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Football Thread |OT11| Campaign: Save a donkey in Colombia

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Mm, I do like discussing it. It's a fascinating concept to me, widespread theology and all it encompasses.
So do I, just as a bemused bystander as someone dedicates their life to what I believe to be complete fiction, which contains stories clearly designed by the human mind which encompass subjects such as magic.

It's incredibly fascinating to watch an intelligent human being do this, in my opinion. To see the passion in their eyes as they tell me a human being's heart stopped functioning for a sustained period of time, and then they came back to life with their brain intact. That fascinates me. Genuinely.
Arnie. Have you tried Domino's Wrapz? Are they wank?
Not tried them, but from a guess I'd say they're shit.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much

on Koscielny's red card…

What I make of the decision is not really important. We have to live with the decision. I was surprised. Honestly. I refuse to watch it again because what does it help now? We have to live with the decision and make the maximum of it. I will watch it again. I've heard it was a penalty. Was it a red card? I don't know.

It's over, Samp-Milan 0-0. Godawful match, really, El Shaa played poorly, same with Robinho, Boateng, Bojan and Montolivo. Niang did something good, but he still has a long road ahead.


Messi has now made 42 assists over the last 3 years, making him the player in Europe's top 5 leagues to make the most. That means he's now the top goalscorer and assist provider over the last 3 years.

I can't blame ya, it's more entertainment than a sport. I still like it, though, and I've watched almost every SuperBowl since 2000 (couldnt watch it in 2010 because of a controlling test).

I've had lots of Americans explain handegg to me while being in US and I always managed to bail out, but then once I couldn't escape at a party and a girl drilled it into my head - she even used sketches, lol - and I guess I still remember most of the rules after almost 3 years.
But nothing is worse than Baseball - goddamn, what a boring sport..

NBA >>> NHL > NFL >^∞ Baseball


Jose Mourinho was all smiles as he settled into his seat at Old Trafford for Manchester United's match with Liverpool this afternoon.
The Real Madrid manager was in Manchester on a scouting mission ahead of next month's Champions League clash and also to attend a secretive two-day managers' seminar hosted by Sir Alex Ferguson.
Mourinho and Pep Guardiola, the former Barcelona manager currently on a sabbatical from the game, are among a number of big names from continental Europe expected to attend the League Managers' Association (LMA) event.
From the Daily Mail, but I'm intrigued.

Already dressing like Froggie.
On the theism topic, I'm bothered by militant anything. Probably because I grew up in a home with christian parents (dad's a pastor) who didn't force it on me.

As somebody who isn't religious I hate seeing either side shit all over the other. Militant theists piss me off because they try to force their beliefs, that you have no time for, down your throat. Whilst on the other hand, the militant atheists bore me to death because they'd have you believe that all theists do shove religion on you (whilst ironically being overbearing themselves) and most come across like patronizing smarmy bastards.

The militant atheists probably bother me more though. I get why religious people would do what they do. They genuinely believe they're doing a good thing. But I never really got how atheists could be so passionate about not believing something. Also, when you get dicks like Dawkins saying that christian parents labeling their children christian is "child abuse" that just bugs me.

As I said, I grew up in a christian home and would of been considered a christian child, can't say I feel a abused.

Put me in the camp of neither theists or atheist. The camp of not giving a crap. People should do what makes them happy.


The militant atheists probably bother me more though. I get why religious people would do what they do. They genuinely believe they're doing a good thing. But I never really got how atheists could be so passionate about not believing something.

They are just establishing how they believe themselves to be intellectually superior. Can see this tendency in a lot of other things as well.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Why can't Sanchez just shoot the ball, dude has zero confidence. Always tries to do an amazing play when the easiest one is the better option.

18 victories, 1 tie in 19 matches just fucking wow.


Preperations for 3DS Pokémanz started?

Oh yes. My rival in that game will be named after whoever scores the goal that wins City the championship this year :(

I'm excited already man! All five Pokemon announced so far are awesome, I've mega warmed to the Grass one after seeing all the fanart.

Totodile is the best G2 starter. I'm on Kermit's side.

I normally pick Totodile, but I've never been Cyndaquil so going with him this time.


I'm a little afraid the move to 3D will lose a bit of it's charm and slow the battles down to a crawl. I'm nervous to be honest, it's the biggest change Pokemon has had since the beginning, aesthetically at least.


Oh yes. My rival in that game will be named after whoever scores the goal that wins City the championship this year :(

I'm excited already man! All five Pokemon announced so far are awesome, I've mega warmed to the Grass one after seeing all the fanart.

I normally pick Totodile, but I've never been Cyndaquil so going with him this time.

Saw some dope fan art of the water one too.

I'm excited as fuck. Luckily I still need to play Black or White 2.


Every new Pokemon game announcement makes me want to go back and finish whichever previous game I abandoned.

I don't recall exactly where I was in Pokemon Black.


I'm a little afraid the move to 3D will lose a bit of it's charm and slow the battles down to a crawl. I'm nervous to be honest, it's the biggest change Pokemon has had since the beginning, aesthetically at least.

Yeah, but you can always turn off the battle animations. You've been able to do so in every game so far.


I'm a little afraid the move to 3D will lose a bit of it's charm and slow the battles down to a crawl. I'm nervous to be honest, it's the biggest change Pokemon has had since the beginning, aesthetically at least.

Yeah but it looks fucking gorgeous. It's such a perfect formula you can always go back and play the old ones and not feel like you're missing out on much save some new Pokes. Apart from the reusable TMs that are present in B/W, HeartGold is fucking perfect. Looks great, has a bunch of Pokemon, has the Kanto bits after the main game... its amazing


Saw some dope fan art of the water one too.

I'm excited as fuck. Luckily I still need to play Black or White 2.

If the final evolutions looked like the three there, I'd have such a hard choice picking which one I'd go for. I was all set to go for Tepig last time based on the starter and then he turns into some fucking ugly thing. Went for Oshawott, but I didn't like any of last gen's final evolved starters.

Empoleon, Turtwig, Feraligatr, Swampert, Charizard and Blastoise are the great ones.

Zeman on De Rossi: "I don't make formations based on player's salaries."

Paging dc.

That ship's sailed. Don't give him hope.
please, don't give him hope :(

Yeah I'm hyped for Pokemon. Imma have my Froggie destroy wilbury then post about it here!

plz my Chespin will make your Froakie eat my shit for breakfast
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