Should've taken that Stones money.
Well at least Everton will be good next season if they get a good Coach
Well at least Everton will be good next season if they get a good Coach
HazardHis form for the last month suggests he was playing with a slight injury throughout the season. Hope he can keep his form into the Euro's and beyond.
We've found the culprit.Newcastle fans punched the server so hard it died
Newcastle spent £81 millions in players this season ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Do you think he'll stay? Don't think one terrible season will be enough to put Madrid off this transfer window.
He definitely won't make the England team now
We already knew Piers was a cunt who knows fuck all about football
Hate how he supports Arsenal
I don't see England overcoming the loss of Welbz
Every club has cunts that support it. We've got James Corden, for example.We already knew Piers was a cunt who knows fuck all about football
Hate how he supports Arsenal
I don't consider it a loss at all. One less excuse not to start Vardy and Kane. No one realistically thinks we can win the EUROs but we may as well go gung-ho and play players with high work rates that will strike fear into the hearts of opposition defenders. I'd be ecstatic with a semi-final appearance.I don't see England overcoming the loss of Welbz
imagine I was being really sarcastic
I bet this is the reason Hodgson delayed the team selection though. He was probably in tears.
Every club has cunts that support it. We've got James Corden, for example.
I think you're right.Gotze looks tubby in that pic
Lots of people felt pretty good about Rodgers/Martinez in April 2014. Liverpool was looking like they might win the league and Everton were knocking on the top 4.
i guess that's that
"bayern wants to sell götze. they even pressure his agent."
Jesus Christ... Götze won.
Haha. Well here is another one: Mickytarian is set to leave BVB this summer.i shouldnt open this thead during work lol
I guess the truth lies somewhere in between all those things. The Neymar story never really happened like the common legend that captured peoples minds. Pep agreed to not buy him because 3 years ago the price would have been 80+ million for him with a salary more than 15 million a year making a 19 year old the highest earning guy. Our board collectively rejected and Barca did the deal then. Götze was bought after that. Pep called and convinced him to join Bayern because he saw the potential to play this position he had in mind. He soon saw that Götze lacked the finishing skills. Remember he played 2 years on the Messi position as false 9 and just couldn't have an impact on the game. Peps floating formation also has no classic CAM, that's why he had to play on the wings and lacked the pace. He was lost there.I was a Götze defender for the longest time but even I can't defend or even understand what happened to him anymore
Is he just unhappy and that's why he let himself go or did really pep destroy him just because he wasn't neymar?
Express is having a rumour that we are interested in Horn.
I say let's do it. Bürki is good but I don't see him as world class keeper. Horn on the other hand can become one in the near future. We should probably also be able to sell Bürki with a profit considering how cheap he was.
DerZuhälter;203343840 said:Why not Zieler? He's even cheaper due to his relegation release clause (3.5M I think I read).