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Forza 4 |OT| Where Porsche Are Driven



Hehe not what I had in mind but yes PGR4 is amazing.I even played it today.It still plays great,sounds great and looks amazing (best environments in the busines no contest at least in my opinion).
What I would love to see from both series:
Cockpit dynamics,AI,animations,track selection,night racing(but I would preffer day/night cycle) from Shift series
Cars selection,physics(but little more in the PC sims direction),customization,tunning,community options,menu and MUSIC from Forza series.
Mixed sound from both would be amazing.Forza samples are IMO awesome but Shift sound is richer and better designed.
Add to this the weather from PGR4 and there you are.


It's a shame too, I had a chance to chat a bit with Andy Tudor last year about his vision for the Shift series, each one he wanted more and more realistic and motorsport focused. But at least now SMS can do their own thing with Project CARS, and all of those ideas are going into that, withtout EA's meddling. So, something good IS coming out of it.
Your coverage for ForzaCentral was fantastic Brian.

Whilst Unleashed didn't ship with the physics we were hoping for, it was still an enjoyable experience despite EA's meddling. The NoGrip forums has a few mods for the PC version to fix the floaty tyre feel amongst a myriad of bug fixes and another mod that adds a few cars from a little car factory in Maranello.


PGR2 is still the best PGR
We are friends now.

I spent countless hours on 2 in particular, quite possibly my favourite game series of all time.

I remember my pursuit to get a sub 6 minute time round Nurburgring in the TVR Cerbera Speed 12 was one thing which would elude me in that game, despite getting within a second or so. Amazing times, and the first time I can remember playing cat and mouse, a true classic.


We are friends now.

I spent countless hours on 2 in particular, quite possibly my favourite game series of all time.

I remember my pursuit to get a sub 6 minute time round Nurburgring in the TVR Cerbera Speed 12 was one thing which would elude me in that game, despite getting within a second or so. Amazing times, and the first time I can remember playing cat and mouse, a true classic.

as much as i loved the speed 12, my car of choice was the 993 GT1, god i loved that thing, the handling was amazing. its too bad its not in forza 4

G Rom

Aaaah, the Cerbera Speed 12. Probably one of my greatest achievement in gaming was to get it the real way, by getting all the platinum medals. It was funny how you could easily spot on XBL the cheaters who used the action replay to get it. They just couldn't handle it...
To this day, I still remember the last platinum medal I had to get, it was a fucking cone challenge in HK with the 550 Maranello. This one had me going crazy for days
So many memories of this game : the amazing St Basil layout in Moscow, the races on the Nordschleife, the cat and mouse games, etc...

Sounds amazing indeed ! :eek:
Turn 10 need to send a team to capture this ASAP !

I was one of the bloggers 'hired' by Bizarre Creations (with promises of swag) for the ill-fated and badly-supported PGR Nations website. Got a copy of the game signed by a bunch of the devs hidden away in a drawer somewhere. I remember the MS legal bods getting very anal with all sorts of NDAs etc, then pretty much fuck-all happened after quite a promising start.
Must dust this game down sometime and see how kindly time has judged it.
Good times on the Bizarre Creations forums, too. I first met Saladine and Enzo (and I think Shaneus?) over there many years ago. Did anyone else here used to frequent that place before Activision smashed the back doors in and started crapping everywhere?

IIRC, I posted on the BC forums back in the PGR2 days. I'm pretty sure that I did a car list thread there before BC released the official car list, had car names linked to screenshots and all.

BTW, thanks again for the comments on the photos. :)


My favourite racer on the 360 by miles and one of my all time favourites. PGR 2 & 4, along with F1 and F1 '97 hold a lot of gaming memories. Blur was awesome fun in mutiplayer too.

Jack Black liked PGR 2 (I'm sure this has been posted a million times):


Did anyone else here used to frequent that place before Activision smashed the back doors in and started crapping everywhere?
Yep. I was a little LTTP on the BC forums, funny given I'd played the series on its release on the Xbox. I just never felt the compulsion to post until I'd played PGR 3 & 4. I was an active poster when Blur shipped & also for Blood Stone (a release day buy).

