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Former intelligence chief : trump scandals worse then watergate

That last quote in the OP is classic Trump.

"I don't want you to simply do your job, I want you to tell everyone how great and totally not under investigation I am and how my victory was great and that I'm a great, handsome, vigorous, leader. Kneel before Zod."


No one? A lot of people do. It's why it's the top story and has been for at least 6 months.
Nobody with the power to do anything about it cares, and nobody with the ability to influence those people (their voters) care though.

The problem isn't just Trump. It's the entire GOP, the 35% of America that would still ardently support him in the face of video evidence of him raping a child before discussing collusion with Putin himself, and the additional 10% who may disapprove but would still vote GOP/Trump anyway.
Nobody with the power to do anything about it cares, and nobody with the ability to influence those people (their voters) care though.

The problem isn't just Trump. It's the entire GOP, the 35% of America that would still ardently support him in the face of video evidence of him raping a child before discussing collusion with Putin himself, and the additional 10% who may disapprove but would still vote GOP/Trump anyway.

The GOP isn't everybody.
Nobody with the power to do anything about it cares, and nobody with the ability to influence those people (their voters) care though.

The problem isn't just Trump. It's the entire GOP, the 35% of America that would still ardently support him in the face of video evidence of him raping a child before discussing collusion with Putin himself, and the additional 10% who may disapprove but would still vote GOP/Trump anyway.

These things take time. FBI needs to have bullet proof evidence that even the GOP can't deny. Also it seems to me there are so many people involved in all scandals that maybe they can't keep up.

Real life is not a TV Show that has a limited budget and limited number of episodes so the conclusion to a storyline has to unfold inside a budget constraint.

Give it time. Watergate took a while as well.


And Republicans actually acted with NIxon, whereas they have done shit with Trump. Speaks a lot how they mutated over the years.


The GOP isn't everybody.
True, the original post you quoted was incorrect and you're right, a lot of people do care. It's just not enough people, and not the right people (those with any power to do anything about it).

I've pretty much accepted that Trump will finish his term, and GOP will hold onto their majorities in the midterm. I'm pretty hopeful for 2020 though. I hope, if possible, that the dems further investigate (if necessary) and prosecute the fuck out of Trump and his lackeys if they get power back, rather than "moving on for the good of the country." The shit he's pulled is a risk to our democracy, and I'm convinced there was collusion. I think it would be a dangerous precedent to let it all go unanswered and without consequences.
Good ole Watergate-gate.
i really hope there is some trump tweet about watergate, so we can all call the ensuing backlash 'watergate-gate', and then the ensuing tweets about that plus backlash can be 'watergate-gate-gate', repeat until reality collapses into itself


Enough time has past that we are well insulated from the memories of the Cold War, and much of the current generation has zero recollection of the atmosphere of intense rivalry and animosity. Russia however, is not as isolated from these events, and they are still recovering from the collapse of their institutions at the end of the Cold War.

I believe the U.S. as a collective is too distracted by various aspects of it's culture to really grasp the seriousness and ramifications of Russians attempts to divide us and de-legitimize our democratic process. As a nation we have grown a bit complacent, with the distractions of pop culture, consumerism, and internal political divisions.

I'm not sure what it will take to wake us the fuck up, but I'm a bit concerned that it might be something rather dramatic.
Watergate involved an actual crime. It isn't comparable to this nonsense.

Treason is a crime, obstruction of Justice is a crime, we're just waiting to see if anyone will be charged at this point. Watergate took a while, we're only a few months into this thing, give it time, we'll see someone charged with something.


These things take time. FBI needs to have bullet proof evidence that even the GOP can't deny. Also it seems to me there are so many people involved in all scandals that maybe they can't keep up.

Real life is not a TV Show that has a limited budget and limited number of episodes so the conclusion to a storyline has to unfold inside a budget constraint.

