In this situation, the owner knows who did it. I was thinking that a good half-way measure would be to offer to work a full shift for free--not full amount of repair, and hardly any loss of earnings, but a gesture of good will because, again, shit happens.
Ask Quiche to pay with his gambling money.Lads, advice time (not for me, but still....)
You work at a small business trying to scrape by and get out of debt. One day, in routine of work, you accidentally damage a piece of essential equipment which might end up costing £200-300. This means your business also must be shut for the day. You were also supposed to be given your last week's wages at the end of the night.
What do you do?
That seems okay, but tbh if the equipment broke whilst the employee was doing something he/she had been asked to do...I see no reason for any kind of half way resolution to be found.
Also you are blatantly the owner you better hope this isn't in the UK or I'm gonna call Rogue Traders.
Also you are blatantly the owner you better hope this isn't in the UK or I'm gonna call Rogue Traders.
small business trying to scrape by and get out of debt. One day, in routine of work, you accidentally damage a piece of essential equipment which might end up costing £200-300. This means your business also must be shut for the day. You were also supposed to be given your last week's wages at the end of the night.
My feeling is that person who caused damage would only be partly responsible on the grounds of shit happens. It was a genuine accident and not out of negligence, as it happens.
That's the spirit fade, never admit it. Even online.
Snitches get stitches. I thought someone who supports Napoli would understand that.
Anyway, I know how you feel. I left a pound in a trolley today.![]()
i was born in it
best line in the shit film that was TDKR
I think Fade is a pimp and someone damaged his ho's arse..
Anyway, I know how you feel. I left a pound in a trolley today.![]()
Snitches get stitches. I thought someone who supports Napoli would understand that.
You mean you took the trolley home, right?
What a disgusting league table. Spartak in first and their two loaned out players leading Rostov to second. And this week will only get worse once we get embarassed by Nordsomething tomorrow.
By the way; those Pikmin shots look divine. I've never played one in the series before but I believe it might be time to try it.
Thinking back, TDKR was a disappointment. I enjoyed it, but I didn't feel the same buzz that I did after TDK. I left the cinema kind of hollow. So me and my brother got a burger king. Then we went to the gym and did shoulder weights to make us look like Bane.
best line in the shit film that was TDKR
Noooo TDKR was great. Not as good as BB and TDK but still really good. I hop you aren't one of the people who didn't like it because of plot holes, because there are plot holes in most movies.
But I tried not to go that hyped up for TDKR, because I tend to find the more hyped up I get the less I tend to enjoy a film. I honestly can't remember a film that lived up to the hype train, which is why I remain cautious about Days of Future Past and 12 Years A Slave.
I was pretty hyped for Inception and that still blew me away.
Skyfall was good, too.
Noooo TDKR was great. Not as good as BB and TDK but still really good. I hop you aren't one of the people who didn't like it because of plot holes, because there are plot holes in most movies.
But I tried not to go that hyped up for TDKR, because I tend to find the more hyped up I get the less I tend to enjoy a film. I honestly can't remember a film that lived up to the hype train, which is why I remain cautious about Days of Future Past and 12 Years A Slave.
I've just started a street portrait [photography] page on Facebook. It has quotes from the actual people in the image to make it interesting. Will update it regularly
Dudes, would you ever do dp with a girl?
It sounds hot, but I ain't about sweaty balls touching.
Don't cross the streams and all that shit
It's a really fun game. I'm only on Day 3 of the story mode but it's really neat. And I know i'm gonna have a problem because I like to just stare and shoot screenshots of the environments whilst the clock is running down xD
Dudes, would you ever do dp with a girl?
It sounds hot, but I ain't about sweaty balls touching.
Don't cross the streams and all that shit
IS IT? In theory, maybe.Dudes, would you ever do dp with a girl?
It sounds hot, but I ain't about sweaty balls touching.
Yeah I liked TDKR a lot. Sure it wasn't as good as the other two but it was still a great blockbuster for the most part.
Inception was fucking ace, Skyfall was good too but I don't think holds up as well with repeat viewings as say Casino Royale did.
hold onto your butts, neygod is playing tomorrow.
Dudes, would you ever do dp with a girl?
It sounds hot, but I ain't about sweaty balls touching.
Don't cross the streams and all that shit
It's alright, preferred the other 2 they've released off this album though.