Activision shut Ben (and most likely Ami) out of the forums; probably the same for the BC Twitter account. Tyger Cheex created the Strange Development forum and no one posts there...


Tyger Cheex created the Strange Development forum and no one posts there...
I've just popped back in there for a bit! Last visit (it said) was 5th Jan :( I'll try and make more of an effort, I promise!

Also, idea: Bizar Recreations. Yay/nay?
Nice photos mate. I wish I knew how to paint and take photos. You guys are very good.

BADNED, are we getting a full segment of Forza Horizon during E3 or is it just going to be a trailer?

Dan walks on stage surrounded by smoke and lasers, Dubstep blaring(wubwubwub).

Highlights some Forza 4 accomplishments
Brings up return of Porsche
Throw in a few talking points(definitive, image based lighting, reverse engineered sun, car lovers into gamers etc)
Talk about the future of the Forza brand , segway into Horizen talk
1:00 trailer and scene.

Matrick comes on stage wasn't that great(waits for applause)
That concludes the non Kinect part of the show we got a full hour and half of great Kinect experiences to share with you today!



Dan walks on stage surrounded by smoke and lasers, Dubstep blaring(wubwubwub).

Highlights some Forza 4 accomplishments
Brings up return of Porsche
Throw in a few talking points(definitive, image based lighting, reverse engineered sun, car lovers into gamers etc)
Talk about the future of the Forza brand , segway into Horizen talk
1:00 trailer and scene.

Matrick comes on stage wasn't that great(waits for applause)
That concludes the non Kinect part of the show we got a full hour and half of great Kinect experiences to share with you today!

GOD i hate that guy


Junior Member
Dan walks on stage surrounded by smoke and lasers, Dubstep blaring(wubwubwub).

Highlights some Forza 4 accomplishments
Brings up return of Porsche
Throw in a few talking points(definitive, image based lighting, reverse engineered sun, car lovers into gamers etc)
Talk about the future of the Forza brand , segway into Horizen talk
1:00 trailer and scene.

Matrick comes on stage wasn't that great(waits for applause)
That concludes the non Kinect part of the show we got a full hour and half of great Kinect experiences to share with you today!


I think you've nailed it!

"We have a STELLAR team at Playground Games, STELLAR!"...I've heard Dan use that word a lot lately. Let's add it to the list of buzzwords..

I wonder if any PG devs are going to get up on stage with Greenawalt....or is he going to take credit for the whole shebang?



Talking of Kinect, did anyone here try the FM4 head tracking? It looked awesome when it was demo'd and I pledged to buy Kinect on the back of it. In the end I didn't, and by all accounts dodged a bullet in the process.

Does anyone actually use it?


Talking of Kinect, did anyone here try the FM4 head tracking? It looked awesome when it was demo'd and I pledged to buy Kinect on the back of it. In the end I didn't, and by all accounts dodged a bullet in the process.

Does anyone actually use it?

I tried before selling my Kinect (had it for a year, got it for free, didn't care for Kinect)

In my honest opinion it added nothing to my gaming or driving experience, it's a neat feature but there's really not a point in having it for FM4. If I remember correctly you could adjust the sensitivity but again, it did nothing to improve my experience or make it more enjoyable.


Aaaah, the Cerbera Speed 12. Probably one of my greatest achievement in gaming was to get it the real way, by getting all the platinum medals. It was funny how you could easily spot on XBL the cheaters who used the action replay to get it. They just couldn't handle it...
That and the later inclusion of the green 'racing colours' version through DLC which gave everyone access to the car. It was all about the pearlescent paint, mmm.