Give it time. Watergate took a while as well.
Democrats controlled Congress under Nixon, and even then he only went down when there was audio recoding of him essentially admitting to obstruction. (Trump's already essentially admitted to obstruction re: Comey firing and still...nothing)

The investigation has already been ongoing for a year. What if any super rock solid evidence, comparable to the Nixon tapes, has already been destroyed or never existed? What if the only evidence left by Trump team and the Russians at this point is a suffocating, overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence? And if there were some "smoking gun" that gets revealed, do you honestly think Republicans will give a flying fuck? Their base won't care and would actively revolt if they turn on Trump.

People keep saying "these things take time," as if something is guaranteed to happen eventually. But no matter how much more time we give it, the primary factors preventing anything from happening will still be in place until Republicans suffer massive electoral losses.


So not worth it
Waitaminute there's no way that the pee tape exists and hasn't leaked yet, right?

I honestly don't know what to think about the fact that they were hounding officials about it.

If it exists and it's used as leverage to control Trump, why would they leak it? You don't give up your leverage unless it's useless.


Trump is all about the money and you can follow the money. Whether the Republicans actually do anything is another matter.


Greatest of ironies. Both Donald Trump and Michael Flynn were democrats for most of their lives until their recent turn.

Like, if I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd argue that the Democrats sent in double agents to bring down the GOP in the worst way possible.
I mean I agree

but no one seems to care

it's baffling

The media is killing itself with all this innuendo and scandals and issues that turn out to be questionable.

Steve Bannon is on his way out, declared everyone two months ago. Nothing happens.

Trump hates Reincewind Preibus, declares all networks two months ago, he is about to get fired. Nothing happens.

Sean Spicer is getting fired! Nothing happens.

So many cases of collusion with Russia! No evidence, first testimony by FBI director today. Wanna bet absolutely nothing important is revealed?

Its hard not to believe in the fake and untrustable news narrative now being peddled by Trump if 90% of the things the media says never get substantiated.

Watergate was huge because a couple people got caught by cops doing something they were not supposed to be doing and they fingered the President. That hasn't happened yet, IN ANY WAY, against Trump. Just a bunch of allegations that people who want to hate Trump believe with no evidence.

The reality is that that Russia has long ago covered its tracks by murdering anyone involved who knows anything. Maybe we'll get some real evidence, I hope so, but I really wish the media would do their fucking goddamn jobs and report responsibly and with evidence in hand, and not just throw out every rumor and possibility as fact. It has completely destroyed their credibility, which is exactly what the republicans (and Russians) want.


Waitaminute there's no way that the pee tape exists and hasn't leaked yet, right?

I honestly don't know what to think about the fact that they were hounding officials about it.

The assumption should be that if it exists, it was recorded by the Russian FSB, and they don't seem so leaky.
The likelihood of a pardon is high, in my opinion. In the case of Trump pardoning himself:
Should be noted that it doesn't seem like the President can pardon crimes for which an individual is being impeached for, so that would lead to an interesting game of chicken between Trump and congress. Could he get away with dropping a pardon for himself as the House is preparing to vote on impeachment to shield himself from criminal prosecution afterwards?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Should be noted that it doesn't seem like the President can pardon crimes for which an individual is being impeached for, so that would lead to an interesting game of chicken between Trump and congress. Could he get away with dropping a pardon for himself as the House is preparing to vote on impeachment to shield himself from criminal prosecution afterwards?

I don't know that we even get to an impeachment hearing before 2020. Either Muller needs to come out with a strong case or public opinion turns so far South that he loses all party support. Trump could go all-in on attempting to pardon himself as a means to end the case. It's worth noting that he would only be able to avoid federal prosecution, not state, if he was able to pardon himself.
Realistically, what are the chances that Trump will get impeached?

Very low, but climbing.

0% chance it happens under this Congress, though. The midterm election results will probably decide. Anything less than a complete bloodbath for the GOP, and it won't happen.


Watergate involved an actual crime. It isn't comparable to this nonsense.

You know I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt when we had that "Who voted for Trump, and why?" thread a few months ago. You sounded semi reasonable and at the time we didn't know that all this craziness would truly happen.

