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Fox News to Host Live Event With Bernie Sanders. Hillary Too

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There is nothing surprising about this. If he has a chance to get his message out there, he should take it. This is a guy who was comfortable talking to LIBERTY University about how they may disagree on abortion, but they can come together on poverty.
Sanders making an effort to increase dialogue across party lines, and at a higher level of political discourse than the mud slinging we usually get, is one of his most respectable attributes as far as I'm concerned.


No one here is worried about sanders looking bad on fox. I have no doubt he can hold his own. We're worried about him letting his candidacy completely go to his head and thinking his words resonate more with voters than they really do. Fox is going to try and get him to say the nastiest things about Hillary, maybe stroking his ego a bit. I really think the end goal is to set him off and try to inspire a rift in the party with sanders throwing the first punch.
Seen handful of Bernie supporters who are willing to go to Trump camp, so I have to imagine there might be some Trump supporters willing to go to Bernie's camp. So maybe Fox is trying to get him to siphon from Trump.
they want Sanders on Fox because they mutually want to sink Hillary

the Far-Left is doing to work of the Right without knowing that they are being used by the Right to sink Hilary

ideological purity has blinded the Far-Left as it did with the Right


Seen handful of Bernie supporters who are willing to go to Trump camp, so I have to imagine there might be some Trump supporters willing to go to Bernie's camp. So maybe Fox is trying to get him to siphon from Trump.
They want a break from the establishment in both parties because that would ultimately help the GOP.


the want Sanders on Fox because they mutually want to sink Hillary

the Far-Left is doing to work of the Right without knowing that they are being used by the Right to sink Hilary

ideological purity has blinded the Far-Left as it did with the Right

let's dispel with the fiction yada yada yada


Sounds good to me. Never made much sense to alienate an entire audience - sends the entirely wrong message and thus political gridlock, even if they're on red team. Bernie doesn't need safe spaces

It only takes someone calling him the S word one time to completely color his campaign in a way that I don't think he could recover from in America.

Uh...Repubs have been calling Obama and Co. socialists for years, Hillary has also been called 'socialist' in those so called 'debates'


aka andydumi
Bernie should be very careful because this could very easily backfire.

He needs something to move him forward in a big way. This could work or it could backfire, but it's better than being afraid of the inevitable if he gets the nomination.


No one here is worried about sanders looking bad on fox. I have no doubt he can hold his own. We're worried about him letting his candidacy completely go to his head and thinking his words resonate more with voters than they really do. Fox is going to try and get him to say the nastiest things about Hillary, maybe stroking his ego a bit. I really think the end goal is to set him off and try to inspire a rift in the party with sanders throwing the first punch.
Sanders head IS his campaign for without it there'd be no campaign. It's just a shame that ego, brain and inspiration won't be within 50 yards of the White House making moves...
If Bernie hasn't been able to make this case within his party (And he hasn't. He's losing against Hillary and more economic experts are questioning his plans by the day), how do you really think he's going to fare on a network that will actually be trying to tear him down or worse, tear down his party's frontrunner?

It's not his party. He's just trying to appeal to people. In many cases, on both sides of the aisle.

Hillary Clinton is a political juggernaut with deep roots in communities and within the Democratic party. It's no surprise he's not beating her, really.
He could run on the same policy platform as Hillary only without the added baggage of strong corporate ties and it still wouldn't have mattered. Bernie is not a democrat and thus will not win the democratic primary.

Bernie has been an outsider for most of his political career. Dealing with right wingers is not some foreign concept to him. He does quite well at appealing to other people's humanities and common grounds. He's a populist and there's a strong movement within the right for a populist leader.

Bernie Sanders will do fine. They don't have Sean Hannity up there having an angry meltdown.


I'm confused how this hurts him and how he's been "attacking" Hillary.

As everyone else has said, him talking to the other side is proof of him trying to work across the aisle, it's not like he's going to go out there and start saying "Well Hillary is awful because of x, y, z." I also doubt he will answer any of their Hillary attack questions the way they would want him to. It's obvious they'd love for him to attack her, but that's not his campaign.

