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Football Thread 2013/14 |OT4| Everybody Hates Wenger renewed for 17th season

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KZ visually looks great, but looks so boring to play. Gonna hold off until Infamous for a PS4, today changed squat about that. The launch line ups for both consoles are rubbish.


That Cara and Neville vid on Arsenal is terrific stuff, Both of them pretty much bang on, although I rate Mertasaker much higher than Carragher does, I think he is pretty solid.


It looks the same as Ass 3 :lol

Arnie, how'd your boy Suso do yesterday?


FM14 for Vita? Holy shit batman

Is there any footage?

I'm hoping Fifa 14 is actually Fifa 14 on Vita. Fifa 13 was garbage.


Giving serious thought to cancelling my PS4 preorder

-Underwhelming launch lineup (imo, of course)
-3+ month gap between launch and Infamous, which to me is the first truly exciting game to come out for it
-Minor hardware kinks could be ironed out in those 3 months
-Still have a big PS3 backlog, which will only grow when GTAV, Beyond, GT6 and Rain come out
-Judging by Gamescom, Sony have nothing from the major studios in the immediate pipeline after Infamous

Infamous looks fuking amazing though, definitely getting one by the time that comes out.

Is Laboured on holiday? Need help with that PC build :(

I'm here you cunt.

Anyway, yeah PS4 launch seems pretty meh. I'm waiting on the first price drop and/or redesign.


It looks the same as Ass 3 :lol

Arnie, how'd your boy Suso do yesterday?

Ass 3 announced as free PS+ game next month right? :lol

Worst ps+ month yet then. :p

Also, Suso was very good for Almeria, shame they lost. He assisted a goal and played a big role in the other.


FM on Vita is nice. Does the cloud save feature requires Europe PSN?

Probably it is hard to find here unless I order it online from Europe...


Junior Member
What the fuck?! What did Ush do? Did he venture off to GamingGAF??

Giving serious thought to cancelling my PS4 preorder

-Underwhelming launch lineup (imo, of course)
-3+ month gap between launch and Infamous, which to me is the first truly exciting game to come out for it
-Minor hardware kinks could be ironed out in those 3 months
-Still have a big PS3 backlog, which will only grow when GTAV, Beyond, GT6 and Rain come out
-Judging by Gamescom, Sony have nothing from the major studios in the immediate pipeline after Infamous

Infamous looks fuking amazing though, definitely getting one by the time that comes out.

Is Laboured on holiday? Need help with that PC build :(
I'll get a PS4 eventually. But not for a good couple of months. It can fucking wait. Oh, and speak to Kharma about building your PC.


Giggs does that every week.

Nothing special :p

Ass 3 announced as free PS+ game next month right? :lol

Worst ps+ month yet then. :p

Also, Suso was very good for Almeria, shame they lost. He assisted a goal and played a big role in the other.
yup lol.

Adnan should've gone on loan to the same team. Adnan and Suso would lead Almeria to the league title.

Btw, where's Andres gone?

Also, where's Fady gone? Fady come back.


November 29 is a bit disappointing but alright I guess. MS didn't announce theirs, either it's in December or they wanted to know Sony date, I guess something of an acquired apprehension after the smack down Sony has been laying on MS.


Junior Member
So, the console warriors were out in full force, huh? :lol
I bet Evilore was in no rush to get the servers back.

BTW, has Lightning returned?
I'm here you cunt.

Anyway, yeah PS4 launch seems pretty meh. I'm waiting on the first price drop and/or redesign.

Shit, sorry bro, thought it was Laboured who'd done it :D

Sending you a PM

My cat walked across my keyboard,and as always pressed a button combination which has removed the toolbar from the top and bottom of the screen on Firefox. Anyone know how to get it back?


So, the console warriors were out in full force, huh? :lol
I bet Evilore was in no rush to get the servers back.

BTW, has Lightning returned?

It's kinda funny how easily the servers get brought down. For literally any big gaming news


Shit, sorry bro, thought it was Laboured who'd done it :D

Sending you a PM

My cat walked across my keyboard,and as always pressed a button combination which has removed the toolbar from the top and bottom of the screen on Firefox. Anyone know how to get it back?

