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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...


Gravijah said:
if you give me it i will not use it because my 360 isn't hooked up to the internet

so give it to me

Why not? Did MS update their EULA like the rest of the world seems to be doing? :/


okenny said:
Why not? Did MS update their EULA like the rest of the world seems to be doing? :/

nah, i need to run a ethernet cord from my router to my 360 and i just haven't gotten around to it since my game systems keep shifting around the house.


Neo Member
Hey Jube, my first ever post on the GAF (and I've been registered for awhile) just for you to beg for a code. Surely that's impressive no?

BTW, been a Forza fan since day one and bought LCE for F3 and pre-ordered LCE for F4. I am dying to try out the controller simulation setting as that was my main gripe about F3. If it's as good as everyone is describing this game will be awesome.


Junior Member
Whoa Mascot I would have figured you'd have one by now.

Just took down my G27 and hooked up my Porsche wheel.

All the people who I thought were more deserving of a code got one except for Mascot. So Jube if you give one to Mascot may I be the next one? If not I understand. I made fun of Dan for using assists so I can see that putting me in T10's doghouse.


Iknos said:
Whoa Mascot I would have figured you'd have one by now.

Just took down my G27 and hooked up my Porsche wheel.

All the people who I thought were more deserving of a code got one except for Mascot. So Jube if you give one to Mascot may I be the next one? If not I understand. I made fun of Dan for using assists so I can see that putting me in T10's doghouse.

Ah, such kind words. I too, on occasion, have made light of the magnificence of The Beard. But it is borne out of love.

Hell, Dan even name-checked my FM.net sig in a televised interview a while ago, so he must have forgiven me.



Even though I'm an unremarkable poster in every way, I'll still give begging a go. A code really would make my weekend.

Mascot definitely deserves one more though. That's dedication!


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Damn you all, I'm so jealous. Ah well, it's only 3 more days, right? RIGHT?!


I still can't believe the jump graphically this game seems to have taken from Forza 3 - bloody incredible. May have to bag a copy after all. If the livery editor has improved any, then I might have to get involved in that again too.
So according to the week in review.

And, finally, let’s look ahead to next week. Monday promises to be a busy day in the Forza world. In addition to the launch of the official Forza 4 demo going live for Xbox LIVE Gold members, we’ve got the world debut of our latest Forza Motorsport 4 television commercial. This one is something special, folks, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen from the Forza series. It gives me chills each time I watch it and I think you’ll have the same reaction too.

Wonder if it will meet the hype?


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Tokubetsu said:
I see your 350z Epal and raise my...ford focus:

White wheels, blue tint and pinkle paint.....i think ill take the 350.


Black_Stride said:
White wheels, blue tint and pinkle paint.....i think ill take the 350.

You say that and then pass you for first and not only did you get beat by a ford focus, but a purple one too. #based This is my troll car, and the spoiler is my troll face


Junior Member
My impressions so far.

This game flat out sucks!
FM3 is a much better game in terms of simulation and sound.
What a waste of my time.

Jube, seriously, I'm one of the earliest members of Forzamotorsport.net since early 2006. Does that not count for something?


Neo Member
saladine1 said:
Jube, seriously, I'm one of the earliest members of Forzamotorsport.net since early 2006. Does that not count for something?

Stay strong. We shall play on monday.


Blimblim said:
Demo installed and ms wheel connected. Does the demo support kinect?
cant find a way to make kinect work.

hint: when you do the video, after playing your laps, let the game drive its own around the track showing replay cameras. nice to film, too


BCD2 said:
Even worse when you follow them right into the back of another car!
Bahaha. This happened to me the second time I did the BMW rival race. From then on, I went back to acing the Zonda one :D


The car passing challenges are really fun especially if you try to go for clean laps. The top BMW time is pretty insane.. 1:40 with traffic!? I'm like 11 seconds off :lol

Also the custom music/pause trick works wonders. The sound is so good!


The Inside Track
Bah, I'm even worse at this game than I remember. I'll do a rivals video first (versys skyfinch, that I can't hope to get close to :p), then a regular race if I can ever manage to make a clean enough start...
My wife and I hit the road for our 5th anniversary tomorrow and will be gone for five days. I won't get my hands on the demo until Friday... unless I get a code.

