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Forza Motorsports

I'm all for this game but the latest shot looks great!



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Anyone seen that Volvo commercial? What XBOX racing game is that? RSC2? Or Forza?


I'm really looking forward to this game.. Unlike GT4 it seems to offer the complete racing package, with damage modelling , revolutionary (so they claim) AI and the full online support with all the extras that we can expect from microsoft. I have no doubt the physics model will be very convincing. The modification and stuff I really don't care about, just give me a car and I will race it.

I'm afraid it will bomb though :( much like RSC2 did..


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
thorns said:
I'm really looking forward to this game.. Unlike GT4 it seems to offer the complete racing package, with damage modelling , revolutionary (so they claim) AI and the full online support with all the extras that we can expect from microsoft. I have no doubt the physics model will be very convincing. The modification and stuff I really don't care about, just give me a car and I will race it.

I'm afraid it will bomb though :( much like RSC2 did..

You write for MS PR? ;)
The only racing game that will come close to a complete package this gen is GT4
Which includes virtually everything other then car damage, which is simulates but does not show.


To clear up anything before I get beat to heck.
If MS wants to put the time and effort that Poly does into this game, which I don't see happening, then maybe, just maybe, it will come close. But the GT team really really puts the detail into their games, I just don't see any game coming close this generation.


Suikoguy said:
You write for MS PR? ;)
The only racing game that will come close to a complete package this gen is GT4
Which includes virtually everything other then car damage, which is simulates but does not show.

You write for Sony PR? GT3 didn't have any damage, you could bounce the car all over the track, how is it going to be any different for GT4? The AI in that game was pretty horrible as well.

So tell me what makes GT4 a complete package and will not make Forza one?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
thorns said:
You write for Sony PR? GT3 didn't have any damage, you could bounce the car all over the track, how is it going to be any different for GT4? The AI in that game was pretty horrible as well.

So tell me what makes GT4 a complete package and will not make Forza one?

You need to read up on GT4 before you bash it, thats all I need to say.
You can't just bounce off walls and expect to win now.
Anyway I need sleep.
thorns said:
You write for Sony PR? GT3 didn't have any damage, you could bounce the car all over the track, how is it going to be any different for GT4? The AI in that game was pretty horrible as well.

So tell me what makes GT4 a complete package and will not make Forza one?

You've got the final code of GT4?

And what makes it a complete package compared to other racers is that it can substitute for a GT racer, a rally racer, an F1 racer and afor other events like drifting. It's the complete racing experience because it offers so many different styles of racing.


SolidSnakex said:
You've got the final code of GT4?

And what makes it a complete package compared to other racers is that it can substitute for a GT racer, a rally racer, an F1 racer and afor other events like drifting. It's the complete racing experience because it offers so many different styles of racing.

Do you have the final code for GT4?

Complete package doesn't mean it covers all the different classes of racing, a game can be only one series and still be a complete package. For me it means it has ALL the elements of racings such as:

-Realistic Damage Modelling
-Competitive and Realistic AI
-Tire Wear/Fuel Modelling/Pit Stops
-Qualifying and Practice session where relevant
-Full online experience for everything
-Saveable Replays of Online Races

among many others.. It has nothing to do with if a game covers rally racing or drifting or drag racing or whatever. Nascar 2003 is a good example of a "complete package".


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
WTF can we NOT turn this into a GT vs. other racing game thread again... damn people.


It's one of the 10 commandments of GA, every racing thread must have it. Soon we'll have someone with 30/60fps comments and I'm tempted to bring up the good old "driving sim v. racing sim" debate but there's no need to flog a dead horse.
The modification and stuff I really don't care about, just give me a car and I will race it.

But... isn't this the selling point of Forza? I mean, look at the add, and at the E3 demo. It's all "build you car and race it" thing, much like GT4.


I wouldn't bother with the comparisons. Especially considering that few of us have played either game.

Nevermind GT4, but I do think Forza is aspiring to do everything that no racing game has done so far.

