Metalmurphy said:oO Are you being deliberately obtuse? If you mention "three of you" while quoting me, you are mentioning me.
You say you came here to read and discuss Forza 4 but all you did was troll GT5 with this fabulous post:
And then have the balls to jump on me for trolling Forza 4, something I never did...
I am quoting you about the weather part, hence the new paragraph about Forza VS GT. Again, if you are not trolling my comment have no bearing on you.
(Note new paragraph, now I am talking about my post)
As for my post, I am just talking about what is important for people. You might find weather important while others think that Auto Vista is the best thing ever since slice bread. All I am saying is every one have what they feel are important to them. For me I want solid frame rate and cars that's not a mix and match between new and upscale stuff. I have GT5, I bought PS3 just for GT5. While I enjoy the game, I really wish PD would have just focus on certain things than trying to be everything which cause the game suffer in the end.