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Fox News to Host Live Event With Bernie Sanders. Hillary Too

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The only thing I see happening here is FOX reporters goading Bernie into taking a more distinctly negative stance against Hillary.

Considering the way his campaign has been swinging lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he took the bait.


I'm really interested to see how this turns out, or more particularly how my parents might react to it since they're Fox viewers. My dad is historically Reaganite but he's the least hateful person you could find - he really does just believe in the Christian element of conservatism + supply side economics, and he's told me before that he does think that those who can't get health insurance should get help from the government because Jesus wouldn't want us to let the poor suffer, so he's got some sort of opening towards socialized health care. I kind of assume that my dad would have been supporting Ben Carson this go around otherwise just for religious reasons. My mother tends to go back and forth between parties; neither like the Clintons and I can't imagine that either of them like Trump.


Sanders needs air time and exposure. Post Super Tuesday, with all the primaries coming up, he needs his message to travel faster than old fashion retail campaigning so a big event like this works for his needs.

Fox wants the dem primary to drag on and get as ugly as it can. I have no doubt they have political motivations behind this, especially to slow/hurt Hillary as much as possible.

Both sides get what they want, so what's the issue?


So, people say we need a president that can actually get stuff through Congress, but they are hating on Bernie for trying to bring people together and doing what's in everyone's interest. What happened to "we need someone that can reach across th aisle and Bernie can't do that!!!"? If we want the next Democratic president to actually get stuff done, they are going to have to talk to Republicans. Also, I don't get the personal attacks against him. Criticize him all you want, but he's a good person and should be respected.
Sanders needs air time and exposure. Post Super Tuesday, with all the primaries coming up, he needs his message to travel faster than old fashion retail campaigning so a big event like this works for his needs.

Fox wants the dem primary to drag on and get as ugly as it can. I have no doubt they have political motivations behind this, especially to slow/hurt Hillary as much as possible.

Both sides get what they want, so what's the issue?

They want the Dem Primary over and Hillary declared the winner approximately 3 months ago , if not sooner.


They want the Dem Primary over and Hillary declared the winner approximately 3 months ago , if not sooner.

Well, it is over, so... Theres that.

Honestly your woe is me victim complex posting in any political thread with not an ounce of substance or even a quote/response to someone that is hurting your feelings by not kissing Bernie's ring is ridiculous.

If you need to have your ego stroked and be told everything is going to be all right, maybe you should stay away from politics... Or reality
Well, it is over, so... Theres that.

Honestly your woe is me victim complex posting in any political thread with not an ounce of substance or even a quote/response to someone that is hurting your feelings by not kissing Bernie's ring is ridiculous.

If you need to have your ego stroked and be told everything is going to be all right, maybe you should stay away from politics... Or reality

I have no victim complex (at least not in this area). I don't even think Bernie should win the primary. I just find the level of rancor displayed ridiculous.
Why would he NOT want to candidly talk with the biggest load of idiots and try to make them see the light (a.k.a. reason)?

It's terrible if he just sticks to the cheerleaders. Little to no gain in support numbers if he doesn't branch out.
I'll try to emphasise this part from the OP since it changes how it looks (for the better):
The Clinton campaign was invited, but “is unable to attend due to a conflict in her campaign schedule,” according to a release from the network.
Bernie will get all the Democrats and the new energised voters
I'm sorry, who? The energized voters who aren't showing up at the primary polls?

If Bernie has any momentum as a candidate it would lead to him winning the primaries. Otherwise you're just saying Bernie would win if the voters would just vote for him. Which, well... yes.
It makes sense. Hillary has no need to go on Fox News and they are clearly against her. She is in an entirely different mode now than Bernie.

Well she might pick up some votes once the GOP nominee is picked since some people are going to be super annoyed whether it's Trump or not-Trump but yeah now is not the time for that approach.
The only thing I see happening here is FOX reporters goading Bernie into taking a more distinctly negative stance against Hillary.

Considering the way his campaign has been swinging lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he took the bait.

Then Fox is doing Bernie a favor.


Not surprised Hillary said no. She has literally nothing to gain, Fox and the GOP may hate her more than Obama if that's possible, and she probably doesn't even need to mention Sanders any more.

The longer she spends debating with Sanders, the less time she has to focus on the General Election.


I don't see anything wrong with this. He'll be fine, they're not going to attack him non-stop. Even if they somehow did, he's experienced enough to respond appropriately and it's not like he's not expecting it in the back of his mind considering who the hosts are. It gets his message out to people who wouldn't change the channel away from Fox otherwise.

