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Formula 1 2016 Season |OT| This thread is unavailable due to a copyright claim by FOM

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Seeing how awful this quali was I'm beginning to wonder if I should get my ass out of bed so early on a sunday to watch these guys race.


You basically have to be out on track all the time with this format. If you are in the pits looking safe with three minutes to go and people below improve their times you're out.

Except you can't, you will be too heavy on fuel to set a fast pace and after 2 laps the best of the tyres will have gone. Endurance racing could pull this format off as they can pound around for an hour setting ever faster laps but F1's cars are by their nature garage queens.


Needs to be some luck involved tho. Crashes, weird weather.

Even Merc can fuck up sometimes, and Ferrari will too. On some tracks they might have the speed to be first in line when someone at the top teams messes up.

Of course, I'm hoping for this quite prematurely considering that we haven't even had the first race yet.
So the alternative to this shitty quali format was reversed grids?

And now Bernie wants added time to the previous race winner.


Gold Member
This sport is in such decline is absurd, i watched the quali today to see if it was gonna be any better but to see every driver out of the car with 3 minutes to go is a travesty, a testament of how fucking stupid the FIA is
I would be livid if I dropped the cash for a weekend ticket.

I was originally planning on going to two or three races this year (though to be honest, that's pretty much off the cards unless Mercedes have fucked up their race pace somehow), and no way I go for weekend tickets unless they scrap that qualifying system.

With no kangaroo TV (or whatever they called it before they got rid of it), it would be a fucking nightmare to work out what's going on. Even with commentary / pictures... just, no.


I dunno, some tracks where Ferrari's advantage is less great, like Monaco or Baku could be oppertunities for Toro Rosso.

You can always count on Raikkonen or Rosberg to screw up at some point as well, so a 3rd spot is possible with luck.


I'm guessing the Vettel changing into his casuals for the post-race was a pre-planned stunt to emphasis how everyone except the rule makers could see what a disaster the new format was going to be.

Qualifying aside, should be a pretty exciting race tomorrow with midfield so closely matched. Wouldn't bet against Ferrari's race pace being stronger than their 1 lap again.
Outside of getting the timing wrong there was nothing wrong with the strategy itself.
Problem is, there's really no way to get the timing right as such. Your best bet is just endlessly pitting the driver and sending them out again immediately afterwards, but to do that you need the tyres... which they don't have.

The first two drivers are basically eliminated on their first laps, and then everyone else finds themselves in the wrong position and unable to get out fast enough to do the outlap and the full pace lap. Maybe this could be fixed by going 2 minute elimination gaps? I don't know.

I'm especially pissed about it because it looked like Haas had the pace to get much higher up the grid, but we never got the chance to see exactly where.
Kill this all with fire, please. Don't keep this garbage for Q1 and Q2, even. It kills any excitement in the midfield and drastically reduces the number of cars on track. Maybe maybe I'd give it another chance for Q1 if they change it to flying laps count, but it's still just artificially removing cars from the track for no good reason.
Feels like teams were using old quali strategy for new quali format.

Won't be a problem next race I'm sure.
What are they supposed to do that's any different? Every car absolutely must go out immediately at the start of a session. Period. They must absolutely be on the softest possible tyre. Period. Each car as a set X number of tyre sets total to use they must wear out more of now. There is no avoiding these facts. What some teams have tried to do in the past of sneaking through Q1 on primes or going out mid-session with less traffic are no longer possible strategies. Lord knows what happens to anyone who gets caught behind any local yellow, a VSC during the session (would kill everyone on track instantly), and I don't even know if there are red flag provisions. If anything it'll just be worse. Today had 100% dry conditions, a mid-size track with enough room for spacing and zero yellows. It could only ever possibly get worse.


yeah the qualifying format was shit as almost everyone agrees

glad to see lewis stop rosbergs qualifying run, seems on it again

looking forward to saying lewis hamilton 4 time world champion haha

channel 4 has fuckin steve jones hosting it.....omfg no


Redmond's Baby
Williams is not in such great shape
Mercedes as I expected
Toro Rosso the biggest surprise, but we will see their race pace
Not sure where they're getting it from but the BBC's article now says F1 is 'set to abandon' the new qualifying format.

Unclear whether that means reverting full on back to the old system or the originally proposed "Q1 and Q2 are elimination, Q3 is a shoot-out" system.

