the 77 quid was going to apply to the new extended seating wasn't it? therefore that wasn't like it was super great seating.
I'll be honest here - i make a fair wage - and don't live in the UK anymore. I used to go see Ipswich, Chelsea, Palace, etc - anything in or around London, but Ipswich were my team. But those ticket prices then (pre-2000) were already pretty harsh.
Now? if i lived in the UK with 2 kids? no way can i justify what i would have to pay to go to -one- game.
Given the new tv deal which, lets face it, is where the actual cash is - then ramping up ticket prices just seems like rank and file capitalism of "WE HAVE TO GET EVERY PENNY FROM EVERY ANGLE!"
Maybe it's time for English football fans to start marching off to lower division sides where the price of taking your family to one game in the premier league buys a season ticket and , in some cases, TWO.