Now if you call him bringing up her Goldman Sachs speeches and wall street ties, in addition to her question-ability on regulating Wall Street as "attacks" then I don't really understand that. It's funny how in debates where Hillary has tried to attack him on his voting record he acknowledges how he voted and answers as to why he voted the way he did, no need to hide the truth when we have Google. Plus if you agree with his position on that particular vote or not at least he was honest about the reason he voted that way. Or the debate where she tried to cozy up to Obama and attack him for not agreeing with everything he's done (I mean who agrees with 100% of anything another human being does? Be honest with yourself). Hillary doesn't even do all the attacking herself, having her daughter attack his health care plan or having Bill attack his supports for being sexist.

When one person questions, continually, how someone who takes money from large corporations but will somehow not be beholden to them that's an attack? But when the other person continues dodging the question by saying they'll reign in Wall Street and they'll handle big business, while having their husband and daughter clearly attack the man it's seen as what? Signs of a good President?

Don't get me wrong, I was a Hillary supporter up until last May when I heard Bernie was running. I liked his platforms, and saw him grow from someone that nobody took serious or even knew about to someone who is gaining more and more recognition by the day. I thought she would be great for the country and I thought (and still do) think the email thing was kinda blown out of proportion. I just think we need to look inward as a country and start to fix our problems (starting with making politicians actually listen to us) before we go out and try to police the world into being "better". And quite frankly, I think it would be extremely hard if not impossible to really make a political change in this country when everyone all the way up to the President is in the pocket of some CEO. We live in a democracy and while our votes may "count", money influences day to day choices way more.

Let the man talk to FOX, let's see what happens, and let's judge it after the fact instead of saying he's doing this as a last ditch effort. (Which btw for everyone saying he's done, there's still over 1000 delegates to be handed out in the next 2 weeks alone so the 183 delegate lead she has (because we all know superdelegates shouldn't be counted at this stage) can still be either shortened, matched, or superseded).
they want Sanders on Fox because they mutually want to sink Hillary

the Far-Left is doing to work of the Right without knowing that they are being used by the Right to sink Hilary

ideological purity has blinded the Far-Left as it did with the Right

It's a primary. Sanders has run one of the more respectable campaigns in memory as far as keeping it a campaign of the issues and not making personal attacks.

The idea that Sanders shouldn't challenge Hillary because it might make her look bad seems ridiculous to me.


It's not his party. He's just trying to appeal to people. In many cases, on both sides of the aisle.

Hillary Clinton is a political juggernaut with deep roots in communities and within the Democratic party. It's no surprise he's not beating her, really.
He could run on the same policy platform as Hillary only without the added baggage of strong corporate ties and it still wouldn't have mattered. Bernie is not a democrat and thus will not win the democratic primary.

Bernie has been an outsider for most of his political career. Dealing with right wingers is not some foreign concept to him. He does quite well at appealing to other people's humanities and common grounds. He's a populist and there's a strong movement within the right for a populist leader.

Bernie Sanders will do fine. They don't have Sean Hannity up there having an angry meltdown.
Do you want him to go third party? Serious question. You know what the implications of that would be, correct?


This is his excuse to go after Hillary hard. Fox News will provide the cover. It's doesn't hurt him, but man what are you doing, Bernie?

It's a primary. Sanders has run one of the more respectable campaigns in memory as far as keeping it a campaign of the issues and not making personal attacks.

The idea that Sanders shouldn't challenge Hillary because it might make her look bad seems ridiculous to me.

By all means, challenge Clinton, but don't use Republican and Rovian talking points to do it.
Horrible optics. Michiganders are going to love seeing Bernie go on Fox News (which has been trashing Obama for the past 8 years with thinly veiled racism) and bash Hillary by repeating their talking points. I mean, what was he expecting? Fire your goddamn staff bernie. This is not reaching out.
This is his excuse to go after Hillary hard. Fox News will provide the cover. It's doesn't hurt him, but man what are you doing, Bernie?

By all means, challenge Clinton, but don't use Republican and Rovian talking points to do it.

I'm going to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt here. He clearly will endorse Hillary when he eventually loses.

I don't think he's interested in having a circle jerk of attacks on Hillary Clinton in a disingenuous manner.
I'm not even really blaming Bernie for doing it. He doesn't owe Hilary loyalty when he's still in a primary with her. It's his prerogative if he feels this platform can help him get some votes.

Just know that sound bites from this will be used in Hilary attack ads in the fall tho
(Fox) Republicans are salivating at the possibility of running against Bernie

for sure they want to enact Operation Chaos in trying to boost Bernie in the Primaries

Bernie is being played


My god, gaf is something else. This is literally the only place I could find that's acting like this is some horrible thing.

