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Fox News to Host Live Event With Bernie Sanders. Hillary Too

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Who is stopping Hilary from going there and defending herself? If Hilary had any balls she would take Fox News on and destroy them on live t.v on their own network while defending herself.

And I say this as a Hilary supporter. I dont care what she has going on in u.k, it can wait a day or two.

Hillary isn't going because Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party, and going on their show would just be rewarding their behavior. There's a reason why the DNC didn't schedule anything with Fox News and the GOP scheduled three debates with them.


He's just speaking to Fox, which isn't some earth shattering thing here. He made a point early on that he would try to speak to more traditionally hostile venues for Democrats to reach out (e.f., Liberty Universitt) and that's just part of that.

He'll likely be critical of Clinton if prompted (and more so of the Republican front runners), but he's not going to do anything crazy up there. He knows the electoral odds at this point, but there's no harm in going on there. It's not like Ted Cruz fans are going to start volunteering for Sanders or anything.
I really want to know what people who are angry about this think is going to happen.

Is Fox going to ask Bernie negative questions about Hillary? Maybe.

Is Bernie going to say negative things about Hillary? Maybe.

Is he going to say anything he hasn't already said in press conferences or stump speeches? No. Why would he?

So I don't see how this matters at all. Who cares?

Yeah, I agree. I overreacted earlier, but it doesn't really seem like there's any reason to be concerned about this.
Being out of the US isn't necessarily a bad thing, but some people aren't too fond of the big, expensive fundraising events and missing out on opportunities to get in front of voters so you can hop across the ocean and make some cash might be bad optics or whatever to some.

Also, I imagine the fundraiser is for money. That seems to be the purpose of most of them.
She can go across the ocean because she's a former US secretary of state, just like Albright. Maybe the fundraiser is for battered spouses or something? I'm just surprised at the vitriol towards anything she does. Its automatically corporatist garbage. Like, we're no different than teabaggers right now.


You mentioning these things is a problem because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about but spout some half-assed, half-informed, and I'm assuming half-baked rhetoric you got from someone else.

Do any Bernie Bros. actually know what free trade deals accomplish, other than "stealing American jobs"?

They plant the seed for globaization in countries oftentimes isolated from the rest of the world. The single strongest tool for the spread of democracy and human rights worldwide is the internet. Continuing to support an isolationist trade agenda to theoretically protect U.S. jobs (when that has dubious evidence to support it) at the expense of getting U.S. products that expand global awareness in these countries is borderline fucking immoral.

Do you know the single biggest concern foreign countries have when negotiating trade deals with the U.S. is? The impact opening up their markets to U.S. agriculture would have. World hunger is a problem right? The only way you combat it in many of the world's developing nations is through a free trade deal that introduces U.S. agriculture to their market.

How do you expect the next generation in these countries to be more progressive and globally aware if we won't open the pathways for exchange? The price for that is free trade deals.

For a group who love to fantasize about the post-industrial economy and basic income shouldn't the end result of free trade deals (rushing the U.S. to a post-industrial economy requiring some form of basic income) be the ideal, especially since it improves the economy of 3rd world nations?

But lets just keep that narrative going because the full ramifications and value of free trade deals are hard to understand and union bosses tell you they're bad, so they've got to be.

Trade Agreements need to address the following problems - because currently:

- Give little legal protections to people looking to unionize or individuals wronged by corporations
- Prioritize monetary capital that in-large benefits a few rather than actual wealth accumulating in the communities where that wealth is acquired and created
- Currently allows companies to sue governments for passing legislation aimed to better communities, work conditions, environmental condition and a host of other legislation that hurts corporate bottom lines.
- Legalized Slave Labor and ensures modern slavery continues until automation becomes cheaper.
- Expanded inhumane work conditions
- Spread the illegal child labor and human trafficking
- No legal oversight for corporations polluting the environment and actual governments getting sued when trying to enforce environmental policies

Personally from a humanitarian stand point I could never support any Trade Deal. To some people it's not just about jobs lost, job loss is a natural process and will continue to expand as a problem as more and more jobs will be eventually lost to automation.

Your definition of trade deals to me is frightening, because you seem to think your Trade deals are spreading democracy and human rights. Frankly the level absurdity in your argument is scary. There is no democracy or human rights in China - there is democracy and human rights where there is wealth and freedom to information. Where fear is not a daily occurrence and where wealth allows you to support your family while not working in inhumane working conditions.

Why do 3rd World countries have a population problem and are incapable of feeding their citizens. Lets see most were colonized and wealthy caucasians own all the main resources in some places, they privatized all their industry and sold it off the massive international commemorates that now write their laws or they have an oppressive regimes that accumulates all the wealth. Trade deals have done nothing to address these problems because they are not designed to. What they are designed to do is to accumulate more money for their share holders and owners. If we wanted to - we could solve World Hunger and a large portion of diseases that plague the 3rd World, we could pressure oppressive regimes to hold democratic elections with UN oversight, we could actually get corporations to have a higher standard that enables people across the World to live a better live and they would still accumulate a lot of money.

