Broder Salsa
that image is worse than the ones of wilbs naked
footygaf will start hating on bayern now when they keep winning everything, at least we are going to get spared some of the hate.
It's van Persie, is that even a contest ?The Bayern hate here has nothing to do with them winnin everything. It has to do with conversations going like this:
"Yo dudes so like who is the best striker in the PL this year? Torres, Bent or Carlton Co..."
"Dude we're talking about the PL man. So anyway, what abou.."
"Schweinsteiger isn't even a striker! He's a midfielder"
"Yeah #FuckBayern"
it was apparent, when European football were operating world record transfers in the £28M-£45M range, the Bavarian muppets were dealing in the £10M-£15M range also utttering a cocktral war cry about their potential World XI & world domination yet got bitch slapped consistently in the CL every season.
These days when the top European clubs are selling and buying superstars in the £50M-£80M RANGE, the dickweeds have sealed a transfer in the £30M range and popping their collars up like uber cool douchebags.
Then you have the hapless British media, once again wanking over their greatness like they do with anything German.
In the next few hours, they would figure out what top brass European footballs all about. If they manage to hang on to more than 35% possession they should be lucky or in the worst case if they sneak to a lucky win the verbal diarrhea from Beckenbauer and the three stooges should be unbearable.
I hope the plushies get buried with their weedle tucked behind their legs.
Come on Barca!
Had Bundesliga followed EPL's blueprints, their league would've actually developed and offered some better quality of football.
Right now their footie remain as-is sticking to their tradition of kicking tins in to a trash strewn sewer grate .
So you're way off the mark...
Once Barcelona bitchslaps Bayern and end their little adventure yet gain, majority of the Bundesliga dingbats would crawl under the wood work.
Some little Englanders who usually live by the worn out cliche, would be muted for a while as there is nowt much remains in this season to gnaw about.
Bayern are in the traditional boom-bust cycle their long established kitchen aggression, chasing kittens with hand bags, playing dead rubbers in the first round with a marked up ferocity, as it happens every season,backed by a clueless media only to go down the gutter without a whimper.
And Dortmund, the previous German champions outplayed over 2 legs by 5th placed Malaga (who are currently losing 4 - 1 to Valencia) had to rely on a atrocious display of refereeing to reach this round.
I will enjoy watching Real Madrid thrash them. They don't deserve to be here, it should be Malaga.
:lol :lol
Think Bayern will bottle it in the final if they come up against Madrid. It's seems to be what they do in finals
From the Guardian blog. Guy has been trolling for a week or so. I'm curious when he'll post again.
Nearly, my friend. Nearly.
He was right with 35% tho.
From the Guardian blog. Guy has been trolling for a week or so. I'm curious when he'll post again.
Nearly, my friend. Nearly.
He was right with 35% tho.
Why would someone in the Dortmund team leak Götze to Bayern?
Accident or not, they've really screwed over their team mates.
Think Bayern will bottle it in the final if they come up against Madrid. It's seems to be what they do in finals
You realize that Real almost always chokes against Bayern in the CL? So what would be stronger, Bayern's final curse or Real's Bayern trauma? didn't wait long to whip out their 'Fin de ciclo' header, they were eager too I bet, having to wait 5 years to let that out of system. the cunts.
Just watching highlights of Arsenal v Man Utd from 2004/2005, man, Rooney and Ronaldo are so... spindly. Rooney is quick as well, the contrast between then and the lump he is now is amazing.
Just watching highlights of Arsenal v Man Utd from 2004/2005, man, Rooney and Ronaldo are so... spindly. Rooney is quick as well, the contrast between then and the lump he is now is amazing.
Just watching highlights of Arsenal v Man Utd from 2004/2005, man, Rooney and Ronaldo are so... spindly. Rooney is quick as well, the contrast between then and the lump he is now is amazing.
Just watching highlights of Arsenal v Man Utd from 2004/2005, man, Rooney and Ronaldo are so... spindly. Rooney is quick as well, the contrast between then and the lump he is now is amazing.
That ashley cole dive at the beginning, holy crap. Didn't even get a yellow!
Look at that, barça has more possession.
We need a coach that can manage all these egos and make sure no one feels safe in their position. Tito doesn't strike me as having the personality to achieve that.