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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

BADNED said:
There are some wide reaching gravitational turbulences going on. A meltdown might be imminent.
That's it guys. Forza 4 was cancelled, Microsoft just closed Turn 10. We still don't know why, but we'll tell you as soon as we know more.


Ty4on said:
Gonna fire up FM3 and drive some Porsches with tears in the eyes, gonna miss you guys :(

Am I missing some subtlety about Porsche in BADNED's hint?

In my defence I have been drinking whisky.



Ok. Got it.
Cars can catch fire when damaged.

You bail out, and proceed on foot.

or, T10 gone multiplatform, Forza 4 on ps3, oct 10th.

wait, no, GT and Forza merge.

or...actually. Motorbikes. Of course. Motorbikes it is.


BADNED said:
There are some wide reaching gravitational turbulences going on. A meltdown might be imminent.

Doesn't Amar hold the copyright for hyping driving simulations cryptically?

You guys have to borrow that too?


Mascot said:
Am I missing some subtlety about Porsche in BADNED's hint?

In my defence I have been drinking whisky.
What else would create a meltdown? I can live without Porsches, that was just a little hyperbole, but it honestly looks really likely that they have been cut.
I've decided to fix my 360 again and it looks like I did a better job than last time. Played FM3 for 40 minutes without problems. Well, almost without problems. I stopped playing it, because I realized I'd ruin FM4 for me. I hate so many of the included tracks, like Maple Valley, Sebring, Motegi (I'm crazy, I know) and I know I'll see them in FM4 again. It's better to stop now, or I'll throw FM4 in the corner, because I've already played those tracks to death.


brotkasten said:
I've decided to fix my 360 again and it looks like I did a better job than last time. Played FM3 for 40 minutes without problems. Well, almost without problems. I stopped playing it, because I realized I'd ruin FM4 for me. I hate so many of the included tracks, like Maple Valley, Sebring, Motegi (I'm crazy, I know) and I know I'll see them in FM4 again. It's better to stop now, or I'll throw FM4 in the corner, because I've already played those tracks to death.

That's the same reason I decided not to return to FM3, I think its one of the reasons I got tired of FM3 much faster than other Forza's too.


One thing that a hate about FM3 is the excess of R1 races in the career mode, while great categories like R2 and R3 have just a few races.


watership said:
I think I'm more starved for information because of the complete lack of anything to new play lately. My anticipation for 4 is much higher than 3, yet I don't think we were starved for info in 2009 we were?

From what I remember with the lead-up to Forza 3, September was the month they started dropping all the information.
bj00rn_ said:
Uf, what happened to the lighting on that track.. So different than what I've seen from the game until now.

I dunno, but whoever the tree artist is...they earned their bonus. The trees look much improved on all tracks!


brotkasten said:
I love how you guys are still getting your hopes up for some big reveal.
Yeah it is wise to lower expectations as it leeds to less disappointments.

Space Tour mode would be definitely cool but that is future talk.


adelante said:
At this point all I want is more gameplay videos, any announcements would be icing on the cake.
I'd love to see gameplay videos which aren't the cockpit view.

I've barely seen anyway.


fu3lfr3nzy said:
So are we gonna see this meltdown in GamesCom which is just a few days away or..?

Fm.net forums admin said he wouldn't say a 'bombshell' but still something very cool.
Not a meltdown yet, unless badned is talking about forzacentral being down :)

My bet is still on the announcement of a demo being released shortly. IIRC Fm3 demo came out at least one month prior to release ?

And now, back to tech scrutinizing the available footage !

Random stuff:

Rewatching videos for the nth time i am 95% sure full lod model is used ingame for the player's car.
At least it is in car bowling; i just compared the Fieste Zetec in fm3 and insidesimracing video: the car and interiors you see in third person view in isr video are exactly the same as fm3 Fiesta pre-race, in those few frames before the model is swapped.

So full lod is probably used in all single player events (and replays).
As for 8 or 12 cars races, i am not sure, haven't seen enough to tell whether full lod is used ingame or even in replays-

One thing bothering me; environment mapping. Fm3 uses cube env mapping for your car, and a generic, static, environment map for cpu cars, which stays the same in every part of the track.
Obviously they couldn't have separate cube maps for every car, but most games just replicate the cube map for your car on the others, which is a decent compromise. Yes, if you happen to drive under a brigde you'll see the bridge reflecting on each car at the same time, regardless of where they are, but at least, cars near yours will not reflect a bright blue sky when you're inside a tunnel.
It appears fm4 is the same as fm3 as far as env mappiing goes, unfortunately.

Also, i just noticed i haven't seen backfire from exhausts anywhere except in the leaked trailer.


adelante said:
At this point all I want is more gameplay videos, any announcements would be icing on the cake.
I'm sure the media sites will offer plenty of them from the gamescom showfloor starting Wednesday.

saladine1 said:
Do we know if Turn 10 is holding a presentation of sorts for GC?
There will be media presentations behind closed doors like at E3 thats for sure.
BADNED said:
There are some wide reaching gravitational turbulences going on. A meltdown might be imminent.

BADNED said:
Yeah it is wise to lower expectations as it leeds to less disappointments.

Space Tour mode would be definitely cool but that is future talk.