But now I just think you're a troll who insists on going into every Trump thread and disagree on everything. Are you not bothered even a little? How much smoke do you need to see before you think "Oh, maybe there is a fire..."?
Trump is not nixon

While many americans hate Trump the supporters still adore hik and see him as a modern god. He will not ger impeached unless republicans suffer losses in the elections

However since democratic voters usually dont vote and republican voters do its going to be hard.

Dude Abides

You know Nixon went down for obstruction of justice, right? Trump trying to interfere with the FBI investigation is already enough reason for impeachment.

Not to mention using fraudulent means to access electronically stored data can be a crime depending on the circumstances. But Trumpers gonna Trump.
I don't understand why Republicans are so willing to defend and protect Trump.

They can get their legislation through just fine with Mike Pence and most Americans would probably, at the very least, feel more comfortable with Mike Pence running things than Donald Trump at this point.

Donald Trump isn't exactly willing to stick his neck out to protect Republicans.

He's thrown guys like Graham, McCain, Rubio, Bush, Cruz, Ryan - hell, even the Freedom Caucus PAC under the bus.

He says Mike Flynn is a good guy, even though he fired him less than a month into his Presidency for lying to Mike Pence's face. What happened to that loyalty?

I think Republicans need to ask themselves a question - Do you really think Trump would go to war to defend YOU, even if it meant making him look bad himself? Trump would fire another Republican in a second if it meant making himself look better.

Hell, Trump doesn't even listen to his own cabinet or advisers, so far as contradicting all of their foreign policy statements is concerned. Tillerson and Mattis have been contradicted by Trump multiple times.

Trump simply doesn't give a shit about anyone unless it helps himself.

So, I ask Republicans - why are you defending a man who really doesn't give a damn about you when you have Mike Pence ready and waiting and who would treat everyone with class and dignity and be a much better face for the party?


The problem is that ruling party doesn't care and/or is also complicit in illegal activities.

I used to think that the Republicans #1 priority with Trump was holding their nose while pushing their agenda through Congress. ..except they've passed basically nothing and the outlook is bleak. Now I think they're only interested in keeping their miserable jobs. For better or worse, the GOP base is tied to Trump and he's going nowhere unless there's a massacre in 2018.

I also agree that some prominent GOP memebers are complicit in the Russia/obstruction nonsense.
I mean I agree

but no one seems to care

it's baffling

Its so hard for normal people who might only watch a few minutes of news a day or see articles on face book only, to know what is true anymore. We are also so polarized by party that one group of people will care, the other won't.

My stance is, I have to believe the media is doing its job and the articles/scoops/sources are true.


Trump being impeached doesn't mean he is gone. That is something the House can do but then it goes to the senate for a vote. I believe they would need 2/3 approval to remove him from office. In the current climate and with the current seats, that will not happen. In 2018 though....


Trump being impeached doesn't mean he is gone. That is something the House can do but then it goes to the senate for a vote. I believe they would need 2/3 approval to remove him from office. In the current climate and with the current seats, that will not happen. In 2018 though....

If a GOP led congress would vote to impeach Trump I'd likely assume that means evidence came up that make's Trump's stink too bad for the GOP to stick around for. If it becomes publicly known, with evidence to back it up, that Trump straight up committed Nixon-tier crime(s) then I think the GOP will turn on him in order to save their 2018 skins.


The interesting part for me is here: ”Ever-transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous dossier which I couldn't and wouldn't do."

It speaks to the fundamental nature of Trump, underneath the incompetence, ignorance, bigotry, narcissism, and stupidity, of course. He is an amoral businessman; everything is quid pro quo to him. He has no ideals, nor respect for anything outside of himself and his own narrow self-interest. His first and only response to anything asked of him is, "Well, what am I getting?" Someone like that cannot be President and lead a country of diverse needs, wants, and interests or you get exactly what we are seeing: a non-functional, destructive Government. He is a greedy, selfish child.
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