Dammit guys, however much I love Forza I'd give it all up to have a bizarre developed PGR5 :(

G Rom


You think you have great ideas for the future of the Forza Motorsport franchise ? You want these to be sent to Turn 10 alongside other great ideas coming from fellow ForzaGAFers ?
Then just follow those simple steps:

1) Put your ideas down in a text file.
Now, to make my work simpler, I've decided to create categories in which you'll put your ideas. If I see many ideas about something that I've missed, I'll create a new category in the final list. I've put some example to show you what goes where :

- Content addition
e.g. : Spahurst, open wheeler
- Tuning & Upgrades
e.g : individual tire pressure, more realistic turbo lag,
- Graphics improvements
e.g : AO and self-shadowing in cockpit, anisotropic filtering
- Sound improvements
e.g : sound affected by upgrades
- Gameplay additions
e.g : new track surfaces
- Career improvements
e.g : test driving cars before buying a car
- Painting improvements
e.g : different types of paints on the same car, new shapes
- Photo mode improvements
e.g : full god mode
- Online/Multiplayer/Club improvements
e.g : ability to delete photos from FM.net, ability to create own rivals mode
- Miscellaneous/Other
e.g : paint names, basically anything that you don't see fitting in any of the other categories

Don't feel restricted by the categories though, go wild !
And if your idea needs some explanation then feel free to add some text (try to keep it relatively short though).
Feel free to give names of games that already implement a potential improvement and/or to link to screenshots/photos showing the idea.

2) When you're done, send me the file by email (DON'T FORGET TO AT LEAST PUT YOUR NEOGAF NAME)

That's it. After that, I'll compile your file with the other ones. That way, I can remove duplicated ideas and instead credit multiple people on a single identical idea (e.g : Adding Spahurst - Suggested by Mc Kane, Saladine, all Forza players)

Email adress (quote to reveal) :
Please do not share this email with someone who's not from NeoGAF as we really want this to be made only with ForzaGAF's contributions. You can promote it in other threads where you think missing ForzaGAF members hang though.

You have until the end of the month to send me your files.

Some Big Shots (click for the original size) :

Looks like VIPs are now allowed to have at least 3 Big Shots at the same time on FM.net.
I have literally no money to spare for DLC at the moment, so instead of posting a photo of a Porsche, I thought I'd post the next closest thing; a RUF.

I max equipped this thing like a boss, and it handles relatively OK for all the power I threw at it. I cant believe they managed to squeeze a V8 into this!

(its just a shame the body panels aren't the best, reflections and textures)




These are my base settings for Hockenheim dusk.



G Rom said:
Looks like VIPs are now allowed to have at least 3 Big Shots at the same time on FM.net.



Quite a huge list of things i'd like to see improved in Fm5, that doesn't mean i didn't like fm4

- Content addition

- The game obviously needs more tracks. Unfortunately, an editor doesn't sound feasible. Community demands Spa and Bathurst, but long fictional tracks are awesome too. We need the Transfaaraaghgjretg from that homespace.

- The game has more than enough cars at this point (how many ? like 650+ ?) but it lacks a few european classics.

- Open wheelers would be cool too. Not interested in motorbikes or anything like that.

- Tuning & Upgrades

i'd like widebody kits i guess and i'm sure there could be more, but i am satisfied with fm4 tuning and upgrades options.

- Graphics improvements

well, i don't think we need to tell T10 to use as much AA, AF and as high def as they can :)

- Ambient occlusion would make a huge difference (with cockpits and rims especially) so i hope it's one of their priorities.

- I hope we can get 16 lod0 models on screen and i hope T10 can match the smoke/dust effects seen in a few recent titles.

- I hope they can match homespace lightning ingame (see top gear homespace versus top gear ingame lightning in fm4) and use more accurate cube maps for AI cars.

- Unified lighting and thus dynamic time of day on all tracks would be amazing.

But those are natural improvements which will (or won't, depending on how powerful the nextbox is) come with new tech, as for the game's 'artistic direction':

- T10 toned things down A LOT since fm2, but they need to drop the overly dramatic lightning and driving in red sunsets. People stopped finding that spectacular years ago. GT5's subtlety and natural lightning, driving on the ring at dawn is incredible.

- Materials. Pay more attention to materials. A lot of the time, parts that are supposed to be chrome aren't chrome at all in fm4, glass isn't reflective enough. Most cars have a number of pitch black, apparently shader-less, surfaces, with zero diffuse, which just stay 000 black under all lightning conditions. Looks wrong.

