This from an Arsenal fan:
We lose to Blackburn and go out and we get "There goes our only chance at a trophy to focus on the CL which we cannot win. Sack the manager"
We win the FA cup and "Meaningless trophy lol. Sack the manager"
Some people ruin the enjoyment for themselves and will never realise what they have until they don't have it anymore.
I'm sorry I don't have the same fucking stockholm syndrome as the rest of you. I do realise what we had and it's long gone, I now fully realise we had the most competent intelligent self-organised players in the league, who overcame the non-existent motivational and tactical skills of the manager and now they are gone you can see he is a dinosaur.
Do you think the 2005 team was satisfied with the FA Cup? Where they fuck.
The manager absolutely deserves to be sacked and has deserved to be sacked for a very long time now. The fact that former players skirt around the issue when asked about it and you can see from their reactions they think he needs to go says it all.
Saying that doesn't make me any less of a fan. There is a massive downside to the FA Cup win (and lets be honest we won due to the draw, had we faced the Chavs, Mancs, Arabia or the Scousers away we would have been smacked), we are stuck with the fucker for longer. It is just purgatory.