I'm more surprised that Fox invited both of them than I am that Bernie accepted. He's behind. He has nothing to lose from this.
I don't see anything wrong with this. He'll be fine, they're not going to attack him non-stop. Even if they somehow did, he's experienced enough to respond appropriately and it's not like he's not expecting it in the back of his mind considering who the hosts are. It gets his message out to people who wouldn't change the channel away from Fox otherwise.

I'm more surprised that Fox invited both of them than I am that Bernie accepted. He's behind. He has nothing to lose from this.

This. He needs to take some risks now if he wants to catch up.


This post is really dumb, come on now.

I think it's basically fine for Sanders to go on Fox, although, like, if he said he would only go if the DNC was fine with it, I am curious if the DNC is actually fine with it or if that just got blown off.

I doubt Sanders is going to say anything more cutting on Fox than he's already said recently, so I don't really see that it matters.

That said, I also doubt it's going to get him any benefit.

Posts like this are pretty much the HillGAF normality don't act shocked:

Sure he is. Sanders' followers didn't just come up with their"no true Scotsman" standards for progressives on their own. Sanders has been beating this drum for literally decades. Nothing short of a purely socialist platform built entirely upon is ideologies is acceptable. There is no compromise on ideology. Pragmatism is a vice.

He's a politician because in Sanders' world view everyone should be employed by the government. He only cooperates with people when it entirely suits his interests, like working with the DNC when they wanted a win in Vermont for the 2005-2006 midterms.

This is who Bernie Sanders has always been. He is, in almost every way, the left's version of what Donald Trump has been campaigning as on the right. I don't think that is really Donald Trump, but this is really Bernie Sanders.

I don't see where anyone is going over the top. Sanders is playing out the last of his hand and, to keep the card analogy going, we're just calling a spade a spade.

He's a total asshole and a sore loser. I had no doubt in my mind in 2008 that Hillary would go for the bat for Obama after she lost and she did. Can't say the same for Sanders. He seems like he'd be salty as fuck.

Go away Bernie. Great job you're doing trying to unite the party. This guy is a narcissistic hypocritical JERK.

He's gonna take this to the convention. He keeps accepting money which really doesn't make any sense. Why else would he be doing it?

I swear he's gonna go third party. Wouldn't that be something; Trump gets everyone in the GOP to roll over for him and Bernie ends up being the one throwing a wedge into the entire election. His statements lately are totally unacceptable.

Trying to get his message out any way possible. Good on him.

Also, HillaryGAF coming in at full force is amusing.

If the Klan invited you to one of their meeting to teach racial tolerance, you'd be a fool to accept. Fox is looking to use Bernie as a weapon against Hillary. Period. Bernie is foolish playing into their hands.


I'm sorry, who? The energized voters who aren't showing up at the primary polls?

If Bernie has any momentum as a candidate it would lead to him winning the primaries. Otherwise you're just saying Bernie would win if the voters would just vote for him. Which, well... yes.
Firstly, we can't be sure what turnout would have been like without Sanders in the race, or because of Clinton, etc. There is an argument to be made that turnout is still quite good on the Democratic side, while admittedly a little lower than 2008 (after 7 years of Bush), but palling in comparison with the Republican side for the reverse reason. The fact he is absolutely smashing Hillary in 18-34 voters does indicate those young and new voters have probably come out specifically for Bernie.

Indeed, enthusiasm among demographics LIKELIER to vote already isn't being directed toward Bernie. This could be because these demographics are older people and black people, who had probably already made their minds up seven years ago on whom to support for 2016. Hillary has been the prohibitive and practically only candidate for seven years, which is extremely tough to break through.

There is also an argument to be made that while people may like Bernie better, most people have little interest in staking a claim either way on the Democratic side, whereas many voters (independents or those who can same-day register) are deciding to utilise their influence on the other side of the aisle by registering and voting for or against Trump, helping to explain the record turnout. Enthusiasm against Trump may be, well, trumping, enthusiasm for Bernie (and Hillary).

I think you will find many "non-Trump" Republican field voters, and almost all Democrats, especially considering his stranglehold on the youth, would turn out for Sanders in the end, whereas Clinton may not inspire the same involvement in a General.


Wait? Am I seeing this right? GAF attacks/makes dumb statement about a the only real leftist candidate in US for years?

Sanders have said plenty of times that he wants to talk with people and networks who he fundamentally disagree with. He talked with that super-christian unviersity and now Fox News. What's wrong? Can't handle a person that talks with his political rivals?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
The responses in this tread are weird. Why would you want him to only preach to the choir.

I'm starting to think the modern Democratic party is more of a monolithic cult than the Republican party.

Sanders have said plenty of times that he wants to talk with people and networks who he fundamentally disagree with. He talked with that super-christian unviersity and now Fox News. What's wrong? Can't handle a person that talks with his political rivals?