I may have to avoid this thread for the week! Or, Jube can save me some midst and hook me up.

Happy anniversary?
I'm still a poor junior member, but will be trying my best to procure a code here :)

Pity the weather is so nice outside though, as sitting online all day checking web pages and twitter is the last thing I fancy doing :(


saladine1 said:
Jube, seriously, I'm one of the earliest members of Forzamotorsport.net since early 2006. Does that not count for something?

Dude, I've not redeemed my code yet (I was a dirty stop-out last night and won't be home for a few hours). You deserve it more than me purely for time served on GAF. Let me know if you have no luck and it's yours.

Edit: PM sent


Mascot said:
Dude, I've not redeemed my code yet (I was a dirty stop-out last night and won't be home for a few hours). You deserve it more than me purely for time served on GAF. Let me know if you have no luck and it's yours.

Edit: PM sent
What an awesome community ForzaGAF is! You are good man!


Junior Member
Mascot said:
Dude, I've not redeemed my code yet (I was a dirty stop-out last night and won't be home for a few hours). You deserve it more than me purely for time served on GAF. Let me know if you have no luck and it's yours.

Edit: PM sent
Thanks Mascot, you are a bloody legend. But i've been taken care of so thanks anyway. Enjoy the game champ! PM sent.

Thanks Jube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't wait to sink my teeth into the community and all aspects, arrrggh customizing, painting, tuning, racing, salivating over car porn, rivals mode omg man omg.

Can you guys feel it!? Finding the best racing line lap per lap baby!


Posting here as well to see if anyone thinks the same:

One thing that should be fixed that is kinda really pissing me off, is that in the rival modes with traffic, it's nigh-on impossible to get a clean lap. Every single time I try to get a clean start without what I guess is a slipstream-triggered warning, it still gives me one at the start of the lap.

I like that there's traffic there, but there needs to be a way for them to have the traffic go around but not have any effect on your downforce so it doesn't trigger anything.


The Ferrari rivals event is shitting me - I just can't get one decent lap where I feel like I've done close to my potential. I've had laps where I've had a great run until I come around that last bend and there are three slow cars forming a rolling road block. Grrr.

Shaneus said:
Bahaha. This happened to me the second time I did the BMW rival race. From then on, I went back to acing the Zonda one :D

Pretty sure I saw that - I had you for a rival and you somehow ended up sideways :) I could tell you didn't try that particular event for very long. Pity, it's a really nice drive after a few laps.


saladine1 said:
Thanks Mascot, you are a bloody legend. But i've been taken care of so thanks anyway. Enjoy the game champ! PM sent.

Thanks Jube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cool! Glad Jube hooked you up. Back home now, code redeemed, downloading as we speak.

Spin those wheels faster, damn router-hamsters!


Any more codes? Although they're probably all gone by now.

Anyway, can't wait for the game! From the very very brief time I played it at Eurogamer I could already tell the improvements over the 3rd game dramatically.


dejay said:
The Ferrari rivals event is shitting me - I just can't get one decent lap where I feel like I've done close to my potential. I've had laps where I've had a great run until I come around that last bend and there are three slow cars forming a rolling road block. Grrr.
I really wish they'd get rid of this feature where your laps are 'invalidated' because you got in someone's slipstream or even if somebody gets into yours(ridiculous).

This entire feature was made for a handful of elite hotlappers who whined that people were exploiting drafting to improve their times. Those ignored were the 99.99% of everybody else who aren't fighting for top 5 spots on the leaderboards and would like to have a clean lap rewarded with a 'validated' lap time.

Love Forza to death, but this has always irked me to no end. Go online and look at the fastest times at the end of a race and you'll find a bunch of meaningless numbers because some people could well have done faster laps than what it says, but since they happen to have one 'validated' lap that was slower, thats the one that gets displayed.

I mean, c'mon Turn 10. You fixed a tiny problem with something that detracts from the vast majority of other user's experiences. Where was the logic?
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