She probably hit F11.


Viva if your podcast client can understand OPML here's what I'm subbing to. Mixture of history, tech, sport and some other stuff

<opml version="1.1" encoding="utf-8">
<title>Podcast Lounge Favourites Database</title>
<outline text="favourites">
<outline text="The PC Pro Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://podcast.pcpro.co.uk/?feed=rss2" htmlUrl="http://podcast.pcpro.co.uk/" />
<outline text="Football Weekly" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theguardian.com/football/series/footballweekly/podcast.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theguardian.com/" />
<outline text="Chequered Flag Formula 1" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/cff1/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007m6lj" />
<outline text="History Extra podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/HistoryExtraPodcast" htmlUrl="http://www.historyextra.com/" />
<outline text="The Football Ramble" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://footballramble.libsyn.com/rss" htmlUrl="http://www.thefootballramble.com/" />
<outline text="Dan Carlin's Hardcore History" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/dancarlin/history?format=xml" htmlUrl="http://www.dancarlin.com/" />
<outline text="PC Perspective Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.pcper.com/rss/podcasts.rss" htmlUrl="http://www.pcper.com/" />
<outline text="The History of WWII Podcast - by Ray Harris Jr" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://worldwariipodcast.net/wordpress/feed/" htmlUrl="http://worldwariipodcast.net/wordpress" />
<outline text="The Tech Report Podcast - MP3 Feed" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://techreport.com/podcast_mp3.rss" htmlUrl="http://techreport.com/" />
<outline text="The Wired.co.uk Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.wired.co.uk/podcast/rss" htmlUrl="http://www.wired.co.uk/" />
<outline text="Discovery" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/discovery/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002w557" />
<outline text="Best of Nolan" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/northernireland/nolan/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/nolan/home/" />
<outline text="Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/kermode/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lvdrj" />
<outline text="Nature Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.nature.com/nature/podcast/rss/nature.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.nature.com/nature/podcast/index.html" />
<outline text="T3 - www.t3.com" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.t3.com/rss-itunes-podcast" htmlUrl="http://www.t3.com/" />
<outline text="Tech Weekly" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/series/techweekly/podcast.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.guardian.co.uk/audio" />
<outline text="Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0070h86" />
<outline text="Fighting Talk" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/ft/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0070hvs" />
<outline text="The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/partiallyexaminedlife/blog?format=xml" htmlUrl="http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com/" />
<outline text="The History of Rome" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheHistoryOfRome?format=xml" htmlUrl="http://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/the_history_of_rome/" />

Hopefully you might find something good there. BBC History Extra is pretty great, my favourite at present.


Could have sworn I tried F11, cheers :)

No bother.


Junior Member


Viva if your podcast client can understand OPML here's what I'm subbing to. Mixture of history, tech, sport and some other stuff

Hopefully you might find something good there. BBC History Extra is pretty great, my favourite at present.

No bother.

"Best of Nolan" pfft


I'm proud of this PSV team. I don't even care if we advance to the CL or not.

one more thing though..Bakkali will rape your defense next week if he is fit.

I read some of the goal.com running commentary and I saw Rekik had a huge tackle just before the half. I hope we don't end up losing him after the loan before he spends some significant time playing for the team.


For those who missed it, Shakhtar also bought Facundo Ferreyra. He played for Velez and was an absolute monster in this year's FM. I swear, they use it for scouting. :lol Gremio's Fernando, Wellington Nem, Ferreyra and Bernard in one transfer window. Incredible.


For those who missed it, Shakhtar also bought Facundo Ferreyra. He played for Velez and was an absolute monster in this year's FM. I swear, they use it for scouting. :lol Gremio's Fernando, Wellington Nem, Ferreyra and Bernard in one transfer window. Incredible.

Velez are stacked with talent this year.


Oh God, I'm gonna enjoy this.

Carragher - "that cannot happen" re_ Bosscielny loooool

Edit - omg Nev's face when he says "they're just panicking" looool complete and utter disdain.

