Twilight Princess is an amazing game. Your complaint = dismissed!
I liked what I played of it, I think I'm in some village and I'm the wolf and I have to find all the lighty up bugs before I can progress and I just got bored looking for them.
I honestly don't know what I'm doing on a game forum
What constitutes too Japanese? Effeminate males with spikey hair? The colorful pictures? The Oro?
Yeah, really spiky and big hairstyles. All females have big breasts but look no older than eleven and they wear school girl clothing. Everyone seems to know magic. They always live in a land that shit went down in many years ago. There's always a dark prince or lord or some shit. There's too many stats and males with long hair. Everyone's eyes are bigger than their dicks.
I dunno, like what's supposed to be the best Final Fantasy, 7? I just looked at Wikipedia, the plot sounded good but all just very confusing and overly elaborate; same reason I can't really get on with MGS either. I've never played a Final Fantasy just because I look at the characters and they all just look like generic anime characters or something, with humongous swords and really long silver hair and collars on their coats.
Same reason I can't watch anime. It's all too... anime.