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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

big_z said:

Downloading the demo file from the net
Load onto a USB flash drive that has been formatted by your 360
Then copy the file over to your HDD

I can confirm it works as I am about to play it.

Is it against the rules to post links to the file and program needed?


Tiago Leite said:



Yeah I did not see that coming! Just wonder if it's PT-PT or PT-BR.

Instead of asking for a Code... I'll ask, when the demo be up for everyone GAF?


« generous god »
OdysseusVA said:
Downloading the demo file from the net
Load onto a USB flash drive that has been formatted by your 360
Then copy the file over to your HDD

I can confirm it works as I am about to play it.

Is it against the rules to post links to the file and program needed?
Send me a pm with the info plz


Junior Member
OdysseusVA said:
Downloading the demo file from the net
Load onto a USB flash drive that has been formatted by your 360
Then copy the file over to your HDD

I can confirm it works as I am about to play it.

Is it against the rules to post links to the file and program needed?



Ya, I started downloading the demo.. But then I thought, hmm, I'll enjoy the game even more if I just man up and wait for the real deal.. So that's what I'm doing :)


soundscream said:
So according to the week in review.

"And, finally, let’s look ahead to next week. Monday promises to be a busy day in the Forza world. In addition to the launch of the official Forza 4 demo going live for Xbox LIVE Gold members, we’ve got the world debut of our latest Forza Motorsport 4 television commercial. This one is something special, folks, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen from the Forza series. It gives me chills each time I watch it and I think you’ll have the same reaction too."

Wonder if it will meet the hype?
Huh....I've been seeing commercials for Forza4 already.

It's been this, but in english:


Neo Member
I would greatly appreciate a Forza demo code. I know that I am new here but hopefully someone can look past that and at the good inside my hear -- seriously, if the user Jube possesses any more demo codes (or anyone else for that matter), feel free to send one my way if you're feeling particularly generous today.

I would do that USB thing but I feel like I'm asking for my console to get banned.

Also, I'm not quite sure how to display my Forza dedication except to say that I was a GT man until this most recent generation. I actually bought GT5 and then rented it to make sure that it wasn't lacking, and when it was, I returned it and bought the Forza 3 Ultimate Collection. I don't know that I'll be going back.

I'd also like to feel special and that can only be achieved by receiving a code. :p


derFeef said:

Thanks, did they give us more info about the final content on the LE. It's going to be the same as mentioned or something else?

I remember Badned saying that they were thinking about something to compensate those who were getting the LE and the Season Pass because of the muscle cars DLC.
The_Monk said:
Thanks, did they give us more info about the final content on the LE. It's going to be the same as mentioned or something else?

I remember Badned saying that they were thinking about something to compensate those who were getting the LE and the Season Pass because of the muscle cars DLC.

Nothing has been said that I've seen. I remember him saying that but I'm guessing it will be compensation possibly down the road or something.


flyinpiranha said:
Nothing has been said that I've seen. I remember him saying that but I'm guessing it will be compensation possibly down the road or something.

Thank you, I was really hoping that something good would come up since I'm getting both LE and Season Pass. It would be good to instead of some repeated DLC, something extra on my garage!


Shaneus said:
Posting here as well to see if anyone thinks the same:

One thing that should be fixed that is kinda really pissing me off, is that in the rival modes with traffic, it's nigh-on impossible to get a clean lap. Every single time I try to get a clean start without what I guess is a slipstream-triggered warning, it still gives me one at the start of the lap.

I like that there's traffic there, but there needs to be a way for them to have the traffic go around but not have any effect on your downforce so it doesn't trigger anything.

I always felt in Forza3 that the warnings was triggered too easily, I mean, is a race, of course you're going to be behind someone at some point
sneaky77 said:
I always felt in Forza3 that the warnings was triggered too easily, I mean, is a race, of course you're going to be behind someone at some point
I can understand it because slipstreaming will benefit a lap time.

I wonder if turn10 knew about that before going gold, they are gold now right?


sneaky77 said:
I always felt in Forza3 that the warnings was triggered too easily, I mean, is a race, of course you're going to be behind someone at some point
hot lapping != racing though.

the system might be a bit strict, but it works. better like this than "leaderboards" that are comprised of cheating.


p3tran said:
hot lapping != racing though.

the system might be a bit strict, but it works. better like this than "leaderboards" that are comprised of cheating.

Maybe they should have different triggers when you're in hot lap mode?


p3tran said:
hot lapping != racing though.

the system might be a bit strict, but it works. better like this than "leaderboards" that are comprised of cheating.
Yea, it'd be one thing if this feature only activated during hotlap mode....

It doesn't work, sorry.
Overlords at Turn 10. My body is ready for this demo, and my mind is ready to drive the hype machine with glowing impressions. Give me a code so I can begin my noble work! :p


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
sneaky77 said:
I always felt in Forza3 that the warnings was triggered too easily, I mean, is a race, of course you're going to be behind someone at some point

they are triggered too easily, but the worst offender is the fact that its super easy to have that flag continue into your next lap. i understand that its a bit unfair to set up the final corner incorrectly just to get more speed out of it for the next lap - that should have the flag continue, but it does if you break the rules anywhere withing the last 1/4 or so of the track it seems. its ridiculous.


Seanspeed said:
Yea, it'd be one thing if this feature only activated during hotlap mode....

It doesn't work, sorry.

on the contrary, it works. its just difficult for some to comprehend or to stay clean.

I've seen people that in order to do fast times, they drag behind a faster car their friend drives, I've seen fast car pushing the slower car from behind in order for the latter to shave some seconds, etc etc.
what do you propose for these?

leaderboards are showing a single, clean lap.