And we liberals give conservatives all kinds of shit for railing against Christie for having the audacity to act somewhat cordial after a natural disaster towards president Obama. Then people give Bernie the same shit for being willing to go in front of conservative audiences.

As a liberal in a solidly red state... Fuck that attitude and anyone who has it. Democrats have all but abandoned conservative parts of the country and I'm tired of hearing excuses for why they can't win here.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The only thing I see happening here is FOX reporters goading Bernie into taking a more distinctly negative stance against Hillary.

Considering the way his campaign has been swinging lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he took the bait.

Sadly that does seem to be the most likely outcome.


Indeed, enthusiasm among demographics LIKELIER to vote already isn't being directed toward Bernie. This could be because these demographics are older people and black people, who had probably already made their minds up seven years ago on whom to support for 2016. Hillary has been the prohibitive and practically only candidate for seven years, which is extremely tough to break through.

...you should have stopped right there.


If it goes well for Sanders it'll be entertaining to see some of his supporters start talking about how Fox News is great unlike the rest of the bias mainstream media

So much projection, it's like you've created your own pocket universe of what makes a Sanders supporter.

Realistically, if the DNC allows this, Bernie will probably spend 80% of his time stump speeching and the other 20% carefully answering grenades.
My best case scenario would be the host asking Sanders the same question they asked all the Republicans. "If you end up not being the nominee, will you support the Democrat who is?" Just because I'm hoping that if he says "yes" one more time, people will stop freaking out about it.

I'd obviously want Hillary to be asked the same question, but I guess she can't make it.

Edit: I also wish it were happening sooner. Tuesday is so far away. That's gonna mean days of people diablosing about the Sanders/Clinton fight. Just more frustrating division


Tomodachi wa Mahou
My best case scenario would be the host asking Sanders the same question they asked all the Republicans. "If you end up not being the nominee, will you support the Democrat who is?" Just because I'm hoping that if he says "yes" one more time, people will stop freaking out about it.

I'd obviously want Hillary to be asked the same question, but I guess she can't make it.

Edit: I also wish it were happening sooner. Tuesday is so far away. That's gonna mean days of people diablosing about the Sanders/Clinton fight. Just more frustrating division

What is so frustrating exactly?

The idea that a guy who has been a registered party member for less than a year not backing the interests of the party is not surprising. The idea that a guy who has no endorsements from any of his colleagues for a reason is not surprising. The idea that hes going to drop out any time soon to help Hillary or the party he hasn't been a part of is not surprising.

I fully expect him to run his campaign all the way to the end because he doesn't really care if Hillary or Trump wins. And the fact hes turning his campaign into the same attacks on Hillary you see from Republicans instead of trying to champion progressive causes as he was earlier on leading into him doing this on Fox News isn't all that surprising either. Fox isn't doing this with him so he can spread the gospel about progressivism, they're doing this together to put the hatchet into Hillary's back. Folks really need to stop pretending like him being in the race still is a benefit to Hillary or the party.


The idea that a guy who has been a registered party member for less than a year not backing the interests of the party is not surprising.

Bernie not being part of a disintegrating party that shoots itself in the foot and runs away from liberal policy and their own president shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.

The Democratic Party could use some outside perspective if they want to be relevant, because they're dangerously close to controlling nothing in our government. The Republican party is not the only party in distress.
What is so frustrating exactly?

The idea that a guy who has been a registered party member for less than a year not backing the interests of the party is not surprising. The idea that a guy who has no endorsements from any of his colleagues for a reason is not surprising. The idea that hes going to drop out any time soon to help Hillary or the party he hasn't been a part of is not surprising.

I fully expect him to run his campaign all the way to the end because he doesn't really care if Hillary or Trump wins. And the fact hes turning his campaign into the same attacks on Hillary you see from Republicans instead of trying to champion progressive causes as he was earlier on leading into him doing this on Fox News isn't all that surprising either.

I don't really see what it being unsurprising has to do with it being frustrating. Surely I can be frustrated by something that is nonetheless predictable.

It's frustrating because I like Sanders a lot. I voted for him. But I like Clinton a lot, too, and I think she'd be a great president. I don't doubt Sanders motives in going to this event. He's losing, so he needs the press coverage. Further, it's at least trying to hit new demos. I doubt Fox News' motives, though. There's a legitimate cleavage between some Sanders supporters and the party at large, and I'm frustrated at the idea of Sander's being used by Fox as a wedge to drive into that crack. It's frustrating because I agree with Sanders that I'd rather have a Democrat in office than a Republican, even if it can't be him who gets the nomination. Again, I'm not surprised. I don't know what I said that made you think I was surprised. But I'm frustrated.