My only concerns are graphic-whoreish in nature...the art doesn't seem that good (textures look hand-drawn) and they claim it's gonna hit 60 fps when it comes out, but I have a feeling it won't be.

Gameplay-wise, I've heard that it's beautiful, so I got no complaints there.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Fight for Freeform said:
Nevermind GT4, but I do think Forza is aspiring to do everything that no racing game has done so far.

I dont really follow either game so much, but what is Forza doing that no other racing game has done so far?

Personally i am eagerly awaiting GTR on the PC.



I dont really follow either game so much, but what is Forza doing that no other racing game has done so far?

There are things like being able to set up your ignition timing and it takes into account heat and pressure changes when it comes to wearing out your parts.

But my wording was kinda weird and I apologize for that, what I meant was that it will do/have everything, something that no racer has done so far. It looks to have everything you want, with no feature missing from it.

You mentioned the PC platform, and perhaps you'd like to compare it to current racing sims on the PC. Racing sims on the PC are by far more detailed and have far more features. Even free games like Live for Speed feature more realistic gameplay and physics than the GT series. So when I'm comparing Forza to past games, keep in mind that I'm comparing it to past console games. :)


Although I am looking forward to both Forza and GT4, IMO MS needs to make a good racing wheel or get a company like Logitech to make one for the game. A sim racer such as Forza is so much better with a wheel than with a controller. The 900 degrees Driving Force Pro wheel for GT4 should really enhance the realism and fun factor of the game. Does MS have any plans to rectify this issue? How was the game set up at E3 for those who played Forza?


I agree!

Without a wheel, it really can't be considered a complete sim IMO.

Madcatz is supposedly making a wheel with FF, but according to an article I read, there were 2 rumours running around E3. One of which states that this wheel will have FF (but it didn't say anything about how many degrees of movement there would be) and the second rumour stated that there will be no FF wheel until Xbox 2.

I think it's obvious that there has to be an FF wheel with 900 degrees of movement (and it would be nice if it had a working clutch/gearbox :)), released for the Xbox and compatible with the Xbox 2. I just don't have enough faith in MS that they'll make the right decision though. If there's any game that deserves this kind of wheel, it's FM!


Fight for Freeform said:
I agree!

Without a wheel, it really can't be considered a complete sim IMO.

Madcatz is supposedly making a wheel with FF, but according to an article I read, there were 2 rumours running around E3. One of which states that this wheel will have FF (but it didn't say anything about how many degrees of movement there would be) and the second rumour stated that there will be no FF wheel until Xbox 2.

I think it's obvious that there has to be an FF wheel with 900 degrees of movement (and it would be nice if it had a working clutch/gearbox :)), released for the Xbox and compatible with the Xbox 2. I just don't have enough faith in MS that they'll make the right decision though. If there's any game that deserves this kind of wheel, it's FM!

If what you say is correct, my anticipation for Forza just went down because what good is a racing sim without a wheel. I don't know why Logitech hasn't made a FF wheel for Xbox. I mean, even the GC got a FF wheel from Logitech.
When put up against Burnout 3 and NFSU2, this game is going to sell like shit. Why they decided to name it "Forza Motorsports" is beyond my comprehension. M$ is 0 for 2 in their last two forays into racing games.

That being said it looks like it will be and incredible experience.


Junior Member
Logitech tried but MS denied them. According to Logitech, MS wanted them to get a list of Devs who would support the wheel and even after they got the required list MS still said no.

I dont know how anyone will be able to go from playing GT4 with the wheel back to a sim with a controler/spring-loaded wheel, no matter how realistic.


Gek54 said:
Logitech tried but MS denied them. According to Logitech, MS wanted them to get a list of Devs who would support the wheel and even after they got the required list MS still said no.

I dont know how anyone will be able to go from playing GT4 with the wheel back to a sim with a controler/spring-loaded wheel, no matter how realistic.

So that's the reason for the absence of a Logitech FF wheel for Xbox. Either way, I really hope MS comes out with atleast a decent wheel for Forza.