Been away from this game for a while but as usual l'll be up for this. Going to order the LCE. Hope they ironed out the audio bug that annoyed the hell out of me in FM3.


soundscream said:
I have no faith in the Turn10 marketing department.

Remember this


what about it ? high poly models used on track apart it looks pretty much like my fm3 ?

you could say their use of cuts and closeups of their high poly models in the middle of their trailers was deceiving, but the gameplay and replays bits were always true to what the game would look like.
I love BADNED coming in here with the old hints etc.

The thing I don't like though is when my hype raises from such hints etc. At the moment, I'm setting my expectations very very low on anything Forza 4, especially anymore significant announcements on 'features'. My mind runs away with me thinking, weather, night time racing, loads more locations etc etc. But in reality, with all the features that have been revealed so far, I doubt there is anything else 'big' to annouce, that we don't already know about.

I'm in the same boat with Forza 3 at the moment. Not playing it because I don't want to wear out the tracks. I've never had that problem with a racing game before, probably because the last time I played one as much as F3 was GT3. Then again, I want to play and build up my garage and cash in readyness for whatever treats we get for what we have in F3.

With the *so far lack of information on many more locations, the one thing that I'm hoping for, but very doubful about, would be night time racing, or weather (conditions or not).

Anyways, back to lurking and refreshing every couple of hours.
soundscream said:
I have no faith in the Turn10 marketing department.

Remember this


What ever happened to Volume 2?

The closeups at 1:00 make me think how wasteful the high poly models are in F3, you can never ever really do that kind of camera panning unless viewing a car in the menus, which has stock angles repeated. Not even photo mode allows you to get that close like that unless you zoom.

I really hope F4 has those user made replay angles or exporting video angles instead of a few stock sweeps, I really want to make some cool videos.

lord pie

eso76 said:

One thing bothering me; environment mapping. Fm3 uses cube env mapping for your car, and a generic, static, environment map for cpu cars, which stays the same in every part of the track.
Obviously they couldn't have separate cube maps for every car, but most games just replicate the cube map for your car on the others, which is a decent compromise. Yes, if you happen to drive under a brigde you'll see the bridge reflecting on each car at the same time, regardless of where they are, but at least, cars near yours will not reflect a bright blue sky when you're inside a tunnel.
It appears fm4 is the same as fm3 as far as env mappiing goes, unfortunately.

It's not an easy problem to solve. For example, when in cockpit view, it won't be generating the cubemap for your car's reflection.
Another alternative would be to have multiple static cubemaps generated for various points around the track - but even this has issues (requires sampling two cubes to blend between them, or popping ala HL2). Plus the obvious additional memory/streaming load .

As an aside; Flatout Ultimate Carnage actually did have a unique reflection on nearby cars (although they were updated slower). Technically that game was very impressive.


lord pie said:
It's not an easy problem to solve. For example, when in cockpit view, it won't be generating the cubemap for your car's reflection.

yes, i thought about that, but usign the same frame buffer grab on other cars should be fine too.
Yeah, you'd maybe see the car in front of you reflecting itself, but i don't think you'd really notice. I remember tons of cars reflecting themselves in True Crime, and not just that, they'd sometimes reflect the hud too :D

lord pie

eso76 said:
yes, i thought about that, but usign the same frame buffer grab on other cars should be fine too.
Yeah, you'd maybe see the car in front of you reflecting itself, but i don't think you'd really notice. I remember tons of cars reflecting themselves in True Crime, and not just that, they'd sometimes reflect the hud too :D


I wondered if you might suggest that. I didn't mention it because the reasons against doing something like it are a bit low level; Basically, if you are using a texture as large as the frame buffer as a reflection texture, and that texture doesn't have mipmaps (important!) then you can get severe texture cache thrashing issues.
Also, doing screen space reflections accurately is very complex (unless it is off a flat-ish plane near the camera - ooo, just like a bonnet :)

Unfortunately, the 360 has a small texture cache - so it's something that developers have to be very careful about.

Consider a car on screen that is around 50 pixels wide. It will be reflecting from the environment all around. So chances are, the reflection lookup will 'touch' all areas of the reflection texture in a somewhat random pattern.
Chances are, each pixel of that car will be reflecting to a different place in the reflection image, which likely won't be currently within the small cache (so it'll need to be read in from memory). Because the pixel will be read in as part of a larger block from the source image, it'll use a lot of bandwidth (and will evict some other part of the image from cache). The gist is; drawing that car may end up loading in the majority of that reflection texture multiple times - when the image is 4MB, this could easily annihilate performance.

You could generate mipmaps for the texture at runtime, but that'd be expensive (not just for GPU time, but also for memory)


reflect the HUD?? ohh ffs! :D


Junior Member
Mipmaps,frame buffers,cube maps....I have no clue..

What's interesting about either weather or night racing, is that during the run up to FM3's release, there were all these threads popping up on the official forums which discussed the topic but nearly every time, the threads were closed. It was early on that we got some types of confirmation from Turn 10 (Che) that night and/or weather was not making it in for FM3. Even then, people still didn't believe Che/Turn 10 and kept on speculating.

Now, for FM4, these same type of threads don't get locked and there hasn't been any denial (or confirmation) about night and/or weather making it in..

Am I clutching at straws here?
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