What is so frustrating exactly?

The idea that a guy who has been a registered party member for less than a year not backing the interests of the party is not surprising. The idea that a guy who has no endorsements from any of his colleagues for a reason is not surprising. The idea that hes going to drop out any time soon to help Hillary or the party he hasn't been a part of is not surprising.

I fully expect him to run his campaign all the way to the end because he doesn't really care if Hillary or Trump wins. And the fact hes turning his campaign into the same attacks on Hillary you see from Republicans instead of trying to champion progressive causes as he was earlier on leading into him doing this on Fox News isn't all that surprising either. Fox isn't doing this with him so he can spread the gospel about progressivism, they're doing this together to put the hatchet into Hillary's back. Folks really need to stop pretending like him being in the race still is a benefit to Hillary or the party.


I've been saying this since Nevada and since his poor showing in SC and how that caused him to not only shamelessly run away from the South and the black vote, but have the gall to attempt to downplay its importance. Bernie's campaign is no longer about his message. It's about him.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
What the hell is going on gaf recently? how is this a bad thing?

Fox News has THE highest viewership out of all the cable news stations. They dont just have republicans watching. There are are many independents and democrats who watch it too. Just look at the stats.

And who cares if Fox News wont be fair to him. If Bernie is in the right on issues, and he is, then he should be able to defend his position. Why hide behind mommy Maddow and daddy Mathews when you know your plan is the best path forward?

Liberals here need to stop being pussies and remember that we are on the right side of history. Megyn Kelly and Brett Biers are going to get owned if they try the same shtick they tried with Trump because unlike Trump, democratic nominees actually have the numbers to back up their plans.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Bernie not being part of a disintegrating party that shoots itself in the foot and runs away from liberal policy and their own president shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.

The Democratic Party could use some outside perspective if they want to be relevant, because they're dangerously close to controlling nothing in our government. The Republican party is not the only party in distress.

If he wants to stay in the race and push the issues to the left as he started his campaign doing I would support that 100%. For the last month or so as the race has gotten away from him and his campaign has hit a plateau that hes in this to tear down Hillary to gain voters. Which is his prerogative, hes still trying to win the nomination even its looking futile, but lets just cut the crap about him still being in the race being a benefit to the party now.
What the hell is going on gaf recently? how is this a bad thing?

Fox News has THE highest viewership out of all the cable news stations. They dont just have republicans watching. There are are many independents and democrats who watch it too. Just look at the stats.

And who cares if Fox News wont be fair to him. If Bernie is in the right on issues, and he is, then he should be able to defend his position. Why hide behind mommy Maddow and daddy Mathews when you know your plan is the best path forward?

Liberals here need to stop being pussies and remember that we are on the right side of history. Megyn Kelly and Brett Biers are going to get owned if they try the same shtick they tried with Trump because unlike Trump, democratic nominees actually have the numbers to back up their plans.

The fear isn't them making Sanders look bad. The fear is them using Sanders to take advantage of a legitimate fracture in the party, weakening it in a time win an election looks like it's favoring us. That's why I'm also frustrated at it being on Tuesday. Three days for people to get angrier and angrier at each other.


What the hell is going on gaf recently? how is this a bad thing?

Fox News has THE highest viewership out of all the cable news stations. They dont just have republicans watching. There are are many independents and democrats who watch it too. Just look at the stats.

And who cares if Fox News wont be fair to him. If Bernie is in the right on issues, and he is, then he should be able to defend his position. Why hide behind mommy Maddow and daddy Mathews when you know your plan is the best path forward?

Liberals here need to stop being pussies and remember that we are on the right side of history. Megyn Kelly and Brett Biers are going to get owned if they try the same shtick they tried with Trump because unlike Trump, democratic nominees actually have the numbers to back up their plans.

If Bernie hasn't been able to make this case within his party (And he hasn't. He's losing against Hillary and more economic experts are questioning his plans by the day), how do you really think he's going to fare on a network that will actually be trying to tear him down or worse, tear down his party's frontrunner?
AKA Help Us Take Down Hillary feat. Bernie Sanders

They're not there to make Bernie look bad, because they don't consider him a true threat in the fall. It only takes someone calling him the S word one time to completely color his campaign in a way that I don't think he could recover from in America.

Hell Rubio called him it last night and got huge applause from a crowd that was opposed to him.

This is all about getting as much dirt to throw on Hillary.
I think Fox may actually moderate the debates better than anyone. They were pretty hard on the Republicans yesterday. I think it will be interesting and they'll challenge him on issues that haven't really been tackled too much by him previously.

Not sure how this is a negative unless you really think Bernie is just completely incompetent, which is ridiculous IMO. I'm looking forward to this.
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