This time is not a war, PS4 is the most logical choice. It's not about preferences anymore, but about common sense. At least if you're into games, and not into DVR and shit.
Just realized I'll have to pay to play FIFA 14 online. WHY
MWAHAHA, you're all sheeple. I went with Wii U, where you don't have to pay to play FIFA 14 o....fuck.
This time is not a war, PS4 is the most logical choice. It's not about preferences anymore, but about common sense. At least if you're into games, and not into DVR and shit.
Just realized I'll have to pay to play FIFA 14 online. WHY
MWAHAHA, you're all sheeple. I went with Wii U, where you don't have to pay to play FIFA 14 o....fuck.
#VitaBrosDo you seriously not regret it?
This question is sponsored by Blablurn who bought a Vita
Not really. I got MH3U. It was worth it. Plenty of good games available, but as I get older there's more and more important things to spend money on.
This time is not a war, PS4 is the most logical choice. It's not about preferences anymore, but about common sense. At least if you're into games, and not into DVR and shit.
Just realized I'll have to pay to play FIFA 14 online. WHY
DC pls. LolROFL at the avatar changing!
Hey guys! Ferguson has retired.
Again? I never sell my stuff. I did throw all my Wii stuff away though, only to realize I should've kept a Wiimote and that Xenoblade might've been in there.
Yes, I'm really a fucking idiot and I will deserve my new name.
Pretty much. Back then I thought the roaches were everywhere.
I went with master race. Where Fifa 14 cost me 18 euros, online is free and I can use good voice chat software.
Again? I never sell my stuff. I did throw all my Wii stuff away though, only to realize I should've kept a Wiimote and that Xenoblade might've been in there.
Yes, I'm really a fucking idiot and I will deserve my new name.
Nope. Problem is I want a room with furniture of adequate size (that's not utter shit) since I'll only stay less than two more years here. I figured the worst is behind me anway, might as well stay until I've found a really good apartment.
Sir Galahad has the best character design I've seen from any next gen game so far.
I really want 1886 to be good.
Meus you crack me up on Facebook
'I think it's time to look for another video games forum'
Yep, Chelsea B look stronger but could go both ways. Going to be interesting at least.Arsenal or Chelsea win tomorrow?
I think Chelsea will get the win. Their second team is pretty strong. Mata, Willian (?), Eto'o will probably start too.
What? No!
It's just a man with a moustache. I don't understand why everyone's fawning over it. There are tons of those cunts waltzing around East London every day.
I met the marketing manager for 1886 and she started talking to me about The Order and I said I didn't like the art style, as in a mixture of historical and sci-fi and she looked at me with the maddest glare.
Gameplay screens look nice and atmospheric, though. Need to see footage. But yea, really don't know why people are falling arse over tit regarding that character design.
Yeah, Chelsea and City have a very strong squad. Maybe Spurs are up there too. They need more time to gel though.Yep, Chelsea B look stronger but could go both ways. Going to be interesting at least.
United game won't be broadcast in UK, so streams it is.
Isn't the Order just Victorian Gears of War?
I don't get what everyone's fascination with it.
It's just another class base coop 3rd person shooter, made by people that use to only make psp games.
Meus you crack me up on Facebook
'I think it's time to look for another video games forum'
EVERYONE needs to go watch the Star Wars blooper video in the OP.
I'm in TEARS.
jesus fucking H
The Slipping Stormtroopers hahahahaha
:lol :lol
I am fucking awful at PS.
Can someone whip me up a sexy Giroud pic pls
loooooolWhat the fuck is that
Arsenal team I want to see tomorrow:
Monreal, Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Jenkinson
Wilshere, Hayden
Gnabry, Bendtner, Ryo
If Elsfeld was fit I would play him instead of Ryo. Have Apkom on the bench to bring on and let's see if we can get the job done.
Someone explain CBOAT to me. Why does he write the way he does?
Gaming sites wont quote him.
Someone explain CBOAT to me. Why does he write the way he does?