You support Benfica of all clubs :lolLiverpool is bottom of the barrel. some shit bidet level club. where's my towel?
You havent won anything relevant (which is everything outside of Portugal) since the early sixties and its in Benficas nature to just choke in finals, as shown by as recently as this year with you choking agaisnt Chelsea in the Europa and how you hold the record for the most lost European Cup finals. Shit, Liverpool living in the past? You won the European cup when it looked like this:
I mean, what the fuck is that? the fact that this is when you last won one, the European cup it looked like that just shows how much Benfica have been utter wank in Europe.
You don't just choke in Europe though, as recently you managed to somehow get beat by a team in the Portuguese version of the FA Cup which I've never heard of (Victoria? Who the fuck are they?) and on top of that you bottled the league once again. So sure, you like to deride Arsenal fans with shit, but you are the Arsenal of Portugal which is much worse as there are only four teams that people actually know in that shit league.
Bottom of the Barrel stuff indeed.