I'll join United-GAF if you guys need help against cunts.
I'll join United-GAF if you guys need help against cunts.
Okay this dude was a legitimate lurker for some time if he dropped that reference.
can you pm a banned member?
pm your number i will send it to wilbury and he'll add you.
I don't wanna get naked texts in the middle of the night.
dat conspiracy. dat tip off
whatsapp gaf investigating a triple homieecide
I don't wanna get naked texts in the middle of the night.
How does it even work, we're not in the same country?
lol hes had mine for a couple of months now and nothing of the sort has happened. Trust the Wilbz and let us OPEN YOUR EYES
I can't stop reading articles about this.I don't know if this has been posted yet, but it's an amazing story:
How a Real Madrid fan who has for the 7 years has voluntarily helped out the club in it's pre-season training in California became the Madrid kitman for the El Clasico and the Champions League match against United.
Worth a read.
whose dick do i have to suck to get in on whatsapp
whose dick do i have to suck to get in on whatsapp
Whoa, Wilbury banned? What happened?
Whoa, Wilbury banned? What happened?
Supporting United.
Supporting United.
You keep that up and I'll create accounts in porn websites and use your e-mail for registration.
Well, you've made a fool of yourself. I'm already registered with 90% of them![]()
I must have escaped the mob
Wilburys child stained cock.
But I guess you can PM me with the number and ill forward it to wilbs so he can add you.
I'm right open, pm me your number.
edit: whoever, lol.
We did already. So many were killed in the F1 thread.
I really want in on the whatsapp fun, but holy shit giving you degenerates my real phone number? no no no no no no no no no
I really want in on the whatsapp fun, but holy shit giving you degenerates my real phone number? no no no no no no no no no
I really want in on the whatsapp fun, but holy shit giving you degenerates my real phone number? no no no no no no no no no
You know nothing, Rvy Snow.
Search for the fucking app already and join us.
lol were 20 members already, only 10 spots left GET IN WHILE THE CONSPIRACY IS HOT
Total is now 50, where's footygaf at?
update on android said it's now 50, iphone hack users will get the update soon i am sure.![]()
Guys Whatsapp is not good. Nothing more awkward than being in the pub with friends and getting a notification of Wilbz's dick on your phone.
Yep, 19 of 50 it says on my phone.
I would like to extend the hand of rational good sporting rivalary for the next few weeks. Bayern and Barca fans do not need to lower them selfs to common shit slinging of the likes of man united fans or Madrid/Juve/Pulga.
Hopefully we get two great games of football
Whatsapp? Pfff
Take it to the next level....Snapchat.
The fuck is a snapchat. Is this supposed to be the new 'in' thing? Kids these days moving to each new thing as quickly as Wilbury's mum.
It's actually quite organised if you have a name to all the phonenumbers.The Whatsapp chat is an incoherent mess of random photos of someone's dick and nipples.
It's actually quite organised if you have a name to all the phonenumbers.