As an Arsenal fan, Gary Neville is completely spot on. We are trying to keep our hands clean - which is commendable - but we need to sink to the level of Man City and the like if we really want players.

From arseblog

"Football clubs, and managers, have been reacting to a normal, everyday part of the business in an increasingly irate way. Club X makes a bid to Club Y for player Z. Club Y responds, very publicly, by letting everyone know how furious they are and how derisory they consider the bid. As if somehow, Club X has overstepped the mark by simply trying to buy the player in the first place.

It&#8217;s amusing because Club Y, and their manager, has undoubtedly done the same thing at some point. They&#8217;ve made a bid to another club to buy a player that perhaps that club doesn&#8217;t want to sell. They&#8217;ll have sounded out the player, made a judgement on his market value, and then bid a bit lower than that because, well, that&#8217;s how it works.

You don&#8217;t think Player Z is worth £10m and then bid £20m just to keep the other club happy. You try and buy him as cheaply as you possibly can. It&#8217;s business and it&#8217;s part and parcel of football. It has been for years. Nobody is whiter than white. Every club and every manager has done the same thing. Sometimes it unsettles the player, sometimes not so much. Sometimes the club reach amicable agreement, sometimes not so much."

Completely agree.
S4 time

Thoughts on BB S3 including ending:

Jesse is awesome again, Walt is awesome, I love their relationship. Ending of Half Measures was brilliant, i thought Gus' guys would kill the gangsters, was amazing when Walt just flew through them and shot the guy. Gayle is annoying, but he doesn;t deserve to die. Wonder if Walt thinks that Gayle knows that they plan to kill Walt. Much less Skyler it seems. Scene in the LazerTag place was brilliant. Flashback scenes are a little silly as Walt and Skyler look about 15 years older than they're supposed to :p

Honestly, the way those last 2 episodes were shot, the acting and the soundtrack, it would have made an Oscar-deserving film.

Fucking brilliant programme.
S4 time

Thoughts on BB S3 including ending:

Jesse is awesome again, Walt is awesome, I love their relationship. Ending of Half Measures was brilliant, i thought Gus' guys would kill the gangsters, was amazing when Walt just flew through them and shot the guy. Gayle is annoying, but he doesn;t deserve to die. Wonder if Walt thinks that Gayle knows that they plan to kill Walt. Much less Skyler it seems. Scene in the LazerTag place was brilliant. Flashback scenes are a little silly as Walt and Skyler look about 15 years older than they're supposed to :p

Honestly, the way those last 2 episodes were shot, the acting and the soundtrack, it would have made an Oscar-deserving film.

Fucking brilliant programme.

The end of season 3 is but a glimpse of the highs achieved in Seasons 4 and 5


S4 time

Thoughts on BB S3 including ending:

Jesse is awesome again, Walt is awesome, I love their relationship. Ending of Half Measures was brilliant, i thought Gus' guys would kill the gangsters, was amazing when Walt just flew through them and shot the guy. Gayle is annoying, but he doesn;t deserve to die. Wonder if Walt thinks that Gayle knows that they plan to kill Walt. Much less Skyler it seems. Scene in the LazerTag place was brilliant. Flashback scenes are a little silly as Walt and Skyler look about 15 years older than they're supposed to :p

Honestly, the way those last 2 episodes were shot, the acting and the soundtrack, it would have made an Oscar-deserving film.

Fucking brilliant programme.


Season 4 time!!
S4 time

Thoughts on BB S3 including ending:

Jesse is awesome again, Walt is awesome, I love their relationship. Ending of Half Measures was brilliant, i thought Gus' guys would kill the gangsters, was amazing when Walt just flew through them and shot the guy. Gayle is annoying, but he doesn;t deserve to die. Wonder if Walt thinks that Gayle knows that they plan to kill Walt. Much less Skyler it seems. Scene in the LazerTag place was brilliant. Flashback scenes are a little silly as Walt and Skyler look about 15 years older than they're supposed to :p

Honestly, the way those last 2 episodes were shot, the acting and the soundtrack, it would have made an Oscar-deserving film.

Fucking brilliant programme.

I wish I could watch this for the first time again.
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