I totally agree with your point concerning the DFP wheel + GT4. Playing a racing sim with a controller is almost not worth it, especially after GT4.
I can't fathom how they think they'll pull this off, but Microsoft honestly expects Forza to be their answer to Gran Turismo 4 - just the same as some marketing genius at Sony thinks Killzone is a contender against Halo.

But nevermind Killzone - I have difficulty just trying to remember the name "Forza Motorsports". I'm no motoring expert, but is Forza meant to be a reference to something famous?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Hey guys, I'm actually visiting Microsoft very soon for a deep, hands-on exclusive look at Forza. If you've got questions for the team, let's hear 'em please. I will ask ALL YOUR QUESTIONS (provided they're appropriate and not lame).

I have an idea the angle and direction I want to take the piece, but I thought, hey, why not hear what other people are curious about too.



chespace said:
Hey guys, I'm actually visiting Microsoft very soon for a deep, hands-on exclusive look at Forza. If you've got questions for the team, let's hear 'em please. I will ask ALL YOUR QUESTIONS (provided they're appropriate and not lame).

I have an idea the angle and direction I want to take the piece, but I thought, hey, why not hear what other people are curious about too.




Simple question, why isn't the game running at 60fps?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SolidSnakex said:
Simple question, why isn't the game running at 60fps?

"Because we didn't want to sacrifice graphical detail and realism for framerate. We feel that if we can nail the game at a solid 30fps, most gamers will be happy with the trade off between graphics and speed."

Can't you just hear it now? :)




chespace said:
Hey guys, I'm actually visiting Microsoft very soon for a deep, hands-on exclusive look at Forza. If you've got questions for the team, let's hear 'em please. I will ask ALL YOUR QUESTIONS (provided they're appropriate and not lame).

I have an idea the angle and direction I want to take the piece, but I thought, hey, why not hear what other people are curious about too.




As them about the racing wheel situation(will MS make a good wheel specifically for Forza and whether there will be any damage/damage effects in the game.

Also ask them if they will change the name of the game; just kidding.


chespace said:
"Because we didn't want to sacrifice graphical detail and realism for framerate. We feel that if we can nail the game at a solid 30fps, most gamers will be happy with the trade off between graphics and speed."

Can't you just hear it now? :)



I did not know the game was 30 fps. If so, this is a bad decision by MS. But, as MS says, sadly most gamers probably won't be able to tell the difference.
chespace said:
"Because we didn't want to sacrifice graphical detail and realism for framerate. We feel that if we can nail the game at a solid 30fps, most gamers will be happy with the trade off between graphics and speed."

Can't you just hear it now? :)



I figure that's the reason, I just hope it's not what they say. If you're really serious about doing sims, then 60fps should override any graphic features. But it'll be interesting to see what they say.


Che, I would like to know how many players online at the same time ?

30 fps or 60 fps ?

How many cars included in the game in total ?

Do they have different racing types (rally, street racing, etc..) ?

Oh, and, it doesn't really matters to me, but please say to them that 60 fps is truly important for a lot of people, so, it would be a good idea to do it.
"Che, I would like to know how many players online at the same time ?

All the pics and movies released so far have showed 4 cars on screen. So it seems like that'll be the number of online players at the sametime too.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I can't fathom how they think they'll pull this off, but Microsoft honestly expects Forza to be their answer to Gran Turismo 4 - just the same as some marketing genius at Sony thinks Killzone is a contender against Halo.

But nevermind Killzone - I have difficulty just trying to remember the name "Forza Motorsports". I'm no motoring expert, but is Forza meant to be a reference to something famous?

I agree completely. GT and Halo are in their own stratosphere of success and neither of the knock off games will touch them. In Killzone's case, if it can grab an audience like SOCOM did it could turn into a franchise, but I think whoever decided to coin it a "Halo Killer" will regret doing so. As for Forza, if Rallisport 2's sales were any indication, this one is driving off into the sunset.

chespace said:
Hey guys, I'm actually visiting Microsoft very soon for a deep, hands-on exclusive look at Forza. If you've got questions for the team, let's hear 'em please. I will ask ALL YOUR QUESTIONS (provided they're appropriate and not lame).