They all agree it has to be changed, probably no agreement on the new format.

I propose snipers throughout the circuit trying to hit the fastest car.
Or electromagnetic mines that slow the car down like MGSV.

Mercedes with their usual "it's really close guys!" BS:

Australian GP: Ferrari 'closer' to Mercedes than it looked
Just watched qualifying and that was something. You can see the look on everyones face as they come for weigh in that they're pissed. While the strategy needs to be shifted, this was just bad. I can't help but feel teams started to see it going bad and decided to just sandbag to prove a point.


The qualy format definitely has potential, but in its current form it's abysmal.

Also is it me, or do the cars look a lot quicker on track this year? Might just be because it's been a while since the last race, but I swear they look more nimble to me.


The new format might work if you can only use one set of tyres in each part of qualifying. Each time someone gets eliminated all times are wiped and everyone has to set a new time. You would have to change the elimination clock so that there is time for everyone to actually set a new time of course.

They want more cars on the track and this would force everyone to stay out and drive as fast as they can until they are eliminated. It would probably create more variation on the grid as well as mistakes on a lap could lead to cars usually at the front being eliminated earlier.

Well, doing that each time one driver is eliminated would take too long, you probably would have to eliminate several in each pass. Maybe... 6? And all of a sudden, waitaminute, doesn't this look awfully familiar?


The qualy format definitely has potential, but in its current form it's abysmal.

Also is it me, or do the cars look a lot quicker on track this year? Might just be because it's been a while since the last race, but I swear they look more nimble to me.
Pole was a couple of seconds faster this year


Pole was a couple of seconds faster this year

Yeah, Hamilton's pole lap was quicker than Schumacher's record lap around Melbourne in 2004. Imagine them being another three seconds quicker next year? Yes, yes, and yes please.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually like Bernie's idea of adding a few tenths/seconds to the winner's qualy time. Essentially it works exactly like success ballast, but applied as a time penalty for qualifying to spice up the race a little.
Hamilton entered God mode and just straight demoralized Rosberg. I actually feel sorry for Grosjean with this qualifying format cause he just got fucked.


The best way I think for qualifying is to have fifteen minutes on track where nobody is taken out then a fifteen minute break then another fifteen minutes on track, every car has to take part in both sessions & you have to do at least three laps (out lap, fast lap, in lap) the time is an aggregate from both sessions for where you are on the grid.


The best way I think for qualifying is to have fifteen minutes on track where nobody is taken out then a fifteen minute break then another fifteen minutes on track, every car has to take part in both sessions & you have to do at least three laps (out lap, fast lap, in lap) the time is an aggregate from both sessions for where you are on the grid.
They tried that before and it was awful. There's no fun for the fans in not seeing a driver's actual lap translate in to their grid position.


Good chat with Lewis on C4 there. Nice to see a driver say what they really think.

Although his suggestion for a different quali format for each of the next 4 races was pretty dumb.


It's like Brundle said earlier. Q1, Q2, Q3 works fine if the grid is competitive. That's what we need to find a solution for. And the shitty tyres that only last one lap before being spent.

The past two years you could predict who was dropping out in Q1 and who was going to be on the front two rows in Q3.
How about two sessions.

One half hour session that is done with a durable compound only. Elimination begins at some point into this session until we are down to 8-10 cars remaining.

Second 10 minute session on any tyre you like with no elimination.

No restriction on tyre usage count.

As everyone is restricted to a hard compound tyre during the first session, people can pound round for longer, meaning we don't get the ridiculous situation we had today where people were in the pits or on out laps whilst the timer counted down because they had to change tyre and thus couldn't contest elimination.

Then, in the second session we still get our traditional climactic finale where everyone is pushing on the softest tyre for the best time.


Well that was a shambles. It's like noone sat down and thought about what would happen. Almost as though they assumed the cars could constantly run round and round for the duration and not lose speed.

Change it ASAP.

On a side note, I liked the little touch channel 4 had of showing a slow motion walk of the winner alongside the leaderboard at the end. Looked cool.


The best two formats have been single lap and 1 hour continuous qualifying. All the others were crap.

I always enjoyed the 1 hour continuous, you can just sit down and enjoy some nice hotlapping. Plenty of time to show onboard laps (which we hardly see in quali anymore) and long enough for track/weather variation to make it exciting.
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