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Football Thread U 2013/14 |OT8| 3rd in a 2 team league


Just watched 12 Angry Men. Excellent film. It's about these twelve men, who are angry, and by the end of the film
they aren't angry.


Junior Member
It's a dark scene there. The CoD thread is properly funny.

It's kinda smart to let people buy the controller early and mess with it. Builds up the excitement for the console, I took a marketing class once, I know what's going on. :p
Sony are definitely doing a damn fine job with the console's promo. Hats off to them. I do fear for the lives and GAF accounts of many though. Then again, if most of them are banned for their nonsense then I can only hope for a peace and quiet on the gaming side. :lol

Thaxted is the most beutiful piece of music ever written

Shove that up your arses

Wut u on about nao?
Hitcher is always saying crazy stuff these days

It is tho

I won't say its the best, but its the most moving I've ever heard

If CoD: Ghosts brings the fun back rather than being the close quarters, interior-locationed shite MW3 looked like, I'll buy it. There were a hell of a lot of things wrong with MW2, but it was bloody fun and satisfying.

People who think Battlefield's shooting and movement controls are anywhere near as fun are worse than people who think GTAV's shooting controls are great


Thaxted is very pretty. It's extremely overused though, particularly in Japan. I swear if you spend a day shopping in Tokyo you'll hear Jupiter at least three of four times. My favorite from the planets is Mars, but it's not nearly as listenable, which is fine with me as I generally prefer music that pushes you out of your comfort zones. I'm listening to one such example right now (Wild Beasts)
Tidy performance by us today I am also delighted to see our strikers actually scoring hope it can be maintained, I must say I am loving Hazard even more this season.


"Former Tottenham defender William Gallas has agreed to join A-League side Perth Glory on a one-year deal."

A-League has truly become a career graveyard.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Europa league now a distinct possibility. I'm so disappointed that we lost. Damn it.

I'm sure you will beat Napoli away, you dicked on them once already. Do that and second place is assured
and you will go out to a big team in the round of 16 as normal


Might be going to Zurich in December for my work Christmas party. hnnnngh.
San Francisco again the following month to go to the HQ for a week. hnnnnnnnnngh.

I'd probably have to eat out of bins in Switzerland though given how expensive everything is...


I'm sure you will beat Napoli away, you dicked on them once already. Do that and second place is assured
and you will go out to a big team in the round of 16 as normal

A Benitez team away in the CL? Good luck, especially bearing in mind that if Napoli beat Marseille next time then draws to Arsenal and Dortmund would be enough to get them through, they wouldn't even need to go for the win.


Does anyone else keep getting logged out of mobileGAF? It's well annoying. Been happening since yesterday, and every time I log back in my settings have been reset.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Gallas was a good servant for us, he was amazing when we won at the Emirates a couple of years ago. The ultimate troll performance. I also enjoyed him trying to snap RVP's legs off at Old Trafford last season.


>any PS4/Xbone launch game.
That's because half of them have been delayed and the other half have been downgraded to 720p.

You weren't making those claims 2 weeks ago when the next gen launch looked decent!
it never looked exciting
Shit, Batman's out Friday.

Better get a move on in Beyond

FW asked a couple of days ago, and I'll ask now. What, if anything, are you guys getting at launch for the upcoming gen?



Killzone: Shadowfall
Battlefield 4
Resogun (obvsly)


CoD: Ghosts
Assassin's Creed 4 (a couple of weeks post-release)

3 first person shooters is too much, especially all with a focus on MP

Gotta get me some of these badboys

Everyone watching Madrid-Juve later, right?
Last night was amazing. San Siro was packed, seeing a match like this in the Curva Sud is an unbelievable experience. Kakà is still loved by everyone, and the standing ovation when he was subbed was incredible, it felt like San Siro is still his home and never left. Sure, he's far from being the Kakà that won a CL almost completely alone, but he's still good and will definitely help us.
I didn't hear a single complain after the game, everybody did a great job (except for Zapata and Mexes in the first half) and this match reminded me how much I need a De Jong shirt. Guy's amazing, he reminds me so much of Van Bommel.
Also, Montolivo really earned that captain armband. And we paid him €0, probably the best deal we made in the past two years.

And, of course, I'll never forget about this:


Binho and Kakà together are simply amazing. They'll show some good football in a few weeks, I'm sure, we just need Kakà to get back to an acceptable form.
What about that fucking miss tho. Classic Binho.
Everybody at San Siro facepalmed. Everybody.
IIrc I was near the K, on the left side. We even had a sheet with instructions, timing and everything else, and the Curva leaders were pretty pissed when some people just didn't care.
Neymar was a bit shit though, I expected something more from him, I guess he still need some time to get used to European football and not just Spanish football.
That was just so awesome. Even I enjoyed it, lol. Too bad Alves came and ruined it.