Most of the advances being made are not due to some Trade deals, it's simply because we as an organism are capable of spreading information across the World much faster than ever before. With the invent of all the technological expansions occurring right now - have you ever though that any kid growing up having access to a lot of this new technology and information they are able to discover democracy and human rights on their own. If the community this kid lives in isn't war torn, or under and oppressive regime, or being poisoned by some corporate conglomerate that gives no shit about any individual who doesn't effect the bottom line.

Really there are some posts on this forum that infuriate me but you are on another level


Passion can be great but I disagree, people shouldn't be worse than sports fans in the context of political discussions otherwise we might as well re-watch the infamous GOP debate/roasts. No harm, no foul with Sanders going to the away field @ Fox News, if anything he'll mock or just ignore any attacks vs the Democrats


Now that I think about it, this is probably a thing just to try and hurt Hillary.

Fox wants her to lose, I'm sure Sanders does also. Win/win I guess.


Now that I think about it, this is probably a thing just to try and hurt Hillary.

Fox wants her to lose, I'm sure Sanders does also. Win/win I guess.

It would be really strange if Bernie wanted Hillary to win the nomination he's spent the last year campaigning for.

He stated pretty clearly that his purpose wasn't to move his opponent to the left but to win, I dunno where this concern is coming from all of a sudden that if he tries too hard, he hurts her chances. That's kind of the entire point.


Rodent Whores
When people give a wild variety of reasons for why something is happening, (in this case, why Bernie is going to have a town hall on FOX) that's usually a sign that most of you are wrong.
It would be really strange if Bernie wanted Hillary to win the nomination he's spent the last year campaigning for.

He stated pretty clearly that his purpose wasn't to move his opponent to the left but to win, I dunno where this concern is coming from all of a sudden that if he tries too hard, he hurts her chances. That's kind of the entire point.
He probably means Bernie wants her to lose the general, which is beyond ridiculous. He's explicitly stated that everyone should vote Democrat, whoever the nominees are, to prevent further damage to the country.

Also, the nonsense about Bernie weakening Hillary for the general is strange to hear. The more she gets tested now, the more she can brush off Trump's furious attacks in the future. And you know he's going to go all out.
Fox guys are going to ask Bernie to talk about Hillary's emails, LOL
+they will ask Bernie`s opinion on Benghazzziiiii!!!

Bernie thinks that he will get to talk about his policies,
but we all know Fox wants him to dig the dirt on HRC and get him to bash her.

the audience will be filled with plants.

this will be a joke


He probably means Bernie wants her to lose the general, which is beyond ridiculous. He's explicitly stated that everyone should vote Democrat, whoever the nominees are, to prevent further damage to the party.

Also, the nonsense about Bernie weakening Hillary for the general is strange to hear. The more she gets tested now, the more she can brush off Trump's furious attacks in the future. And you know he's going to go all out.

Yeah, I'm not sure what attack Bernie could hit Hillary with that's supposed to be so damaging. "She supported NAFTA!" And? Trump will just say the same thing a million times worse.

People freaking out that Berniebros are literally going to flip the election to Trump are massively overestimating their power.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Sanders just needs more exposure really, so as long as he is prepared, it should only help him.

He hasnt been the best at answering right-wing framed questions in the past, so he should definitely prepare.

For example:
"big governement blah blah?" "big goverment you say? what about iraq war, and controlling women's bodies, deficit larger under bush, oil subsidies, wall street bailouts, etc, etc"?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He probably means Bernie wants her to lose the general, which is beyond ridiculous. He's explicitly stated that everyone should vote Democrat, whoever the nominees are, to prevent further damage to the party.

Also, the nonsense about Bernie weakening Hillary for the general is strange to hear. The more she gets tested now, the more she can brush off Trump's furious attacks in the future. And you know he's going to go all out.

Yeah, but keep in mind most of the attacks come from the left.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
How was this term even coined? Last I heard there are plenty of young women who are for Sanders.

Some people who might support Sanders were being mean on the internet and Bernie's only supporters are young, white, racist misogynistic males so... BernieBros.

Most people aren't passionate enough about politics. If more people were we wouldn't be in this situation.

The problem with "passion" in politics isn't that people have too much of it (I agree with you, there are very real stakes here that no one can afford to stand on the sidelines and miss), it's that that passion is too partisan. We're too focused as a whole on rooting for our preferred hue "winning" when there's only one United States of America. We've gotten too focused on securing Senate seats and Governorships to run up the tally for the Donkeys or the Elephants instead of, yanno, trying to do what's best for US (us). Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, Independents, we're all Americans at the end of the day. People who vote for Hilary, people who vote for Bernie Sanders, people who vote for Marco Rubio, people who vote for Donald Trump, you're all on the same "team" at the end of the day.