Xanadu said:
GT3 is STILL the game that impressed me the most graphically, when i first played it after playing GT 2 religiously i couldnt believe it, the only game that has come close to wowing me as much is gears of war 1
Same here (apart from the GOW part). Super Mario 64 is the only game to impress me more.


Just one single key would go a long way to making this mans dream come alive on a Saturday afternoon.
Just come back from taking my son to the star wars convention and he would love to see his old man tearing it up around the race course!


This game is incredible,it looks great ,sounds AMAZING and is fun as hell.
Rivals mode with Zonda is so good,lovely sound and cockpit.
I really like Forza 3 but this is so much better !
p3tran said:
on the contrary, it works. its just difficult for some to comprehend or to stay clean.

I've seen people that in order to do fast times, they drag behind a faster car their friend drives, I've seen fast car pushing the slower car from behind in order for the latter to shave some seconds, etc etc.
what do you propose for these?

leaderboards are showing a single, clean lap.
Yep, in fact the reason it's the way it is today is because there was no drafting penalty in FM2. These guys know better than anyone how their leaderboards get exploited. They take it very seriously, as they should.

If it were up to me, I'd do away with drafting altogether. Problem solved.

The Stig

SmokyDave said:
Is the BMW 1M exclusive to Best Buy?

I hope not because that would really, really piss me off. What's the point in modelling these cars if only a small percentage of players will ever get to use them? I couldn't pre-order from a Best Buy even if I wanted to.

The 1m is such a great car, it has to be available to all players.

p3tran said:
goodmorning stig :)
I have 100% completed f1 and f2, yet f3 I decided that the 80pts for completing the last 20something irrelevant races I'm missing just wasnt enjoyable enough for me at that time. so I stopped at 920pts. no problem there.
if you really care for the whole 1000 that much, its not impossible without purchase. just hook up a friends kinect once in your box or login once from a friend's console. shit, even give me your login details at some point and I'll run the game once for you, just so you get it.
but remember, forza-ability is reflected in the leaderboards, not in the gamertag ;)

ps. I like the beamer

awesome picture. saved/

multiplayer achievements bother me because you mihgt not have a very good connection. also because when it comes to multiplayer (online) I get smoked in almost every game.

Joining gears of war 2 6 months after it was on sale made multiplayer achievements impossible. Same with the COD games. Just die, die, die, spawn death, die die die.

The Stig

flyinpiranha said:
That seems idiotic. If multiplayer is part of the game, why shouldn't the achievements be? Achievements are meant for those players that take gaming to the next level, I'd say that would pertain to EVERY part of the game, whether you do it or not.

multipayer achievements are always a pain. dependent on who you play against and whether the game is popular at all.

multiplayer achievements bother me because you might not have a very good connection. also because when it comes to multiplayer (online) I get smoked in almost every game.

Joining gears of war 2 6 months after it was on sale made multiplayer achievements impossible. Same with the COD games. Just die, die, die, spawn death, die die die.

multiplayer is to me, an "extra" mode. a game should be able to stand on its 2 feet on single player alone and multiplayer should be the secondary mode.

edit - I also dont play multiplayer because everybody are a holes online. esp. on live.


multiplayer achievements bother me because you mihgt not have a very good connection. also because when it comes to multiplayer (online) I get smoked in almost every game.

Joining gears of war 2 6 months after it was on sale made multiplayer achievements impossible. Same with the COD games. Just die, die, die, spawn death, die die die.
Lucky for you then that you cannot mount ak47s on the hoods of forza ;p
In general, and based on past games, even with a bad connection, you could play decent online, and especially when not full grid
(gears2 thing was not your fault)

The Stig

In all seriousness, I've not been worried about Forza's achievements. Im glad there are no multiplayer ones though. (ar are there).

Playing Forza online I've not had that much trouble. So really my points are just bitching in general.

I guess I am lucky the warthog is not driveable. (I SUCK at halo)


I stopped playing last night because my hands starting hurting. Rivals mode is pretty intense.

Can get first place against AI on hard, but Professional is very challenging for me.

Also might ask Santa for one of them expensive wheels. This game deserves it.


The Stig said:
Same with the COD games. Just die, die, die, spawn death, die die die.
Not that it changes your point, but i just wanted to say that COD games actually dont have achievements online (at least not from World at War up til Black Ops, not sure about CoD 3 and 4). World at War and Black Ops have some zombie mode achievements and Modern Warfare 2 has some Spec Ops achievements, but these modes can be played offline as well.


On the drafting penalty for lap times:

The lap times are supposed to be for clean hot laps. Hot laps are done as a solo car on the track. T-10 has allowed you to score an official hot lap time during races, as long as you are not assisted in any way by the other cars (nudged through a turn, pushed from behind, slipstreamed). Hot laps/qualifying laps are a different type of racing... [there was more to this sentence, but I've forgotten what is was, due to lack of sleep, so put whatever here, just make me sound smart].

This is the same as Harmonix allowing you to set a solo instrument score while playing with a band. However, Harmonix are able to easily calculate how much your band has helped you, Turn 10 doesn't have the same luxury.


The Inside Track
Xanadu said:
thank you very much, ferrari footage next please on professional mode? ;)
If you like seeing crashes, sure. There is no way I can drive the Ferrari without TCS :)
sneaky77 said:
for some reason on blim's videos the sense of speed is far lower than in some of the youtube uploads..
Could be because they are 60 fps, and there is less of a "distance" between each frame and your eyes adjust to that. Or maybe, more likely, because I'm a bad driver!
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