I have an idea the angle and direction I want to take the piece, but I thought, hey, why not hear what other people are curious about too.




I guess the most obvious question would be whether or not it will use XSN stat tracking, as XSN itself is supposed to be taking a break this year.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
dorio said:
Why do you already have an angle for the story. Go into it with an open mind.

wtf are you talking about. angles to stories aren't judgement calls. they're mostly for me to figure out what i want to focus on in the story. uh... actually, nevermind. who cares. :)




ScientificNinja: Y'know from a feature-list perspective, this game seems to be able to compete with GT4...but it's all up to the execution. This could be a case of having the greatest idea for a videogame, but the development team can't make it happen.

chespace: Well, perhaps a follow up to the 30/60 fps question...if it's running at 30, will it control at 60 fps like PGR2?

This next one may seem like a bad question...but I honestly think that the game's art is not even up to par with games like Burnout. It seems like they are striving for realism, but it will end up looking as 'realistic' as Midtown Madness 3 (technically impressive, but NOT realistic). So the question would be, "Why do your artists suck so much?" :p

Despite having a worse lighting engine, working with fewer textures, and lower polycounts, I can imagine GT4 looking a whole lot more realistic than FM.


If they wanna beat GT4 to the punch, they have to better or at least match every feature in GT4, and that, it seems, includes 60 fps.


chespace said:
"Because we didn't want to sacrifice graphical detail and realism for framerate. We feel that if we can nail the game at a solid 30fps, most gamers will be happy with the trade off between graphics and speed."

Can't you just hear it now? :)


I hope that isn't true.
i'd rather have the graphics quality lowered then have 30 fps racer.
Che: Ask them about the dumb ass name and how they expect it to sell to Joe Gamer. Ask them if they are a little unnerved by the low sales of PGR2 and RSC2.


Y'know, the name is not all that different from Gran Turismo. Both names bring up the image of "racing".
Of course, they may be alien to the North American market, but just like GT it will grow to become familiar (that's assuming it's able to sell more than 50,000 copies :p).

Hellraizah: http://previews.teamxbox.com/xbox/761/Forza-Motorsport/p1

Pretty good preview of the game.


Another one...somewhat answers some of the questions (how many cars? Look like way more manufacturers than GT, but far fewer cars overall, car damage? Yes, in many ways)


SolidSnakex said:
You've got the final code of GT4?

And what makes it a complete package compared to other racers is that it can substitute for a GT racer, a rally racer, an F1 racer and afor other events like drifting. It's the complete racing experience because it offers so many different styles of racing.

Eh, so does TOCA Pro Race Driver 2. Does it pretty well too, except (ironically enough) the rallying mode, which is just busted. But the various modes for touring car, street car, open wheel and big rigs are pretty varied and a lot of fun. As I said in the other thread, I recommend the XBox version to racing fans in general, particularly when it's only 30 clams.

And the lack of a FF wheel for XBox is simply bizarre...the fucking Cube has had one for over two years now for Christ's sake. That said, I doubt it'll impact it's sales heavily...I doubt Logitech sold 8 million wheels to go with GT3. Hell, I'd be amazed if they've sold 250,000 wheels.

BTW, Forza is Italian for strength, and is a term used quite often by Ferrari fanatics. Gran Turismo didn't mean shit over here before the game was released (I bet most people still don't know what that means), so I doubt the Forza name is gonna kill the sales of the game, especially in Europe where racing rules ALL Hell, they managed to sell Project Gotham Racing, and that's the dumbest name for a racing game in history. People need to remember that life doesn't begin and end in America.

Of course it'd be kinda silly to use the Forza name without featuring any Italian marks in the game (and Ferrari in particular)...
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