An insane event took place at Turf Moore on Saturday as Burnley mascot Bertie Bee was sent off, and then locked up, after he got too involved against QPR.
Bertie Bee was sent off by referee Simon Hooper after he comically handed the linesman his oversized glasses following a dodgy decision.
Rather than see the funny side, the officials took the strange step off sending the mascot back to the changing rooms where a picture was later leaked out of the mascot sitting in a locked up cell.
I miss the championship.
Bertie Bee was sent off by referee Simon Hooper after he comically handed the linesman his oversized glasses following a dodgy decision.
Rather than see the funny side, the officials took the strange step off sending the mascot back to the changing rooms where a picture was later leaked out of the mascot sitting in a locked up cell.

I miss the championship.