Acting like he's stabbing his side in the back.


(Fox) Republicans are salivating at the possibility of running against Bernie

for sure they want to enact Operation Chaos in trying to boost Bernie in the Primaries

Bernie is being played

They can salivate all they want but the only two Republicans who would have a chance at beating Bernie are currently running third and fourth and are unlikely to win the nomination. I'd say Rubio has the only legit shot and that dream will be over once Florida votes.


Beat EviLore at pool.
My god, gaf is something else. This is literally the only place I could find that's acting like this is some horrible thing.

Acting like he's stabbing his side in the back.

Only good can happen. He isn't getting attention like this elsewhere.
My god, gaf is something else. This is literally the only place I could find that's acting like this is some horrible thing.

Acting like he's stabbing his side in the back.

it absolutely depends on how it goes. i can guarantee you'll see him quoted in gop attack ads later if he decides to go all in on hillary. i mean social media in general (including gaf) is full of people trashing her using the same talking points as sanders (even when untrue). it creates a fervor that masks their heavy similarities and blows up their few differences. nothing wrong with having the objective to win sure, but he should be careful about playing right into the gop's hands with infighting


it absolutely depends on how it goes. i can guarantee you'll see him quoted in gop attack ads later if he decides to go all in on hillary. i mean social media in general (including gaf) is full of people trashing her using the same talking points as sanders (even when untrue). nothing wrong with having the objective to win sure, but he should be careful about playing right into the gop's hands with infighting

If Hillary can't handle Bernie Sanders with his "negative campaigning"
she has no place in the race.
If Hillary can't handle Bernie Sanders with his "negative campaigning"
she has not place in the race.

more like if sanders supporters can't google on their own and understand how similar the two candidates are, then fuck hillary for not being able to mind-meld with people right? it's not her responsibility to create a more informed voting block by shouting louder than the sanders echo chamber

If people don't trust the messenger, they're never going to trust the message. Nothing Hillary can do about it now except turn out her base.

that is true


more like if sanders supporters can't google on their own and understand how similar the two candidates are, then fuck hillary for not being able to mind-meld with people right? it's not her responsibility to create a more informed voting block by shouting louder than the sanders echo chamber

If people don't trust the messenger, they're never going to trust the message. Nothing Hillary can do about it now except turn out her base.
(Fox) Republicans are salivating at the possibility of running against Bernie

for sure they want to enact Operation Chaos in trying to boost Bernie in the Primaries

Bernie is being played

Well not necessarily.

By and large, Bernie has ascended to popularity not at the expense of Hillary Clinton. Bernie wants to continue to reach broader and newer audiences with his message.

Chances are, it's unlikely that this event would be enough to do anything to change the outcomes of the upcoming state primaries.

At the end of the day, Bernie is probably best off using his remaining time to spread his message. If he can use this event to explain to conservative viewers that we have already been living in a democratically social model for the past 80 years or so, then what he's advocating is not as scary as they may think.

Government initiative is not inherently bad or good. He's a voice that is willing to challenge conventional ways of thinking.

At the end of the day, if he helps to chip away some of the Reagan era style thinking towards the role of government and markets, I'm happy.

it absolutely depends on how it goes. i can guarantee you'll see him quoted in gop attack ads later if he decides to go all in on hillary. i mean social media in general (including gaf) is full of people trashing her using the same talking points as sanders (even when untrue). it creates a fervor that masks their heavy similarities and blows up their few differences. nothing wrong with having the objective to win sure, but he should be careful about playing right into the gop's hands with infighting

Bernie is a big picture guy. I'd be very disappointed if he thought petty attacks with the help of the GOP was the best way to push this country forward.

The media has tried several times to get Bernie to lash out and more often than not they have failed. I don't think he's used the "Do whatever it takes to win" approach and I'm not convinced he will start here.


Exactly, Bernie was Democrat in name only

Yes because only a democrat can get the country on track. This line of closed-minded thinking is what our terrible two party system with our limited choice of shit candidates has reduced us to.


Sanders making an effort to increase dialogue across party lines, and at a higher level of political discourse than the mud slinging we usually get, is one of his most respectable attributes as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry but "the party" is more important than things like honesty or discourse.
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