Sorry what mate?Gz FF.
Is that GratZ
Ground Zeroes
(GratZ because I reached 25,000 posts)
Thanks either way mate
Would not have done it without you.
Sorry what mate?Gz FF.
He can't even complete simple 2m passes now.
Come back, Abysswalker, we fucking need you.
Rummenigge: "Pep is more German than the Germans"
Soriano: "Pep is more English than the English"
August 2016. Can't wait.
What a feeling that is. same thing happened to me a few years after I came to nz. Sensational feeling.
Was away most of the weekend, what happened with Wilbur and Lightning?
typical gaf bullshit, people caught feelings
Wilbur and Lightning, tho
'Carry Me' by Bombay Bicycle Club is a surprisingly good track to dance to
Okay then, how long are they off for?
Did you get in
there is a screenshot recap of the spat, didnt thiink it was ban worthy, but what do I know. no clue how long, seems like a 2 week sort of deal though but not sure how to check
I don't understand this question and its making me nervous...
Wasn't Wilbur one ban away from a permanent ban? Or did I make that up?
Can someone link me to the post where the beef began?
I can't be bothered to trawl through and I'm using a laptop out of the 00's today and having to use the Outlook web client which is completely shit.
Can someone link me to the post where the beef began?
I can't be bothered to trawl through and I'm using a laptop out of the 00's today and having to use the Outlook web client which is completely shit.
Can someone link me to the post where the beef began?
Wasn't Wilbur one ban away from a permanent ban? Or did I make that up?
Wasn't Wilbur one ban away from a permanent ban? Or did I make that up?
My bitterness against Southampton is more aimed at 3Sixty who points and laughs at former players constantly despite noone forcing them to sell. It's not Southampton personally that provoked that.
And fuck you. You're the only loser. Don't like me my opinions, fell free to ignore me and them. I couldn't care less.
Fuck you. You're the only loser. Don't like me my opinions, fell free to ignore me and them. I couldn't care less.
If you're #TeamLightning you're a loser
Fuck you. You're the only loser. Don't like me my opinions, fell free to ignore me and them. I couldn't care less.
Came across some interesting pics today.
And then....
Used the #LowKey for that pic of her perfect ass....
Man, you're more German than Pep.
if bradford don't get a thread title mention i'm gonna be mightily cheesed
well, slightly