Discontinue WiiU. 3DS future.
The launch is barren indeed, but I never expected anything else. I think the Wii U will make a comeback, once (Nintendo) games actually start releasing.
A big problem with the console is that until people try it out they won't "get it". It's just not interesting enough. At least that's the impression I got in my circle of friends. Once I invited them to play Nintendoland (of all games) they all quite liked it and said they'd buy once 3D Mario hits.
In any case, 3DS is my absolut go-to system, just like the DS was before it.
That's where I get my JRPG fix. The only thing missing compared to the DS are the Igavanias.
EDIT: Also, Wii U is an awful name. Just call the damn thing the Yuu and everyone will get it's the successor. (You can even make an ad campain with two gamepads looking like the "u" letters)