- I hope they can stop swapping fully modeled rims with flat fake-motion-blurred textures. They often look bad.

- Use more pictures as reference (for colors especially) and remember that while gaf might make fun of your game, a flat picture of a tree will look better than a fully modeled 3d one at a distance.

- Tone down bloom slightly.

- Replays. Simply get rid of all cameras that couldn't exist in real life. And stop using cameras tilted 45*. Easy, really. Also, provide a few alternate cameras for each track, so that replays are not always identical. GT has been doing this for a while iirc.

- Bokeh filter !

- Sound improvements

- I don't know why no matter how many samples you record, a game will never sound the same as real life. Fm4 does a great job, still comparing revving up any car ingame to their autovista counterpart, for example, the difference is huge. Don't know why and i don't know if it can be helped, though.

- sounds in the distance, don't sound quite like they should

- Gameplay additions

everyone would like some rally, weather and night.

- Career improvements

- fm4 was a step in the right direction, but we need even more diversity in event types.

- Optional qualifying sessions

- I personally am not a fan of being able to drive each car in the game right away, i'd rather the game just allowed me to test drive cars before buying them, but only in free run (no races) for a limited time. Maybe even being limited to single test track and just the cars you can actually afford to buy anyway.
That would make playing the game much more rewarding, although maybe today's players wouldn't dig that too much at all.

- Painting improvements

- new shapes and more importantly, being able to use shapes as masks.
- painting on windows and windshield.
- writing around tires.
- matte paint for body and rims, more types of paint.
- more types of paint on the same car.

- Photo mode improvements

- I'd like a still life photo studio mode where i can place the car where i want in the environment and play with lighting. Change time of the day, place spotlights and other objects (maybe other cars too ?) in the scene.

- The interface is basically perfect as it is, i'd just like real life aperture and shutter values.

- As usual, a true replay editor would be cool.

- Online/Multiplayer/Club improvements

- I just need the ability to delete all photos at once. Upload to youtube.

- Miscellaneous/Other

well then:

- Since it appears T10 hired someone to write the story of each car in the game for fm.net...WHY ON EARTH are those not included in the game in any way ? give me a DEMO-SHOWCASE option, where i can watch the car racing on random tracks mixed with sequences of it posing in different locations and closeups of the cockpit etc while reading about it. I am not asking for autovista-like narration for each car, but i'd like to be able to learn more about them in an entertaining way.

- a quick and better way to set up custom races.

- HUD. I want to be able to turn single elements ON - OFF or DYNAMIC.
Meaning, those infos should become visible for a few seconds only when something changes (lap, position...)

- advanced driving and tuning lessons and exams:

I'd like a mode where i'm requested to perform specific "hard to pull" maneuvers, recover from a dangerous situation or avoid imminent crash.
Like an advanced techniques tutorial: i'd like the game to freeze, explain me what is happening and detailing what i should do and why, using telemetry to tell me exactly what my feet and hands should do and at what time.
Game could then resume when i give it the correct inputs and then ask me to perform the same maneuver again by myself.

Similarly, an advanced tuning tutorial where you're presented with interactive lessons on how to correct your car's handling issues or how to improve performances on different types of tracks. Lessons would require you to drive a particular car through a specific section of a track; after which (or as you drive) you'd be brought to telemetry and explained why your car behaved like it did. The announcer (or Clarkson himself :p) would then tell you what to adjust (or upgrade) by how much and how it works. You'll do the tweaking / tuning and then drive through the same section again to appreciate the differences in handling or performances.

- This is quite stupid, but i'm sure casuals would love it: have Clarkson comment your hot laps on Top Gear test track. It kinda works with football games, and it kinda worked with the old F1 games. Just record a few hundreds sentences for different situations and have the game pick them and play them according to your driving. "And across the line !".

- I'd like to be able to sort cars by #of times driven, or time spent driving them, since i'd like to try all of them at least once but with that many cars i can't even tell what are the ones i haven't tried yet.