That's a mindset that runs up all the way up the ladder from your local party office to Capitol Hill and it is killing politics in this country.
I expect this to go well.

A) Bernie has shown himself very capable of addressing crowds that don't, at all, agree with him. He starts on common ground and uses that to segway into his political proposal. It works.

B) Fox is the GOP's mouthpiece. They want Sanders to be the nominee just like we want Trump to be the nominee. They won't try to pummel him. He'll be fine.


Welp isn't that an interesting development. Good to see another town hall from our presidential candidates, lol at earlier posts

The problem with "passion" in politics isn't that people have too much of it (I agree with you, there are very real stakes here that no one can afford to stand on the sidelines and miss), it's that that passion is too partisan. We're too focused as a whole on rooting for our preferred hue "winning" when there's only one United States of America. We've gotten too focused on securing Senate seats and Governorships to run up the tally for the Donkeys or the Elephants instead of, yanno, trying to do what's best for US (us). Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, Independents, we're all Americans at the end of the day. People who vote for Hilary, people who vote for Bernie Sanders, people who vote for Marco Rubio, people who vote for Donald Trump, you're all on the same "team" at the end of the day.

That's a mindset that runs up all the way up the ladder from your local party office to Capitol Hill and it is killing politics in this country.

Ain't that the truth.


I'll never fully understand the open contempt a lot of Gaf seems to have for Bernie.

Be it marginalizing his accomplishments, condescendingly speaking on his chances against Hil, or just flat out mocking...I just don't think it's warranted and it feels pretty damn toxic.


Gold Member
dumb question, could he potentially run as an independent? Perhaps announce that at this event?

/nvm just saw update above.


Looking forward to it. Hilgaf shitting on Bernie as usual.

Tamara Gitt: Tamara Gitt:
UPDATE: both @BernieSanders AND @HillaryClinton will take part in @FoxNews @SpecialReport Town Hall March 7th

What does Hilgaf have to say now?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Wait, now Hillary is attending too? She must be super desperate to sink Hillary's campaign! I can't believe she sold her soul to the evil Fox News Republican machine...



Looking forward to it. Hilgaf shitting on Bernie as usual.

What does Hilgaf have to say now?

It's still a damn shame, but clearly Hillary had to sign on since Bernie did, or risk FOX getting uninterrupted "Slander Hillary" time with Bernie, and being perceived as not fighting as hard for the vote leading into Tuesday.

Bernie led them both into a trap.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
It's still a damn shame, but clearly Hillary had to sign on since Bernie did, or risk FOX getting uninterrupted "Slander Hillary" time with Bernie, and being perceived as not fighting as hard for the vote leading into Tuesday.

Bernie led them both into a trap.

Lmao. You guys are crazy.
I'll never fully understand the open contempt a lot of Gaf seems to have for Bernie.

Be it marginalizing his accomplishments, condescendingly speaking on his chances against Hil, or just flat out mocking...I just don't think it's warranted and it feels pretty damn toxic.

I really was surprised to see so many Hillary supporters on GAF. I was disappointed to see so many of them that seemingly criticize Bernie at every turn. It's baffling and at times infuriating.
I'll never fully understand the open contempt a lot of Gaf seems to have for Bernie.

Be it marginalizing his accomplishments, condescendingly speaking on his chances against Hil, or just flat out mocking...I just don't think it's warranted and it feels pretty damn toxic.

You do realize this is neogaf, right?
Consider me...annoyed after this


This is literally Trump level rhetoric. This town hall might take a particular bent

What a bullshit tweet.

I live near Detroit. The problems stem from several issues, with free trade being near the bottom. Having an entire economy built on manufacturing cars, and having those in charge of that manufacturing be foolishly stubborn about reacting to approaching trends toward smaller and more fuel efficient cars was a bigger issue in crippling the city.

Add to that the string of terrible mayors (one of the most recent, Kwame Kilpatrick, is currently serving a 28 year prison sentence for fraud and racketeering), an entrenched and adversarial city council that absolutely refuses to budge on any issue that may make the mayor look good (and who are required to sign off on any plan of action the mayor may attempt to take), and you've got a clusterfuck that just won't unfuck itself.

Detroit's downfall has very little to do with what's happened in Washington DC. The city is rotting from the inside.

Edit: And let's not forget Governor Rick Snyder, the asshole in Lansing who is responsible for the Flint water crisis. His assigning of "emergency managers" to take over bankrupt cities has led to the cutting of essentials for these cities' budgets, such as paying to take care of schools so that they don't have rats roaming around, or mushrooms growing in the hallways, or gaping holes in the floor. No I'm not joking.



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