wilbz, fuck, you're killing me
Well then, when you find yourself having your willy massaged by a 50 something male doctor just so he can get it prepared for that god damn pole I hope you remember tonight. The night we tried to save your life and you walked away.No, I went in unsheathed. It was four in the morning and she was lying there naked, the light in the Travelodge hotel room reflecting off her nipple piercing
I couldn't resist
anyone watched Don Jon?
anyone watched Don Jon?
OmgCumming without a johnny wasn't where the magic occurred, it was the entry that was the true Dumbledore moment
worst movie i've seen all year.
absolutely terrible.
The first time I came inside of a woman with no condom on Wilbur's mother thanked me for my patronage, I plonked a 50 down on her dresser, and I left feeling unsatisfied.
Some-time lurker, first post. I'm an Arsenal and Dortmund fan; bittersweet day. Welcome me with open arms footygaf
To be absolutely fair, having sex bareback is the fucking best. I am all for safe sex but....dat feel
and as for dribbling cocks, mine sneezes it all in one go and then I just chill.
wilbz, fuck, you're killing me
The first time I came inside of a woman with no condom on Wilbur's mother thanked me for my patronage, I plonked a 50 down on her dresser, and I left feeling unsatisfied.
Some-time lurker, first post. I'm an Arsenal and Dortmund fan; bittersweet day. Welcome me with open arms footygaf
condoms suck
Cumming without a johnny wasn't where the magic occurred, it was the entry that was the true Dumbledore moment
After dark with Wilbz is a scary place
Always talk about cocks or the assortment of nick naks he has stuck up his bum
Oh dear, we might have an accident in our hand
Can we raise a child? Footy-Gaf, what do you say?
Well then, when you find yourself having your willy massaged by a 50 something male doctor just so he can get it prepared for that god damn pole I hope you remember tonight. The night we tried to save your life and you walked away.
Cumming without a johnny wasn't where the magic occurred, it was the entry that was the true Dumbledore moment
i love the sensation of going in to a tight cunt without a cape like a rolf harris victim
Thanks, it's good to be hereDat first time post!
Welcome, Congrats and commiserations.
She was very grateful, and I'm a rather wondrous shade of mahoganythis is extremely unlikely to have occurred
just the other day my mum said she's never owned a fifty pound note... so... idk what to believe lol
lemme go ask her hold on
what colour are you, this is how we differentiate between my mum's sexual conquests
Sounds about rightI love and slightly dislike you.
oh god man alive
when you know in your head that your shaft is actually making contact with a human vagina. it was like the first time i heard kate bush
Thanks, it's good to be here
She was very grateful, and I'm a rather wondrous shade of mahogany
Sounds about right
At least you got tossed off before the metal rod, swings and roundabouts innit
oh god man alive
when you know in your head that your shaft is actually making contact with a human vagina. it was like the first time i heard kate bush
You have no idea how loud I just laughed
my little brother wants to know what im laughing at
My friend has mahogany pubes. We call him Redwood.
Lloyd must not see.
He cannot.
He wouldn't understand.
Can you snap me a picture of this at some point? I've never seen natural mahogany pubes.
I remember I popped a bit of my finger up there once and didn't like it, and then I told my ex this and then next time we had sex she forced it well up there
c h r i s t
i felt like crimea
You're hanging around Gaf for six years, almost 20K posts and just now you decide to enter the best community we have here? Talking about LTTP man.
I too don't understand this. Feels like a poop but backwards.
I only started watching the sport sporadically a couple years ago. Just biding my time, waiting. Like a snake
I only started watching the sport sporadically a couple years ago. Just biding my time, waiting. Like a snake
I only started watching the sport sporadically a couple years ago. Just biding my time, waiting. Like a snake
You need to relax & wait til they/you hit your sweet spot.
"Oxlade... pls.... stahp. Gunnersaurus protect me."
You need to relax & wait til they/you hit your sweet spot.
How many you managed up the horse? A solitary digit or a four finger frenzy?
So if you decided to support Spurs we would have never see you post in here?
WatMy sweet spot is my slimy rod and I swear they cant reach it through my arsehole
On another note, one of my friends owns anal beads. That was a horrible conversation.
That's Podolski you racist.
She once put a whole bottle of Moose Head up there
Makes a change for the little boy to be chasing Wenger and ejaculating
How many you managed up the horse? A solitary digit or a four finger frenzy?
My sweet spot is my slimy rod and I swear they cant reach it through my arsehole
On another note, one of my friends owns anal beads. That was a horrible conversation.
I've had one who I shoved 4 fingers up. I knew full well there was room for a fist but I didn't want to feel like a ventriloquist.
whats wrong with anal beads?
Nout, go ahead and use them. Just don't whip them out without any warning and start talking about them.......
He didn't even warm me up. He just literally just whipped them out and started talking about them.
Fuck that