Fuck Alves man.

He's so goddamn good. And we have to play with Abate. Fuck me.


Why do some people not think Arsenal deserve the position we're in in the league? Sure we've had easy games, but you can only beat what's in front of you. We've played welll in every game this season so far. In fact the game against Dortmund was one of our worst performances this season and it still wasn't terrible. With a bit more luck, we might have one (Rosicky's shot, Carzola's bar hit). Like seriously what will take for some people to see us as genuine contenders, beating Chelsea, City, Liverpool and United? OK then, I'm looking forward to those games.


Why do some people not think Arsenal deserve the position we're in in the league? Sure we've had easy games, but you can only beat what's in front of you. We've played welll in every game this season so far. In fact the game against Dortmund was one of our worst performances this season and it still wasn't terrible. With a bit more luck, we might have one (Rosicky's shot, Carzola's bar hit). Like seriously what will take for some people top see us as genuine contenders, beating Chelsea, City, Liverpool and United? OK then, I'm looking forward to those games.

You took 24 points from these same fixtures last year, you've taken 19 this year. You're doing worse this season than last.


Neymar was a bit shit though, I expected something more from him, I guess he still need some time to get used to European football and not just Spanish football.

Fuck Alves man.

He's so goddamn good. And we have to play with Abate. Fuck me.

Didn't think Neymar was shit, wasn't great either that's for sure, but none of our players other than Busquets were good. Messi, Ney, Sanchez, Xavi, Iniesta etc. You guys defended really well, too bad we didn't lol.

Alves is awesome, I agree :)


The key thing that should be noted is Ramsey, Ozil and Giroud are having to play too many games. We need to get some rotation going.

Gibbs is not so good that Monreal can't get a game for example.
I don't understand why Monreal isn't given more chances. The few times he played I thought he put more effort in attacking than what Gibbs does. I mean...Gibbs only defends...like only that. Sure that's what he should do but he needs to be a bit dangerous when going forward.


Hnngg dat Del Piero interview <3

Quick google translate because fuck you

What are your earliest memories of Madrid?

- In the 80's I loved the Madrid of Butragueño , his cunning to face the goal. I have admired on TV that team Buyo , Chendo , Camacho , Sanchis, Michel, Hugo Sanchez ...

-He recites it by memory!

- I have recorded the first time I went to the Bernabeu with Juve in 1996 , after seeing so many times that mythical stadium on TV. After admiring the company followed Hierro, Roberto Carlos ... And how to forget Raul. I admire him so very much ... I think his career has paralleled mine. But as a player , above all, I remember the semifinals of 2003 , because we face a team like Ronaldo and Zidane phenomena , and we spend . Today there is another great Madrid with Cristiano .

- Is it still a man of club despite leaving?

- Always will be a tifoso Juventus. I was a kid , I've been as a player and captain of the club and I am now being in the Sydney FC . The tifosi have given me so much. My past will never be erased . The legacy remains. Could it be otherwise after 20 years together?

- How do you remember the applause they gave you at the Bernabeu after your double in the 0-2 ?

- In my career I have received great demonstrations of affection, in Europe and in Italy . But above all remember two moments : the homage in my last game in Turin and the applause at the Bernabeu after my double in 2008 . For me it is worth a trophy at the individual level . Receiving a standing ovation at the temple of football is priceless. It was incredible sportsmanship of those people , their ability to applaud an opponent still missing. Still today I think I give away the time and thank you for this interview to reiterate my thanks .

- They were two great goals . The second fault with a badly placed by Casillas. It was a mess!

- I see it another way: I shot great ( laughs). I think Iker placed the barrier to disorient me , but I put it in the right angle . It was a beautiful goal , and decisive. The beautiful goals that earn you have very little.

- Madrid tried to sign you before?

- No, but my contract ends in a year Sydney (laughs ) .

- Messi or Cristiano ?

'It's like saying : mom or dad? Messi is fantasy , pure talent. Christian is the genius combined with great physical prowess and ability to be concrete .

- Do you think Zidane triumph as coach despite being a shy man ?

-He is not shy! He is a quiet man , but he becomes a great friend when he takes confidence .He's a smart man , and as such, he will get where he wants.

- What were your idols growing up?

- Then played in Italy Maradona , Platini , Zico ....

- Do you have a favorite for the Champions League?

- Cant I choose a final between Juventus and Madrid?

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