- Body roll. Still not enough.

- Damage. Should look better. More pieces coming off.

- Cars should get dirty.

- Animated pitstops.

- Attract mode. Random cars on random tracks. Random car showroom. Don't just loop the intro.

can't think of anything else.

G Rom

Another shot (click for original size) :


Yeah, really. I've checked, the limit is three Big Shots now.
Nice photos BTW, really like the one you did in Big Shot.

How are they allowed to have cigarette branding in a G-Rated video game?

If they can have this livery then there are heaps more that I think they should add...

I don't remember if it was here or over at FC that someone speculated that it could be because it's a DLC car and thus "unrated". The S1 has cigarette branding and it was added as part of a DLC as well. Although, it would be weird if this was true as those cars would then need to have their livery redone for FM5 (they'll most likely be on disc this time).

It would be awesome if they could add more liveries with the accurate brands though.
If you're listening, some Martini liveries would be pretty cool, Turn 10. You know, something like that :

Edit : Send this list to the email address mentioned in my post please, eso. :)


A few of these Porsches (eg the Sport Classic) have errors with their wing mirror reflections. Cars and scenery are displayed on the wrong side.

How can such an elemental error ever get through QA..?


I hadn't noticed it in the Porsche's but in some other cars the reflection is flipped, it's a fucking nuisance when I depend on them.
Absolutely. I swerved to block a baddie who was in my left hand wing mirror and just created a bigger gap for him to pass on the right (where he'd been all along). The fucker must have thought it was Christmas.

I sometimes wonder if devs feed magic mushrooms to playtesters before letting them loose on their games.

Actually, scratch that last comment. The devs themselves must have been on the 'shrooms to make such a simple error in the first place.


For G Rom’s petition: I’m assuming the Xbox Next will be several times more powerful than the 360, so a lot of current technical limitations will no longer be an issue.
In no particular order:

Audio: still a relatively weak area in FM4, and still very inconsistent with some cars sounding great, and others not so much. Acoustics need to reflect the subject matter, and be overpowering, an all-out assault on the senses. I want to hear the fucking battle that rages between mechanical components, the screams of pain they emit under torture. NFS Shift has come closest to this on consoles thus far, but I’d like Nick Wiswell to pick up the baton and take things to the next level with rich, multi-layered audio ripped straight from the cockpits of real-life motorsport.
I’d also like a higher level of individual audio channel customisation, so that I can (for example) adjust ambient sounds, or the volume of nearby traffic. I want to fear the snorting ‘Vette loitering with intent near my offside quarterlight because I can hear that it means to fuck me over at the first opportunity.
Artificial Intelligence: I think AI drivers generally behave pretty intelligently during normal racing conditions, but a few fixes are definitely needed. AI cars seem to dab the brakes almost every time they lift off the accelerator on medium speed bends when no braking is actually necessary. This constant brake testing just looks daft and is a major annoyance during races. But what’s worse is when AI drivers accelerate off the track as if their throttle is stuck – often on the same bend every single time. Fallibility is welcomed, but it needs to be believable. Losses of control under aggressive driving, understeering wide, lock-ups, oversteer-induced spins and collisions between AI cars is needed. Above anything else AI behaviour needs to have a level of unpredictability about it to make it appear more human. I’ll never forget playing GRID and seeing two AI cars ahead of me aggressively duking it out before one of them locked up, popping a tyre in a puff of smoke, hitting the Armco and fishtailing uncontrollably before catching a kerb and barrel-rolling down the track. It was utterly breathtaking yet utterly believable, and one of the most exciting things I’d ever seen in a racing game. GRID had its faults but the races against AI drivers always felt like they were against real human opponents, and I can’t pay it a bigger compliment than that.
Tracks. Lots of tracks. This and this alone is what gives racing games longevity. No more Dan-centric personal indulgences that fly in the face of popular opinion. Give us Spa, Bathurst and all of the other time-proven real-world tracks that invoke history, inspire emotions and provide environments for exciting motorsport. Give us changes in elevation, variation in track surfaces, track texture that you can feel, and bone-jarring bumps. We know Turn 10 can deliver this, as was proven with the Nurb F1 DLC for FM3, which makes the return to glass-smooth surfaces for the majority of FM4 circuits all the more puzzling. Release regular track DLC.
Atmosphere: a better race day atmosphere (again, look at GRID and Shift for inspiration) with qualifying rounds, pit crews, marshalls, grid babes, and pit radio with split times, race info etc.
More trackside detail to make the environments more alive. Have TV choppers circling overhead, hot air balloons, populated pit lanes etc.
Random stuff:
Multiple camera angles for replays. GT5 alternates cameras on successive laps to keep replays interesting. 60fps replays are a must. Only use TV coverage replay camera angles and not the silly floating/spinning cameras that Turn 10 seem to love.
Have lap times broken down by sector. At the start of every race the game should tell me my best-ever lap time for this track for the class I’m in, when it was set, and in which car. Maybe even which tune I used, too.
AI driver helmets are always the same colour as their cars. Why? It looks like a lazy default solution.
Fix the reversed wing mirror bug, it’s totally unacceptable.
Have tuning tutorials with animated explanations of the effects of any changes made.
Have a tighter pack for more intense racing. There are currently always a couple of cars who lag badly behind and a couple who storm strongly ahead. Make all AI cars & drivers more evenly balanced to avoid this. Have much larger grids. 20+ AI cars should be possible next-gen.
Have the option for AI cars to be automatically painted in liveries from my own pool, or Turn 10 picks/most downloaded. Racing with a livery when all the AI cars are in standard showroom paint looks odd.
Better AA, native 1080p, more effects, better smoke, dynamic clouds (shadows passing over the track), variable weather, dynamic times of day, night racing… You know – the usual..!
Include car tokens with car DLC packs.
30 images and 3 Big Shot images now for the VIP's. Nice to see a bit more benefit from the VIP package now. Coupled with the discount for the Porsche pack, it's pretty good. Love not having to clean out the gallery uploads as regularly.

