice the pitch was shit and made trying to pass consistently a joke.
I can't believe UEFA have charged England aswel as Serbia
I wouldn't swap Shelvey or Allen for Cleverley. Both are younger. Both are better(in my opinion).
Ahhh but what do the Opta stats say?
Is that from today?OptaJoe ‏@OptaJoe
44 - Steven Gerrard attempted more passes than any other player in the first half with a completion rate of 96%. Simple.
When people are wrong or stupid i point it out, if they get annoyed then that's there problem. It's not my fault they have a Clevgod inferiority complex.Just stop man lol. I don't hate ManUnited or England, don't have any reasons to.
Most of your supporters are very nice guys(talking about here on GAF), you and lunchbox are the only ones that annoy people, but at least LunchBox is funny at times.
Sometimes I wonder if you are serious or just come in here to get heaps of replies.
Chelsea beat us in our friendly match and we fielded a strong side. That is very disappointing but as long as our injured players come back to fitness I suppose it's not as bad.
The problem is it has happened in an arsenal shirt this season. I can't understand as he's a really good defender but he's having brain explosions this year and he had another one against Spain.This would be a bit over the top even if it had happened in an Arsenal shirt. But it happened for this makes no sense to me! got the lineups to hand?
Oh dear where to start....
1. I know more about football than most.
When people are wrong or stupid i point it out, if they get annoyed then that's there problem. It's not my fault they have a Clevgod inferiority complex.
Of courseStats are meaningless.
I'm just putting that out there.
Stats are meaningless.
I'm just putting that out there.
PossessionThere's only one stat that matters.
Stats are meaningless.
I'm just putting that out there.
I will donate $20 to a charity of Footygaf choice the next time doicare makes a crazy comment and no one quotes or addresses him.
Prize money?There's only one stat that matters.
You got the lineups to hand?
Prize money?
There's only one stat that matters.
I've never seen Sven play anything but DM, while Lars is much more versatile. He regularly plays RLB/WB, CM and I've even seen him in OM.To Bundesliga Gaf or anyone that regularly watches German football:
Who is the better player, Lars or Sven Bender?
Let's wait and see what UEFA do. I haven't seen the entire incident and sequence of events but from the clips I did see there are England players and staff pushing and shoving people etc. Basically part of the melee - so it's possible they did break some of UEFA's silly rules.
They said they're investigating the racism so hopefully they address it.
How do I find the Sony Smash Brothers beta on Vita?