Still loving the Porsche pack. Damn, the 550 is beautiful.


Junior Member
Lol, Mascot and I share the same sentiments.
Anyway, Eso and Mascot. Have you guys sent in those wishes in a text file to G Rom?

For anyone who doesn't know, when you quote G Rom's post, the email address (for sending your list) becomes visible.

E3 edging closer...can't wait!


Lol, Mascot and I share the same sentiments.
Anyway, Eso and Mascot. Have you guys sent in those wishes in a text file to G Rom?

For anyone who doesn't know, when you quote G Rom's post, the email address (for sending your list) becomes visible.

E3 edging closer...can't wait!
Aw shit, I PM'd G-Rom. Didn't realise I had to email it too. Trickier from my phone. Do you need me to email it, G?

And fuck yeah about E3. I'll be live streaming the MS keynote as usual, six-pack of beer and plentiful snacks on the side.

If Beardy Dan-Kinobe even mentions FM5 I'll be amazed, but you never know...
Is there a glitch with the upgrades on the Porsche 962c? When I race in the new Porsche event, it says M Rossi has his version upgraded to R1996 but the closest I can get is R1937. Anyone have any ideas?


Having just this second completed the World Tour it really hits home what a shame it is that the "Adaptive AI" in this mode is such a broken joke. The race format itself is brilliant. Why the hell T10 didn't fix the AI or patch in the same difficulty options as for the Event Grid I'll never know. It's totally scandalous that World Tour was so obviously broken from day one yet never mended.


Having just this second completed the World Tour it really hits home what a shame it is that the "Adaptive AI" in this mode is such a broken joke. The race format itself is brilliant. Why the hell T10 didn't fix the AI or patch in the same difficulty options as for the Event Grid I'll never know. It's totally scandalous that World Tour was so obviously broken from day one yet never mended.
I keep forgetting I can't adjust AI each time I pick it up :/ The only way AI should've ever been "adaptive" was if it was for something like Drivatars.
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